8 Yoga Mistakes Most Beginners Make- [That You Won’t Make Anymore]

8 Yoga Mistakes Most Beginners Make- [That You Won’t Make Anymore]

8 Yoga Mistakes Most Beginners Make

We would all like to be successful in our yoga exercises.
Every beginner would like to achieve his or her desired results. Some people
actually achieve their desired results while others fail to achieve them. This
can actually discourage you and make you feel frustrated. You need to know some
tips that can help you succeed in your yoga exercises. These ideas can help you
avoid making yoga mistakes. There is plenty of information on the internet
about yoga. However, this article will shed more light on the yoga mistakes
that you should avoid making.

Yoga can be done both at home and even in the workplace. However,
this requires you to create time for it. The following are some mistakes that
you should avoid when doing yoga:

1. Not Having a Clear Plan of What You Want to Achieve


Some people actually do yoga exercises due to peer pressure
and so on. This can be detrimental. You will note that your friends are doing
these exercises with a clear objective in mind. You should actually have a
clear plan of what you want to achieve before engaging in yoga exercises.
Starting yoga without any objective can make you waste a lot of time. You might
not even get the results that you would wish to get. You might even lose the motivation
to continue and so on. You should always have a clear goal that you want to achieve
so that you can remain motivated.

2. Forgetting to Breathe

It is advisable to keep on breathing in between these exercises
so that your body tissues can get the oxygen they need. This also reduces
fatigue and other problems. You should take deep breaths so that your brain and
body tissues can get maximum oxygen from time to time. Sometimes, you might lose
the focus of your breath. This can make you feel tired and eventual stop at the
middle of the session. Breathing helps prevent these problems.

3. Worrying What Others Will Say

Remember that we are all different. Some people will achieve
their results earlier than others. You should stick to your personal goals all
the time. You should give yourself more attention and achieve your set
objectives. Sometimes, you might be tempted to compare your weight results with
those of others. However, this can discourage you. You should be proud of
yourself and focus on achieving your personal goals.

4. Ignoring How You Feel

Your body matters a lot. You should not ignore how you feel.
Some people have ignored how they felt in the past and ended up having injuries.
You should pay more attention to your body during yoga exercises. If you feel tired,
you can take breaks and rest. Overworking your muscles can be detrimental. You
might not achieve the results that you want. You need to take breaks from time
to time so that your body can get revitalized. In addition, you should do exercises
that put a lot of strain on your muscles. If you are a beginner, you can start
with simple exercises and carry on with complex exercises with time.

5. Not Being Consistent


Yoga exercises usually require a lot of consistency in order
to achieve the desired goals. Some people usually do yoga for a few days and
then stop all of a sudden. This will not help you. You should have a program
that you will be following. You should stick to your schedule all the time. You
should ensure that you meet your set target all the time. Lack of consistency
can make you fail to meet your weight loss goals.

6. Viewing Yoga as Something to Be Mastered

There are people who have done yoga exercises in the past
and have become very successful. They lost weight successfully and even built
muscles. However, this might not be the case with everybody. You might see amazing
photos of these people on social media platforms. However, this does not mean
that you have to master yoga in order to achieve such goals. You just need to
enjoy doing it for your own benefit. You might not lose weight as those people but
you will definitely reduce some significant amount of body fat. Do not be a perfectionist.
Aim at meeting your targets and you will be a happy person.

7. Negative Self-Talk

You should be positive all the time. You should avoid
viewing yourself as a failure. You might have failed in the past but this does
not mean that your weight loss efforts will be futile. You should be optimistic
that you will lose weight successfully. You should not also accept negative comments
from our friends. You should be positive all the time. This can make yoga more enjoyable.
You should not allow your mind to have negative thoughts when doing yoga exercises.

8. Waiting to Be Flexible Enough in Order to Practice

Remember that some people actually start yoga when they are
above 100kgs.You should not wait until you are 70kgs so that you can start yoga.
You can actually start it at any time. At first, you might not be flexible
enough. However, with time, you might gain the flexibility that you want.
Waiting for your body to be flexible might not be a good idea. You might find yourself
adding more weight and eventually not being able to do simple exercises. You
should start yoga anytime soon. If your intention is to lose weight, you will
manage to reduce weight successfully.

It is advisable that you choose the right instructor so that
you can get the right guidance that you need. You should choose an instructor
that you are comfortable with. This instructor should be aware of the modern
yoga exercises. He should be patient with you so that you can lose weight successfully.
Doing these exercises on your own might be a good idea but you might not know
the right exercises to do. You need to have an instructor so that you can know
what needs to be done.

It is crucial that you have plenty of water with you so that
you can hydrate our body. Take yoga positively and be self-motivated to do
these exercises. Avoiding the above-mentioned yoga mistakes can help you achieve
your set goals.

7 Basic Yoga Poses For Any Beginner- [Easy Yoga]

7 Basic Yoga Poses For Any Beginner- [Easy Yoga]

7 Basic Yoga Poses For Any Beginner

Yoga is a wonderful and very beneficial activity that anyone can do. Basic yoga is extremely enjoyable and easy to learn. Learning basic yoga can
be a way to live a much healthier lifestyle, trim down your weight and end up feeling amazing on a daily basis! Who doesn’t want that, right? Here
are seven basic yoga poses for any beginner. These are highly recommended and will definitely get you into basic yoga without muscle strain or
complicated and more advanced poses.

1. Cat-cow stretches


Starting with some cat-cow stretches is a great way to start doing basic yoga while also stretching to prepare yourself for even more poses. To do
cat-cow stretches start on all fours with your back straightened out. Slowly let your spine and back become rounded as you breathe out. Allow your
head to lower down towards the floor as your back rounds and hold it for a few seconds. Next, moving into the cow stretch, begin inhaling as you
arch your back and allow your abs to become lower to the ground. Ensure that your neck stays in a line with your spine as you look up and pay
attention to breathing. Like in all of yoga, breathing is key. It’s recommended to do ten cat-cow stretches to really get you in the mood for our next

2. Downward Dog


Even if you haven’t done yoga before you’ve probably heard the term “downward dog” mentioned in popular culture or movies where someone
does yoga. It’s one of the easiest and most beneficial poses in basic yoga – and any beginner can learn it in no time. You do this pose in various
kinds of yoga, especially the vinyasa yoga form. In many cases, going into downward dog can be a bit of a “break” from harder poses. To do this
pose you just start on your hands and knees with your arms out in front of you and then breathe out while lifting your knees off the floor. Continue
pressing away from the floor while lifting the pelvis until you have basically formed a giant letter “V” with your body. Keep hands shoulder-width
apart and allow heels to rock down towards the floor. Breathe steadily and hold. Congratulations, you just did downward dog pose!

3. The Warrior

This pose is excellent for your leg muscles and mental clarity. Think of yourself as a yoga warrior, learning the ancient art of mastering your mind
and body. To do this basic yoga pose you stand with your feet set wide apart. Next, turn your right foot so that it’s at a square angle with the heel of
your left foot (offset by 90 degrees). Then bend your left knee 90 degrees and raise your hands to your shoulder height, one hand in front, one
behind. Look out over your fingers in the front and hold this for five consistent, long breaths in and out. Then switch the feet and which knee is
bent and do it on the other side. When you do this pose right you will look a lot like martial arts master Jet Li in a movie when he’s about to
fight someone. You should be calm, serene and firmly in place.

4. The Triangle


The triangle is a wonderful pose that will improve your balance, stretch out your legs and really stretch and provide amazing benefits to your back.
It’s also quite simple to do. All you do to complete this basic yoga pose is to stand with your feet set wide apart and turn your right foot 90 degrees
offset from the heel of your left foot, like the warrior pose. Reach out your arms at shoulder level then slowly reach down to your front leg as far as
you can without pain. Hold your top arm up vertically and follow it with your gaze. Hold the triangle for five long breaths in and out.

5. Tree

Just like how trees are healthy for our environment, the tree pose is healthy for your body. This is another iconic basic yoga pose you may have
seen in movies or heard about even if you haven’t done yoga before. To do it requires some skill, but once you master the tree you will feel an
increasing sense of balance and inner calm and focus. To do it you stand on one leg and bend your knee to then place your other foot on your inner
thigh just around the knee. Put your hands together in front like you are praying, with the palms facing one another. Look out in front of you
steadily while holding this pose for 10 deep breaths, then do it for the other side.

6. Bound Angle


Bound angle is a basic yoga pose that is great for your mental clarity and calm as well as a comprehensive workout and stretches for your inner
thighs, groin and legs. In order to do it just sit on the floor with your knees bent and your feet touching each other at the soles. Next, allow your
knees to splay to the sides, grasp under your feet with your hands, forming a hammock for them and hold the pose. If your upper thighs are tighter
and less pliable it may be hard to lower your legs all the way to the sides and they may form more of a quadrangle in front of you, which is also
OK. As you continue doing the bound angle pose you will improve on a regular basis.

7. Pigeon Pose


In addition to being those cute birds you see old men feeding at the park, pigeons form the basic idea of this pose. In order to do pigeon pose, start
by doing a plan with your hands right under your shoulders and straight, extended legs. Next, move your left knee as close as you can behind your
left arm and move your left foot back behind your right arm. Then, lower your hips to the floor. Put pressure into your hands and sit back, then
lower down to stretch out into a child’s pose. Do it again with the right leg. This is an amazing pose for opening up your chest and breathing and it
will teach you the value and benefits of sticking to something despite some initial challenge and seeing its many benefits.

As you do these seven basic yoga poses you’re sure to start noticing the health
benefits as well as increased mental clarity and improved moods. Wishing you
the best of success in your endeavors as you embark on your yoga journey!

15 Minute Yoga Weight Loss Exercises- [Yoga for Life]

15 Minute Yoga Weight Loss Exercises- [Yoga for Life]

Yoga Weight Loss Exercises

Yoga weight loss exercises are a great way to burn stubborn belly fat and reaching your fitness goals. Most people would like to look fit all the time. However,
most of them tend to be overweight. You will note that most of them usually
have excess body fat. This can be detrimental. Too much body fat can lead to
lifestyle diseases. Some of these diseases include heart-related diseases,
stroke and so on. Your lifestyle can lead to this problems.

This is the reason why there is a lot of emphasis on taking healthy diets and practicing yoga weight
loss exercises. You need to create time for exercises every day. You can opt to
be doing some yoga early in the morning or even after leaving your workplace.
This play a major role in helping you lose weight. There are some yoga exercises
that you should consider today. These exercises will not take too much of your time.
You just need 15 minutes to do them. You can comfortably do them from the
comfort of your home. These include:

1. Stand Half Forward Bend


You will note that this exercise usually stretches your
hamstrings preps. This actually prepares your body for other exercises. All you
need to do is to stand on your feet. You should ensure that your feet are apart
and then bend down. It is important that you put more concentration on your
hips. Avoid bending your spine. It should always be straight. You can readily
then reach the floor. However, some people are not capable of reaching the floor
properly. In this case, they can slightly bend their knees and utilize some
yoga blocks.

2. Head-To-Knee Forward Bend

This exercise is easy. You can readily do it while sitting
on the floor. If you have a carpet, you can sit on it. It is more comfortable.
Ensure that all your legs are straight. You can then try to lean on your inner
right thigh. Your left knee should be leaning on the floor. Some people might
not feel comfortable when doing this exercise. In this case, you can place a
soft cloth under the left knee. Your spine should not bend. It should remain straight.
If you are not able to reach your feet using your left hand, you can consider
using a yoga strap. If you consider using this strap, you should not bend your

3. Plank


Building core strength is very important. In this case, you
need to do this exercise. If you are not used to this, you might find to be a
bit strenuous. However, with time, you will get used to it. During this exercise,
you need to place your hands below the shoulders. Your toes should be on the
ground and then try to make your glutes to tighten for more flexibility. You
should put more concentration on the core muscles. Your neck and spine should
be in line.

4. Press Ups

This is another exercise that can help you reduce your weight.
You just need to have enough space in your house where you can lay down with
your toes and hands on the floor. You can then move up and down slowly. If you
are new to this, you might find it to be more strenuous. However, with time,
you will get used to it.

5. Cat or Cow Pose


This is one of the best exercises that you should try after
waking up. It is normally very ideal after waking up. You should knee and place
your hands on the floor. Your position should resemble that of an animal. This
is the reason why it is called cow or cat. Once you are on your fours, you can
then inhale in and out from time to time. Once you inhale in, your belly should
go down. However, once you exhale, your belly should move up. You should do
this for several minutes.

6. Squatting

This is another easy exercise that you can engage in. You
just need to stand up and then lower your body slowly. Your knees should be in
front of you. However, you should avoid sitting down. You should move up and
down while spreading your hands. You can do this repeatedly and you will manage
to reduce your body weight.

Once can lose weight through yoga exercises. However, you
need to know a number of things. These include:

1. Do Not Compete Yourself With Others

You will note that some people might achieve their desired
results earlier than you. Some of them have been doing it for many years. However,
if you are a beginner, you might experience muscle aches and so on. You should
not compare yourself with others. You should do yoga according to your ability.
With time, you might manage to do several exercises with a lot of ease.

2. Take Breaks

Some people tend to overdo yoga exercises. This can make
your muscles to start aching. You should take breaks so that your body can rest
and get revitalized. You should have a working schedule so that you can know
when you engage in yoga exercises and so on.

3. Be Hydrated

It is normal to sweat during yoga. This is the reason why
you need to drink plenty of water all the time. You should ensure that you have
some drinking water with you so that you can hydrate your body. You should
drink water before and after the yoga session.

4. Be Consistent

Everyone would like to achieve his or her desired results.
In this case, you need to be consistent. You should stick to your schedule so
that you can achieve the results that you want.

The above-mentioned exercises can help you lose weight. You
should consider the exercises mentioned above and you will enjoy the results. It
is important that you keep a track record of your progress so that you can know
where to improve. Have a personal discipline and have targets that you want to achieve
after a certain number of days. You also need to take a healthy diet so that
you can achieve the intended results. These above-mentioned tips can also help
you achieve your desired results.

15- Minute Yoga Exercises For Beginners- [Good Morning Yoga!]

15- Minute Yoga Exercises For Beginners- [Good Morning Yoga!]

15- Minute Yoga Exercises For Beginners

Yoga has been with us for thousands of years, and how it can still be seen as a trend until now is indeed remarkable! As it has been practiced for such a long period of time, it managed to keep on evolving at such a constant pace. For that fact, the commonly used forms of Yoga these days-which commonly involves comfortable cushy mats, stretch pants and plenty of movements – are practically new. These developments do not tend to vitiate the traditional physical focuses (asanas) of Yoga. Indeed, physical yoga will, at the very least develop strong, flexible bodies, best outcomes still results from a yoga practice that is more than physical. It involves calmness while keeping an open mind to ensure optimal relaxation. And like any other things, this practice should also start with the basic. And so, Yoga exercises for beginners should start with these 5 basic poses.

Wide Leg Forward Fold or Prasarita Padottanasana


For beginners who have tight hamstrings, this form may give a little frustration at first. This pose can be done in different versions, but do not assume that this
should involve hands or head-on-the-floor forms right away. Experiencing the apparent happenings to your body, as the practice goes on, is more important
than getting to a particular place or form at fast instances.

Getting into the proper form:

With hands on your hips, stand with feet wide open on your mat. Shoulder blades should be together, down on your back and your neck long. Feet should be
kept parallel at all times.

With your eyes closed, try to picture your feet as a tripod – with one point at your heel, another point at the pad under your big toe and the last one under your
little toe. Root all of these three points down into the ground.

Inhale deeply and visualize that you are pulling the roots from the point you’ve found under your toes unto your hips. This can likely activate the muscles in
your legs and help you to create a good alignment.

Exhale, while keeping your back straight, fold your body forward at your hips.

If you can manage, bring your hands all the way to the ground. Do this while you are keeping your spine extended.

If you are not capable of reaching the ground just yet, bend your knees with your hands placed on your thighs.

While you are maintaining this pose, a few goals must be realized.

Your spine must be kept long or extended at all times – this promotes better back alignment and strength which can help prevent lower back injury.

The tripods planted on the ground should be maintained. The strength posed in this particular form must promote come from these points – this promotes feet
strength, better leg alignment that can prevent injuries and keeps you active while in the pose.


Downward Dog


This is hailed as the most common form of Yoga. But, this could be far more challenging than what anyone may expect from it. This is also a form that
stretches your hamstrings. This can also be a calf, spine and arm strengthener.

You’ll be making use of your whole body, so you should get into it deliberately.

Stand with your feet parallel and a hip distance on your mat.

Just like the former for, plant the tripod once again.

Inhale and raise your hand to the sky.

Exhale. Fold your hips forward until you are able to place your hands on the ground, and if necessary band your knees.

Take a step back so that you will be able to form an upside-down shape of a V. (This is the basic pose.)


It is vital that you have a long and straight spin than your knees to be straight. Thus, extending your spine is your priority, so it is fine to have your knees bent.

With the shape of the spine extended, stretch your legs as much as you are able to.

Root your heels to the ground as far as it can go and do not push them. They’ll get there.

Your fingertips and pads at your fingers base should be planted firmly on to the ground. This can likely take the pressure off of your wrist while protecting

Remember that everything should be aligned.

Feet should be kept parallel, and your hands should be in line with your shoulder.


Crescent Pose


Crescent pose is the most preferred starting form in most yoga classes. Either practiced for flows or before getting into other more complex forms or poses. A
forward standing lunge with arms extended overhead is the basic form of the crescent pose.

Getting the right form:

From a forward bend, step your right leg backward, folding into your left leg for some period of time.

Take your time in stabilizing your lunge. Make sure that both of your feet are firmly planted, your legs are strong and with your back extended.

If preferred, you can release your back knee to the ground. Inhale and place your hand on your front knee while lifting your body up.

If the formation feels good, in the next inhale, try raising your arms overhead, straight up from your shoulder with palm facing in.

To add a back end, lift your heart up and then draw your shoulder blades down on your back. If ever the standing lunge is somehow difficult, lower the back of
your knee to the ground when you take the first step of your leg back for the lunge.

Warrior II


Warrior poses can be seen a staple in yoga. And Warrior II can possibly be one of the most prevalent of the variations. Officially, there are three standing
warrior poses, lots of variations have been made and more sets of seated poses are also existent. How to get into the proper pose:

From your forward fold, take a step back with your right leg into a long lunge.

While turning sideways, twist your back foot so it is flat on the floor and parallel with your mat. Be sure that both of your feet are firmly planted to the grounds.

Inhale while drawing strength from your legs for a firm foundation.

Extend your arms outward on to your sides while you lift your upper body upright in order for them to be parallel with the ground.

Look beyond your middle finger in front of you and breathe deeply.


A firm foundation is a key to being a strong warrior. Keep those feet deeply rooted into the ground while drawing strength up to your hips. This can help you
align your pose properly to give you stability while into it.

Back shoulder should be pulled down and back. There can be a tendency of your shoulder rolling forward, let it.

Extend your arms all the way to your fingertips. Warrior does not have arms that flop.

The gaze you must commit to is a vital part of the pose and not an easy one too. It can be difficult for us to keep our eyes gazing fixedly in one place without
getting it distracted and not letting it wander around. You need the focus that a warrior should have when it is aiming at its prey, breathing in that same spot.

Child’s Pose or Balasana


A child’s pose is another type of yoga pose for beginners. This can be a phase where you can be able to take a rest or the time to cool down. During a yoga
class, you will be encouraged to take this pose if you ever decided to take a break. This works as a break pose in a class, whether necessary or part of the

Getting into it:

Do a kneeling position, then bend forward. Reach your arms out in front of you until your forehead is able to touch the ground.

If you find it hard to kneel down, you can place a block or a rolled up blanket above your calves or where you prefer, or a blanket underneath your knees.

If planting your forward on to the mat is frustrating, your hands can serve as a block support.

Relax your entire body and then focus on your breath. This form is not a working pose, it is a resting pose. So, if you ever feel exasperating, you have to adjust
the pose.

All these yoga poses exercises for beginners can be done every morning and one can take around 15 minutes for the exercise of their choice.

8 Relaxing Yoga Poses- [To Help You Fall Asleep]

8 Relaxing Yoga Poses- [To Help You Fall Asleep]

8 Relaxing Yoga Poses

These 8 yoga poses will definitely make your body feel more relaxed.

Insomnia can be managed or cured with a doctor’s assistance. Some people receive prescription medications to help them sleep. In many cases, the first
approach to managing insomnia is based on changing behaviors to facilitate optimum sleeping patterns.

Good sleep hygiene includes:

• Going to bed at the same time
• Waking up at the same time
• Establishing a bedtime routine
• Turning off and disengaging from electronics at least an hour before bed (including the television)
• Keep the room as dark as possible (no bright LED lights)

Exercise in the morning before starting daily activities or at night at least six hours prior to bedtime helps people sleep. The exact reason exercise supports sleep
remains unclear. Several factors may contribute to this effect.

The accompanying rise and fall in body temperature may encourage better sleep. The endorphins released during exercise may alleviate stress and anxiety
induced insomnia. People meeting the guideline of 150 minutes or more of moderate to vigorous exercise as recommended in Physical Activity Guidelines for
Americans, a Department of Health and Human Services publication, see the most sleep benefits.

Yoga As A Sleep Aid

Using yoga poses as a sleep aid offers many positive benefits:

• It can be done at home and away from home.
• It does not require special equipment.
• A wide range of fitness levels can perform these exercises.
• A yoga practice effectively relieves insomnia, because it:

Stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system which activates the relaxation response, the opposite of the fight or flight response activated by stress. It encourages the mind to be still, ending racing thoughts and ruminating which can affect sleep

8 Relaxing Yoga Poses to Help You Fall Asleep

The following yoga poses assist with soothing away mental and physical tension. They should be done as part of your bedtime routine. They relax the hips and
lower back as well as the shoulders and upper back, areas which tend to accumulate tension during the day. Breathe slowly and deeply holding each pose for
five to seven breaths. A breath is one inhale and one exhale.

1. Sukhasana Easy Pose


Sit comfortably with the knees bent and the ankles resting on the floor in front of you. Rest the hands on the knees and bring your attention to your breath.

2. Forward Fold

Extend both legs in front of you and reach your feet. Your hands do not have to reach your feet.Only bend forward, from the hips, as far as you are able to do so without rounding the back.

3. Reclining Twists


Lay back and bend the knees with the soles of the feet remaining on the floor in line with the hips. Allow the knees to touch without moving your feet. Extend
the arms to either side of the body to form a T-shape.Drop the knees to one side while turning the head in the opposite direction.Bring the head and knees back
to center then twist to the opposite side. Alternate twisting from side to side for three to five rounds.Legs up a wall. Take a seat near an open wall. Place one of
your hips close to the wall then turn them up against the wall and lay back. Rest here for five to 10 breaths or up to 10 minutes.

4. Corpse Pose

Lay down on your yoga mat with legs extended and arms resting alongside the body palms facing up.Remain here for 10 minutes. The stress relief aspects of
exercise are amplified by the yoga poses approach to movement. Yoga provides an ideal means to experience the physical gains offered by moderate exercise as well as
the mental benefits of the breathing exercises and meditative quality of the practice. Each pose is performed mindfully with the breath aligned to each movement. It brings a meditative quality to the “exercise” and in turn meditation’s benefits: stress relief and a state of relaxation.

5. Climb the Wall


To perform this yoga exercise, you have to lye on to the floor with your thighs positioning against the wall. If you move as close to the wall with underneath,
the easier it is to do this stretch.After executing the wall structure exercise, you go into a wide open space, so that you can loosen up easily. This creates helpful
to getting rid of annoying kinks again. Lye directly on your back and slowly pull your legs in the up route toward your breasts, or even to the scope that you can
reach without getting prickly. Then hug your feet and move the body from still left to right without moving the head.

6. Reclined Tree Pose

To execute this yoga exercises poses lye on your rear, then loosen up legs out contentedly. Make your single of one ft . to congregate the inner side of the
contrary leg. You exclusive might rest on the inner thigh, leg or calf. It is a very calming pose.

7. Reclined Cobbler’s Present

This is one of the most soothing yoga poses out there which is perfect for individuals who experience hip problems. You should lay flat on your back in a comfortable position and soothingly expand your lower limbs out in front of you. Slowly get the bottoms of your ft along, allowing your keens to show up carefully to your factors. You should keep the hands by your sides.

8. Child’s Pose


The child’s pose is one of the very most calming yoga poses exercise since it imitates one of the natural poses which children often do. Kneel down on to
the floor, keeping some smooth cushion or any material underneath anyone to keep you laid back. Then sit get back in normal position again on your legs and
feet. Broaden your hips slowly to permit your torso to have the closed position to the ground as you bow with legs used to your chest. Breathe usually and
continue doing this one as often as is comfortable.

Different types of yoga poses provide different types of effects on the body. Some energize and invigorate while others calm and center the body. In order to
relieve insomnia, the selected poses need to focus on instilling a sense of calm and relaxation.

Yoga for Beginners – 8 Simple Tips  [Everything You Need To Know]

Yoga for Beginners – 8 Simple Tips [Everything You Need To Know]

Yoga for Beginners 8 Simple Tips

Yoga for beginners is just a good practice which is centered on breath control, meditating, controlling the body, among other things. Though it might be somehow intimidating to begin, this is a healthy way of nourishing the mind, soul as well as the body. For most individuals, a normal yoga practice might be a hard thing to start. Our article talks about yoga for beginners – 8 simple important tips you should know and below are some of those tips:

1. Create a spot that is comfortable for the yoga practice

In case there is an extra room which you are ready to devote to your yoga, it is great. When you have the yoga mat being unrolled & out every other time is definitely inviting. Most individuals, however, prefer being much flexible & create some space once they need to practice. Get somewhere peaceful & quiet having enough space. Some empty wall piece might be handy also due to the fact that the wall becomes a good prop. In case you wish, it might be good & also helpful to have some good atmosphere with an incense stick or even a candle. Just be creative & get onto the mat. Create a comfortable space where you can enjoy the practice.

2. Get the yoga accessories


All that is you require is simply a yoga mat, a non-slip one is the best. The market for yoga mats is very huge but it could be worth to pay a little bit more in order to get a quality mat which will suit your needs & still last for a longer period of time. Blocks are usually a great addition though they might be replaced with things such as books & some other household items. A bolster can similarly be nice, but also a pillow stack & blankets can be used too.

Accessories & even the yoga mat are not necessarily prerequisite for practice: there are places where there are no yoga mats. You can still find a carpet where you can practice on. You should not have any excuses, all that you require is creativity.

3. Stay safe and avoid injury

This is among those tips that have no shortcuts. You should at all times watch the boundaries set for you & particularly be careful about those parts of your body that are vulnerable. These areas include the knees, neck, hips and the spine. In case you get some painful sensations, just adjust or even get out of your pose if at all it is possible. You should not force or even push.

Warm up the body well prior attempting some more advanced stretches, & keep checking in whether it feels well to be in such a pose. You should specifically be careful during the transitions between various poses or once you move in and out of a certain pose. This is because such moments can cause potential injury risk since we focus little on our alignment.

4. Select the yoga style or routine

Choose a style, certain use, a preferred duration for the class and a teacher. Search for a title which speaks directly to you & go for it. The manner in which you make your class fit for you is definitely practicing with complete awareness and with less resistance as you can. In case there exists some part which you don’t enjoy, just breathe through that part & observe what your reaction is. Remember that the manner in which you react on your mat reflects how you act in real life. In your life, you are also going to come across some situations that you do not enjoy & opt not to adjust or where you even become unable to adjust.

5. Ensure that you relax in Savasana

It is of great importance to give the body some time where it can relax fully in Savasana right after the yoga for beginners practice. Your nervous system requires time for assimilating the benefits that it has already gained as you were practicing. You might otherwise have a wired feeling after the yoga practice, particularly after some intense yoga lesson.

6. Practice yoga often


Practicing yoga even once in every week is of much benefit. Thrice a week is good, when done every day it becomes even better. It depends on whatever is going to work for you. In case you want to accomplish your goals, then it’s a good idea to set some goal where you can practice thrice a week, being capable of doing it & feeling much proud about it, as opposed to setting a goal where you practice daily and yet you feel bad about it. A failure feeling normally makes one skip practices most of the times. Therefore, you should be always honest, set some realistic goals, & later do what is achievable. A ten-minute practice is a practice still & it definitely counts.

7. Avoid comparing yourself to other people.

This can appear like a no-brainer at first, but it is certainly not. You have to constantly re-arrange yourself so that you can have all the focus on you & only you. What the yoga teacher who is in front of your class is doing has nothing to do with your life in whatever manner. He or she might fold in half just as a pretzel & later stand up on his or her hands. Enjoy those moments which you have as you progress. The point that you are currently is very crucial. It is the beginning of a good practice.

8. Enjoy the practice.

Avoid overdoing anything; in case you feel that you aren’t enjoying the yoga for beginners practice, you are definitely not going to keep it up. It is supposed to be a thing that you always appreciate doing. You can maybe attempt some other yoga styles or even change your teacher in case you feel as if yoga has started being a chore.


In case you can easily practice yoga thrice or even more every week, you are likely going to see some improvements in terms of flexibility, strength, quality of sleep, & the general well being. Everyone’s body is different, therefore this is definitely relative. Doing a starter yoga for beginners practice once or even twice every week is going to help you in maintaining things just as they appear, while you see some minor improvements with time. Just like anything that is related to fitness, as you dedicate so much time to it, then the more benefits that you are going to enjoy.