10 ‘Healthy’ Foods that are Killing Your Diet
Are you one of the millions of people who workout like crazy but never seem to get the desired results? Well, we’re about to reveal to you some of the foods that might be hindering your progress. They seem innocent enough but are loaded with “diet killing” ingredients. Here are 10 ‘Healthy’ Foods that are Killing Your Diet:
1. Fruit juices

Sorry to tell you but fruit juices aren’t much better for you than soda. We’re talking loads of processed sugars, chemical sweeteners, and food coloring.
Even the natural fruit juices are too much for the body. A single orange is a full serving and all you need. To have a full glass of orange juice is overkill. In that glass, you’ll find 36 grams of carbohydrates sending your insulin levels skyrocketing out of control.
2. Processed Meats (hot dogs, patties, and sausage)
Bet this is a shocker! Do you know what hot dogs are made of? Think fat, and lots of it. The average wiener dog has 7 grams of yucky fat, and sausage contains 10. These are not lean meats so it is best to stay away.
3. Breakfast cereals
Tran’s fats, preservatives, sodium, and sugar. That’s what boxed cereals are for the most part. Any of those sound very helpful to you?
4. Marshmallows
Within a single teaspoon, you’ve got a whopping 60 calories from these fluffy innocent looking white sponges. They are mostly made with corn syrup and gelatin and have no positive nutritional value.
5. Deli Meats
Bologna has 7 grams of fat, and nearly all the luncheon meats you buy at the store are a mixture of a chemical soup of sugar, sodium, preservatives, fats, a little bit of meat, nitrites, and nitrates. It’s like asking for diseases and bad health.
6. Hydrogenated Oils
When it comes to the bad cholesterol foods list, you will have to always check for hydrogenated oils. Every time you eat something that has a package, be sure to check if it has hydrogenated oils and be sure to not eat it
7. Dried Coconut
It’s often found in desserts and candy bars and should definitely be avoided. These are found in most Asian dishes and they have about 57 grams of saturated fat. This is more than double what the average person will eat in a day.
8. Butter and Popcorn
As America’s favorite ingredient for their popcorn, this is probably the worst thing that you can eat when trying to lower your cholesterol. 100 grams of butter will have about 50 grams of saturated fat and just a tablespoon of butter can do some serious harm to your body.
9. Animal Fats
These are the meats that you eat in burgers, sausages, and fried foods. With about 100 grams of saturated fat per serving, it is a surprise that people still consistently eat these foods. Bacon is also on this list and it seems like people are eating more and more these days. Skip the bacon altogether.
10. Good saturated fats
Since there are bad saturated fats, there are actually some good forms of saturated fats. Here are some of the better choices when it comes to saturated fats.

Dark chocolate is full of antioxidants and will be your best source to get saturated fat. Though it might seem like great food to eat, always eat it in moderation. Different types of chocolates will have different amounts of saturated fats so be sure to read the nutritional facts. Remember that while the chocolate itself is very good for you, all the refined sugar it has is very bad for you and will cause your cholesterol to rise. For most people, this will be significantly more calories and less exercise than what a diet plan is designed to cover.
By immediately cutting your food consumption, your body will respond by thinking it is being attacked or under duress. In this situation, the fat stores that have been built up over time become more valuable, as they may be needed for survival. The result is that less fat is “released” to be used as fuel for the body, and proper weight loss is severely delayed.
To optimize your diet plan, it is best to create a schedule that incorporates a methodical step-down approach to your targets. For example, reduce your food intake by a small portion each week instead of all at once and at the same time, increase your exercise intensity at measured intervals. This method gives your body much less of an opportunity to hoard the fat deposits and instead will allow them to be slowly burned off.
With your reduced food intake, you will normally need to supplement your diet to ensure you are receiving proper amounts of vitamins and nutrients. Fortunately, there is a supplement for virtually any diet plan readily available for very economical prices. A word of caution about supplements: be sure you fully understand what you are taking, and what the effects are before you start. Finally, you should always discuss with a medical professional before starting any diet program and/or taking supplements.
As you can see, this bad cholesterol foods list actually has some foods that can be good for your health as long as you eat them in moderation. Lots of leafy green vegetables are vital to achieving your goal. The other foods like butter and hydrogenated oils should be completely ignored and should not be a part of your diet. Analyze these bad foods and be sure that you are eating the right foods on a daily basis.
Commit To The Truth
So if you’re tired of carrying around all that excess fat try giving up these sneaky foods. You may be wonder then what you can eat that’s healthy. The answer is easier and tastier than you might think.
We’ve done all the research for you, with tips, tricks, recipes, and so much more by many successful bodybuilders, models, and exercise queens. Forget the get slim quick schemes and Hollywood’s latest diets. Learn the truth about what it takes to get the body you want.