Look – I know you’re probably sick of having that “muffin top” popping over the sides of your jeans.
In fact, I know you probably want to do something about it, but will you?
Instead of sitting around and saying that you’re going to get rid of your love handles finally, why not take action now?
You’ll not only save yourself time, but you’ll finally get that slim and sexy beach body you’ve desired for years!
If you’re tired of being overweight and want to take action, listen up –
Here are 11 Proven Ways to Lose Your Muffin Top that can help you jump start your weight loss so you can get rid of those love handles and welcome the newer, slimmer you!
1. Eat Foods That Destroy Fat

You only get what you put in.
If you put in a ton of unhealthy, high fat and high-calorie junk food, you’ll end up with a junky looking body.
Fuel your body with lean, clean and healthy food and the outcome will be a cleaner, trimmer and overall healthier body.
What kind of foods destroys fat?
Fruits, veggies, and foods that are high in fiber are just a few that can help get rid of love handles.
2. Don’t Let Your Fat Burning Furnace Slow Down
Your metabolism is crucial in burning fat.
It’s literally the fat burning furnace for your body!
To burn fat at an optimal rate, you need to make sure it’s constantly working itself, 24/7.
How can you keep your metabolism up high?
Break down your meals into smaller portions and eat them more frequently throughout the day.
Stay away from large meals and dinners that are exceptionally large.
3. Increase Your Cardio
Cardio is essential to add into an overall fat burning routine.
If you want any shot at losing some weight, you’ve got to put in a little work.
While some people may say that sit-ups and crunches are the way to get rid of love handles, cardio will help melt fat away from your frame like you wouldn’t believe!
4. Vegetable Oil + Water Instead of Milk
With a bit of tweaking, you can have brownies that are as good if not better than many stores bought or other brownie recipes.
Use cocoa instead of chocolate chips or baking chocolate.
The result is chewy, chocolate brownies without all of the fat from milk and butter.
Once you have got that down, you can move onto cakes and cookies!
5. Egg Whites Instead of Whole Eggs
It takes two egg whites to replace one whole egg and you lose the fatty, high cholesterol egg yolks altogether.
It’s just that easy to cut down on the cholesterol in your food.
6. Flax Seeds
Flax seeds are some of the easiest foods to add to any recipe and they are incredibly healthy for you as they are packed with antioxidants and fiber.
The easiest thing to do is to sprinkle flax seed in your smoothies or in your breakfast cereal.
But you can also add it to your baking by reducing the amount of flour used by 1/4 and replacing that with flax seeds.
This works particularly well for muffins and bread.
7. Start Exercising

The most effective technique to fight the flab would be to do regular physical exercise.
Cardiovascular exercise is ideal mainly because it works to burn calories quicker.
You do not need to start off by overexerting yourself either, take your time and develop a rhythm.
You can start a typical exercise routine by taking it slow at first and progressively increase the pace and duration of your workouts if you feel like you are ready.
8. Adding Fruits
Any cake can be made a bit healthier with the addition of fresh fruit.
Try fresh sliced strawberries on vanilla cake and raspberries on chocolate cakes.
Even bananas on peanut butter cake and go easy on the icing!
Instead, put down dabs of real whipped cream and place the fruit on top of them.
9. Applesauce
You can replace up to one half of the amount of oil called for in a recipe with apple sauce without damaging the texture of your baked goods.
Applesauce significantly cuts down on the number of fats you’ll be eating and doesn’t change the flavor or texture in any meaningful way.
10. Fat-Free Sour Cream
Fat-free sour cream is a godsend for health-conscious bakers.
It, of course, can be used to replace full thick sour cream in things like coffee cake, but it can also be used to replace butter.
A half cup of sour cream is the equivalent of a full cup of butter.
Less butter used means less fat taken in and less money spent on pounds of butter.
Keep a carton of sour cream in your fridge and experiment for yourself to find excellent baked goods without all the fat.
11. Get Control of Tension in your Life
Tension is really a major factor in overeating.
Sometimes the more tension you have in your life, the more overweight you can possibly become.
Being stressed out all of the time is no way to live your life.
There are lots of ways to enjoy your favorite desserts without killing your waistline.
It’s all a matter of doing a bit of replacing and letting yourself try deviating from the old recipes a bit.
Your weight loss goals will be stronger for it.
So have your cake and eat it too!
The simple truth is that everybody has to cope with stress.
Lots of people do not know or have the correct tools to cope, and often turn to bad habits to numb the pain and anxiety.
Accepting that you are not always in control of your life is really a start.
Ask for help from others who care about you, and develop a support system that will give you a healthy outlet to talk out your problems and difficulties.
Managing your breathing, and not reacting to the pressure is important and can help you manage your anxiety levels.
Discover how to let life’s small irritations go.
Simply do not respond, and use it as a method to breathe a lot more deeply and relax your mind.
Generate a new healthy mind and cultivate harmony by listening to music that relaxes you, meditating, and taking in the good in your life.
While these tips will get you started on your path to burning fat, you need to put it all together and have a solid plan to follow to melt fat away permanently!