Are you stuck in the dreaded weight-loss plateau?
In fact, you’ve probably done everything humanly possible.
But the scale just won’t budge.
However, don’t raise the white flag just yet.
Because there’re several hidden factors that could be messing with your weight-loss goals.
To help you out, here are the 12 reasons why you can’t lose weight.
1. Overeating healthy foods
We all know the benefits that come with eating healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables.
However, this shouldn’t be an excuse to overeat some of these foods.
Overeating nutritious foods like nuts, chocolate, and avocados can be a recipe for weight gain.
Some of these foods are rich in calories, therefore if overeaten the excess macro-nutrients can be stored as fats.
You can use a calorie calculator or calorie counters to help you keep track of your calorie consumption.
It’s recommended that you get 30% of your calorie consumption from proteins.
2. Hereditary genes
Hereditary genes passed down from parents can also play a major role in frustrating your weight-loss goals.
Thanks to something called epigenetic, negative lifestyle choices made by past generations can reflect in your DNA.
In short, it’s possible that your grandparent’s couch-potato ways or poor eating habits are taking a toll on you.
3. Getting little sleep

Recent scientific studies have proved that there’s a strong link between weight gain and lack of sleep.
A recent study conducted by Columbia University found out that you can increase your chances of being obese by an unimaginable 73% if you sleep for less than 4 hours every night.
Surprising, right?
Well, the study didn’t stop there because it also found out that you’re 23% more likely to be obese if you sleep for less than 6 hours a night.
In conclusion, lack of sleep can destabilize the regulation of hunger and fat hormones, leading to voracious appetite and increased fat cells.
4. Lack of enough whole-food diet
It’s an open secret that eating healthy foods can help regulate your appetite as well as improve your overall well-being.
That being said, make sure your diet is rich in whole foods instead of processed foods that can damage your weight loss success.
If you regularly eat whole foods, you’ll definitely feel more full compared to eating processed foods.
Don’t be fooled by the “healthy food” labels in most processed foods, because most of them aren’t really healthy.
5. Lack of enough protein diet

When it comes to losing weight, protein is actually one of the most important nutrients.
Eating proteins at 25% to 30% of calories can boost your metabolisms by at least 80-100 calories/day, hence greatly reducing your daily calorie intake.
Eating proteins can also reduce cravings and your snacking desires, thanks to its appetite-regulating hormones like ghrelin.
In fact, studies show that people who take high-protein breakfast have fewer cravings and feel less hungry throughout the day.
6. Not lifting weights
No doubt, exercising can play a major role in helping you achieve your weight loss goals.
However, resistance training like lifting weights can help you hit your targets much faster.
Strength training is known to prevent loss of muscle mass which is often associated with weight loss.
Lifting weights can also prevent metabolic slowdown, ensuring that you stay toned.
7. Not drinking enough water
In order to stay properly hydrated, drinking enough water is a must.
Although the 8×8 rule is somewhat dated, your body still needs enough water to carry out vital life processes.
That aside, drinking enough of this priceless commodity can also help with weight loss goals.
A recent study conducted by the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism found out that drinking more water can increase metabolism, with 500ml of water increasing metabolic rate by at least 30%.
8. Working a lot
Having an overwhelming schedule can lead to being stressed out.
And we all know that stress can have a negative effect on our weight loss objectives.
If you feel stressed, your body releases cortisol hormone, and this can directly affect fat storage leading to weight gain.
A study conducted by the University College London revealed that individuals with higher cortisol levels have a higher BMI and larger weight circumference.
9. Drinking too much alcohol

If you like alcohol but would like to lose weight, then we have some bad news for you.
Beer, wine, and other alcoholic beverages are known to be very high in calories.
In fact, alcohol itself has around 7 calories/gram, which is very high.
However, the good news is that moderate drinking is fine.
Also, mix your spirits such as vodka with zero-calorie beverages to be on the safe side.
All in all, heavy drinking can lead to weight gain.
10. Eating close to bedtime
Eating those late-night meals can impact negatively on your weight loss plans.
This may raise your overall body temperature, insulin, and blood sugar, making it difficult for your body to burn fat.
The best thing to do is to eat dinner at least three hours before bedtime.
Also, try to avoid snacking unhealthy foods such as potato chips and ice creams after supper.
This can greatly increase your calorie intake.
11. Problems with overall health
There’re several medical conditions that can make it tougher for you to slim down.
Medical conditions such as bulimia (eating disorder), heart disease, hormonal disorders, or sleep disorders such as sleep apnea can deal a big blow to your weight loss efforts.
Another thing that could be hindering your weight loss success is some medications you might be on.
For instance, drugs for the following conditions might prevent you from losing weight:
• Allergies
• Diabetes
• Epilepsy
• High blood pressure
• Schizophrenia
• Bipolar disorder
• Depression
So if you’re experiencing one of these conditions, it’s wise to talk to your doctor, because he/she might prescribe a different type of medication.
12. Having unrealistic expectations
Most people often have unrealistic expectations, especially with their weight loss goals.
During the first phase of your weight loss regimen, it’s possible that you’ll lose weight fast, but maintaining the same rate every week can become a problem.
The truth is that we all can’t be like professional bodybuilders and fitness models we see on those magazine covers.
In fact, most of these photos are enhanced, so it might be time for you to accept yourself the way you are if you’ve already lost some weight.
The summing up
All said and done, achieving your weight loss goals is no mean feat, with numerous factors bringing you to a standstill.
First forward, it’s important to be mindful of your calorie intake, by making sure that your intake is always less than your expenditure.
In the end, however, your dedication, resilience, self-discipline, and perseverance will determine the result.