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If you do not want to spend your life dreaming about losing your belly , losing your legs and burning fat , you should try some infallible yoga postures to lose weight.

This discipline that everyone associates with peace of mind, also manages to make us lose gut, eliminate extra kilos and reduce measures. It’s all about practicing correctly and planning with a good exercise routine.

Of course it can also be combined with a balanced diet, so that the change is faster and healthier. Surely you will ask how long you could see results and the truth is that in a week it would be possible, if you fulfill everything at face value.

Know the benefits of yoga to lose weight

There are different positions that are adopted when practicing yoga and that become perfect exercises to lose weight. Contrary to what we often do in the gym, which we jump and jump, doing cardio and effort in the machines or aerobics, yoga suggests passive and calm exercises .

Just for that reason, stress is released and a state of peace is reached that is much safer for the muscles and joints. Those typical impacts on the knees and tears from lifting a lot of weight do not occur with this practice.

Even to flip, get to that calm that makes you lose abdominal fat and tone the body, also calms the anxiety. If there is no anxiety, there are no pecking. If there are no pecking, there are no extra kilos. Do you see that yoga is cool?

The 12 best yoga postures to lose weight


Most of these positions are called “Asanas” and these are stretches that stimulate muscles, circulation and breathing. Although you doubt it, more than one of these poses can put you to sweat and reduce the abdomen and that small overweight that you bring over. Especially if you manage to keep them at least for 15 to 20 seconds, which is recommended. Later you could take them to a minute.

The great advantage is that these positions can be done with or without your instructor in class. If you learn them well, you can practice them quietly at home and they will be equally effective. Oh! … and free, huh?

If you are a beginner and do not have an instructor, it is not a bad idea to opt for some of those videos with slimming yoga routines. Many also include some Pilates exercises , which can also help you.

But if this does not need you, because you already have some notions of the discipline, you can guide yourself with an exercise table that includes the basic positions and follow that routine daily.

To not lose more time, here we leave you these excellent yoga positions to lose weight at home. Test them and then tell us how you went with them, okay?

1.Phalakasana (Also known as Plank or table)

It is one of the best asanas to lose weight. Strengthens the trunk completely, abdominal pectorals, even the muscles of the back. But exactly where it feels most the impact is on the gut. After a few seconds of keeping it you will notice its effect. There are variations of this same position and the intensity of the exercise depends on them.

To achieve this, you have to stretch your body upside down and extend your arms in a perpendicular position with your hands on the ground. It is thus necessary to detach the body of the floor with the feet on tip and maintain the position as much as possible.

2.The Warrior II (Virabhadrasana B)

One of the most beautiful and invigorating positions of yoga is that of the Warrior II or Virabhadrasana II. It helps to tone the arms and legs, especially the shoulders, forearms, thighs and calves.

One knee should be flexed, as much as possible, until the thigh is placed almost parallel to the ground. The other leg should be stretched back. The arms extend one towards the front and one towards the back, both parallel to the legs on each side. Breathe deeply and calmly to perfect this pose. Do not forget to alternate legs and arms. It must be so for all positions.

3.Guerrero III (Virabhadrasana C)

It is also known as Virabhadrasana III and is perfect not only to lose weight but also to tone various parts of the body. If you are looking for a firm butt, hard legs, strong arms and back, this is the ideal position.

Standing alone on one leg, the other rises perpendicularly to the back and the arms extend forward aligned with the head and the raised leg. Once again, the longer the position is held, the better. Even to strengthen its effectiveness, it is a good idea to contract the muscles of the tummy, legs and buttocks. So there will be more balance.

4.The Triangle (Trikonasana)


It does not represent enormous difficulties nor is it necessary that you fight to keep your balance but how it helps to reduce the gut! Standing, with widely spread legs, one of the feet is touched with the hand on the same side and the other is extended upwards, turning in that same direction the torso and the head.

That contortion compresses the muscles of the abdomen and that helps in several things. First to tone the muscles of the belly and second to favorably stimulate the digestive process.

5. The Upside Down Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

It is a total stretch. Arms, legs, back, hips, all parts of the body are involved and therefore can be toned more effectively with this pose. It is achieved by standing with the feet on the floor, both legs separated and both hands on the floor with the head down and hips raised.

6. Candle Pose (Sarvangasana)

This pose, which is done by standing on the shoulders, puts the body completely inverted. Being this way, in addition to the exercise that it represents for the body, it is possible that the organs can be balanced and stimulated.

Sarvangasana promotes digestion and helps the thyroid gland to function better. The metabolism is stimulated and also the respiratory system. The benefits of this position reach an improvement in sleep and reduce insomnia. Of course, it is our responsibility to help you lose weight.

7.The Bridge (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)

Several areas of the body are stimulated by making the posture of the bridge. That includes legs, glutes, abdomen, shoulders, arms and neck. The pressure on the neck activates the thyroid and therefore the metabolism and digestion, so that what you eat is well taken advantage of. That means losing gut and burning fat faster.

8. The Girada Chair (Parivrtta Utkatasana)

All the postures that twist the torso, including this one of the rotated chair help to improve the digestion and to stimulate the organs involved in it. The position of the legs almost by way of sitting, exercises the abdomen, back, thighs, calves and glutes.

The lymphatic system is also activated and, all this combined, is a perfect exercise to lose weight.

9. Pose of the Arch (Dhanurasana)

That belly that bothers you so much, is reduced very quickly practicing frequently the posture of the bow. In English it is known as the tie pose. To do it you have to place the abdomen on the floor and lift the legs and arms back. With your hands you take your ankles and hold the position, as much as possible.

With this you can strengthen your chest and back and it is also an excellent massage for the organs of the digestive system. It is clear that this favors reducing fat and weight, more quickly.

10. Greetings to the Sun (Surya Namaskara)

Although it may seem like a very simple posture, this is an ideal exercise for various parts of the body. The back, arms and buttocks are activated by doing this pose, which also stimulates the digestive tract. A correct metabolism helps reduce the anxiety to eat and favors the weight loss that is what you are looking for. Among the benefits of this Yoga posture composed of 12 steps are the loss of weight, facilitate the expulsion of toxins from the body and also helps maintain a healthy skin.

• Starting by making a salute to the sun, we stretch our arms and legs, bending our backs back, and then move on to the Padahastasana posture.
• We support one knee on the floor with the leg stretched while resting the weight of the body on the other leg flexed.
• We stretch both legs and make the full weight of the body rest on the arms outstretched and on the tip of the feet.
• From this step we flex both arms and legs and support the forehead on the floor or the yoga mat.
• We return to the previous position but this time supporting the legs on the ground and arching the back.
• From here we support the palm of the feet and the hands forming a triangle.
• We return to rest one knee on the floor and perform the first 4 steps in reverse.

The sun salutation must be done several times at the beginning of the day to provide all the necessary health benefits.

For this position it is enough to lie on the floor and lift the torso using both hands.

Of course there are many more yoga postures to lose weight. These that we have shown you, are the most effective and specific for the purpose of reducing measures and burn fat. But you can, if you are beginners, add more as you progress and change your table of exercises.

The important thing is always to combine the training routine with balanced diets, sleep well and lead a stress-free life. Always seek to relax at the end of each day. So you will see that the calm and peace of mind, coupled with low impact exercises and healthy meals, will allow you to achieve your goals in a short time.

11. Camel posture (Ushtrasana)


On your knees, bring your trunk back and touch your ankles with your hands. Inhale at the beginning of the exercise and exhale when maintaining the posture. It is perfect to tone and stretch both the abdomen and legs. Hold for 60 seconds.

* Precautions: for people with low back problems or high blood pressure, this exercise is not recommended.

12. Mountain posture (Tadasana)

The posture of the mountain is perfect to activate circulation and warm the body before the most intense yoga session.

Stand with your back straight, your chest forward and your feet slightly apart, inhale and raise your arms in a cross with your palms facing up above your head. Hold the posture for 20-30 seconds and exhale.

Some recommendations

As you can see, the yoga poses for weight loss that we propose are very simple, but there are some recommendations that you should take into account:

• Breathing: to achieve good oxygenation of the muscle and detoxify, as well as improve concentration, breathing is coordinated with movement. When you start inhale and keep exhaling. With time you will get used to it.
• Repetitions: we recommend repeating each posture 10 times and not forcing the posture if you feel pain.
• Transitions and smooth movements: in yoga, transitions and movements are smooth, it is better to do the exercises well and feel the body’s reactions. Beware of making sudden movements.
• Alignment of the back: something essential in yoga is to maintain a good alignment of the spine. The back should always be straight, and not curved.
• Scope: If you do not complete the exercise, keep your reach as far as you can. As you practice, you will notice how you take your body to positions you have never thought about, which is very rewarding.

As you can see the slimming yoga poses are very easy and will not take you long. Although at first you may not perform the asses perfectly, with time and practice you will be able to master these yoga postures to lose weight.

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