5 (Five) 30-Minute Hourglass Curve Workouts
Almost every woman’s goal is to have men’s necks breaking whenever she passes by a group of them. This has to come with a great and unique figure. Generally, men are blinded by a nice figure that passes by. Such figures like an hourglass figure are rare to find and they take a lot of working out to achieve.
So how do you know when you have that hourglass figure?
An hourglass figure is clearly visible when you have your shoulders and waist almost of the same size. When it comes to the waist, it has to be about 25% smaller compared to the hip, bust and shoulder measurements.
Most celebrities have an hourglass figure and I am 101% sure that if you asked them how that figure came about, the answer would be simple. Working out hard and consistently.
Here are 5 (five) 30-minute Hourglass curves workouts that will give you that sexy figure.
1. Side plank lift workout

It’s obvious you don’t want to spend the whole day working out. This is a simple but very intense workout. First thing first is you got to put on the right attire for not only this workout but for the other workouts I will outline for you. Get you some sneakers and light tights.
This workout is done in 3 sets each with about 15 reps which take approximately 30 minutes. It’s simple. Lie on the floor with your body positioned on one side. Put your elbow on the floor and at the same time the side on your foot on the floor. Slowly lift your hips upwards to make a line that appears straight between your ankles, shoulders, and hips.
The last step is to lower the hips with your weight still supported by the elbow and the foot’s side. Once you get back to the starting position, take a deep breath, relax and then continue to the next set.
If you don’t take breaks between the sets, the better it will get for you. To avoid injuries, support your elbows on a soft material like a pillow or yoga mat. Make sure that your hips don’t assume a sideways sway and instead, make sure the movement is up and down. It’s also important to put the elbow at a reasonable distance above the shoulder.
2. Plank with a continuous hip drop.
Assume a forearms plank posture and let your elbows be under the shoulders and your feet far apart (not so apart though). Make sure that your feet stand on their tips and that your back is almost in a straight line.
This workout engages the glutes, core and the quads while you form this straight line. Once you’re in this position, and keeping the upper trunk completely still, slowly drop your hips to the left until you almost touch the floor. Slowly raise your hips, with the upper trunk kept still, back to the starting position.
This time drop the hips to the opposite side and back to the straight starting position. That will be a complete rep. complete 15 reps to complete one set. For best results do sets. That will take about 30 minutes.
3. Side planks that involve leg lifting.

This is another simple workout that you can do by yourself at the comfort of your home gym. It’s simple. Lie on one side and lift your body supporting it on your lower or rather bottom elbow and one side of your foot. Lift your hips slowly to make a straight line from the ankles to the shoulders. Stay calm and control your breathing.
With your trunk as stable as possible, raise the top foot into the air without twisting your knee. Make sure that your hips don’t drop and then slowly return to start position. Raise the foot again and repeat for about 15 times. Turn to the other side and repeat the same for about 15 times as well.
If possible, raise the foot for about 30 seconds for the best results.
For this to work for your body, you have to be very stable. Don’t let your trunk perform sway as you do the leg lifts.
4. Plank with limb kick
This is an intense workout that requires composure and confidence. Get a soft mat and assume a forearm or hands simple plank position. Your shoulders have to be over the elbows so as to engage the core, glutes, and quads. This should help you form a straight head to ankle line.
Once you assume a stable position, lift your left foot to about hip height and kick out to the left (just a few inches). Bring the foot towards the center and lower it back to the floor. Repeat the combination but this time with the right leg and kick to the right. That will form a complete rep and you need around 15 of them to form a set. 3 sets will be enough for a day.
5. Twisting v-ups
This is a very underrated workout that will leave your abs cracking. With your arms to the sides, lie on the mat with your face up. Engage the torso core and lift your right leg as you lift the upper torso upwards from the mat. Twist by the waist and using your left leg, reach for your left toes. Once you touch them, return to the original position and repeat again this time alternating the leg and hand. Once you lift both legs, that will be one rep.
Perform 14 more reps to form one set. Take a one-minute break and do some 2 or so sets. That will be a worth it 30-minute workout.
You don’t have to worry where to get that hourglass figure you’ve been dreaming of. There’s no secret other than working out. However, working out doesn’t really deliver alone. Make sure you eat healthy foods that don’t contribute to gaining weight. You won’t regret it. It may take a while to achieve but with patience, you’ll soon look like those celebrities you’ve been envying.