It is possible to shed pounds only when the calories burnt is more than the calories consumed.
One needs a deficit of 3500 calories to lose 1 pound of weight.
Therefore, it is crucial to have a calorie deficit of 500 calories every day for achieving the target of losing 1 pound of weight every week.
Although it might appear to be easy, it is not so in real life.
Here are 7 unexpected reasons why you’re not losing weight in spite of trying to do so.
1. Lack of adequate sleep

The quantity, as well as the quality of sleep one gets in his or her daily life plays an important role in weight reduction.
At present, the majority of the folks out there do not get adequate slumber.
While there is an increase in the obesity and overweight problems at present, a proper night’s sleep is slowly declining.
There is a relationship between weight reduction and the amount of sleep one gets, although the exact mechanism is not clear to date.
However, it is believed that lack of sleep results in diminished energy levels during the day and consumption of more foods as well.
2. Stress
It is impossible to prevent stress in our lives although we might want to.
Apart from interfering with our lifestyle, stress can also hamper our weight reduction efforts to a great extent.
Our body releases cortisol in response to stress and anxiety.
As a result, we might suffer from an increase in our appetite and deposition of unwanted fat in our abdominal areas too.
We also tend to consume more food items in response to stress which can likewise result in weight gain.
However, there are several ways to combat this issue including going for a stroll in the morning or evening, taking some time off from your hectic daily life, taking a warm shower, and so on.
3. Your workout regime
It is very difficult to lose weight if you do not exercise on a regular basis.
Although it is possible to shed pounds by dieting, you are going to hit a plateau at some particular point in the future.
Although there is no need to devote a considerable amount of time at the fitness center, a reasonable workout regime will help to get the job done successfully.
You need not perform too many strenuous workouts, and instead, try to perform something you like and what you will be able to continue for the long-term.
This implies that you need to stay away from activities which you dislike and create a program that you really enjoy.
It is important to have the motivation to be active regularly, and not just for one week or so.
4. Sticking to a fad diet
At present, you’ll come across many fad diets which are not based on any scientific evidence, and they will not help you to lose weight whatsoever.
Individuals are creating these types of weight reduction diets only to generate a considerable amount of money which will not provide the desired results.
Most of these diets are quite restrictive in nature and can also lead to health conditions.
Although you’ll come across several fad diets which will deliver the goods, most of them are not effective.
Moreover, it can be quite difficult to maintain these diets and most individuals tend to regain any lost weight within a short span of time once they stop the diet.
You need to consume lesser calories and it is important for your diet to be balanced as well as varied in nature.
For this, you can curtail your consumption of sugary food items as well as unhealthy fats including trans fats.
5. Sugary beverages
Consumption of too much sugary beverages can prevent weight reduction in the long run.
As per some studies, it has been shown that weight gain is influenced considerably by the amount of sugar present in our diet.
However, an excessive amount of sugar can be consumed by means of the sugary drinks out there.
These beverages, as opposed to the different types of high-calorie food items, will not satisfy your hunger and will also provide an inadequate amount of vitality to our system.
As a result, it will be easier to ingest too many sugary beverages without being aware of it.
6. Consumption of alcohol

Consuming an excessive amount of alcohol will also prevent weight reduction.
Being a high-calorie drink, every ounce of beer consists of approximately 154 calories while a glass of red wine consists of 126 calories on an average.
Consumption of four beers in a single evening can enhance the daily calorie intake of our system by as many as 614 calories.
However, studies have revealed the fact that there will be an insignificant increase of body weight in case alcoholic drinks are consumed in light quantities and not on a regular basis.
On most occasions, it is not crucial to avoid alcoholic beverages entirely for losing weight and it is possible to lose weight while consuming two or three alcoholic beverages every week.
7. Your immediate surroundings
At times it is impossible for you to control the things happening around you.
You might be surrounded by temptations while working, for example, junk food items, vending machines, doughnuts, and so forth.
The same might be true while you are at your residence.
For this, make it a point to surround yourself with stuff which will encourage you to stay healthy.
This might imply investing some cash on home workout equipment, controlling the television set several nights every week to perform a workout video, and so on.
Also, try to create an environment which encourages you to make healthy food choices.
At times, simply walking into the kitchen and seeing a bowl of fresh fruit might be adequate to remind you of what you are attempting to accomplish.
After going through these 7 unexpected reasons why you’re not losing weight, it must be evident to you by now how to stay fit and reduce weight at the same time.
Losing weight is quite difficult; however, there are no shortcuts to it and it simply requires your persistence as well as patience to see the desired results.
Bear in mind that you’ll be able to shed pounds successfully by maintaining a calorie deficit by means of healthy dieting, working out regularly and having adequate sleep as well.