Good gut health is essential for the good running of the body.
Actually, every system in the body is connected to the other.
When the gut is unhealthy, there is a high probability of experiencing stomach pain, bloating, gas, or diarrhea.
Gut imbalances also affect hormonal imbalances, depression, autoimmune diseases, eczema, diabetes, chronic fatigue, rosacea, fibromyalgia, anxiety, and other serious health problems.
The gut is the way to good health.
The gut microbiome refers to the microorganisms that live in your intestines.
On average a healthy person has about 300-500 diverse species of bacteria located in the digestive tract.
Most of these microorganisms are very beneficial and very necessary for a healthy body since they enhance your general immune system functioning and helping to combat obesity.
Here are the 8 Warning Signs For Unhealthy Gut and How You Can Fix It
Many problems we encounter in our modern life like high-stress levels, high sugar foods, too little sleep, taking antibiotics and eating processed foods can all destroy our gut microorganism.
They are hence affecting other aspects in our health like the brain, skin, heart, weight, immune system, nutrient absorbing rate, hormone levels, and even cancer development.
However, various signs may manifest in an unhealthy gut.
Some of the signs include:
1. Upsetting Stomach
Stomach disturbances such as constipation, gas, bloating, heartburn and diarrhea, can all be indicating an unhealthy gut.
A well-balanced gut has fewer difficulties in processing food as well as eliminating waste.
2. Sugary diets and Inflammations.

A diet containing processed foods and sugar additives can reduce the number of good bacteria working in your gut.
This causes imbalance leading to increased sugar cravings, that may destroy the gut further.
Taking high amounts of refined industrial sugars, mostly high-fructose, lead to increased inflammation in your body although other problems in the body might cause inflammation.
3. Uncontrolled Weight Changes
Losing or gaining weight without involving any changes to your exercise habit or diet may be signifying an unhealthy gut.
Having an imbalanced gut may impair the body’s nutrient absorption abilities, hence regulating fat storage and blood sugar.
Weight loss can be caused by the small intestine bacteria overgrowth(SIBO), during weight gain due to insulin resistance or overeating due to reduced nutrient absorption.
4. Sleep Disturbances.
Having an unhealthy gut can lead to sleep disturbances like insomnia.
Actually, the majority of the hormone serotonin, which affects sleep and mood, is produced in your gut.
Therefore, gut damage may affect your sleep.
Sleep disturbances can also be linked to the risk of fibromyalgia.
5. Irritation To the Skin.
Skin problems such as eczema can be attributed to an unhealthy gut.
Inflammations in the gut due to poor diet or specific food allergies can cause more absorption of certain proteins into the body, this, in turn, irritates the skin causing conditions like eczema.
6. Autoimmune Problems.
An unhealthy gut increases systemic inflammation that alters the excellent functioning of your immune system.
This results in autoimmune diseases, the body attacking itself instead of harmful pathogens.
7. Chronic Fatigue
This occurs due to reduced time to sleep and low nutrient absorption in the gut.
The problem leads to feeling generally weak.
8. Food Intolerances
The problem results from difficulties in digesting some foods.
The problem is somehow different from a food allergy that is caused by the immune system reactions towards certain foods.
However, food intolerance’s are believed to be caused by poor quality bacteria present in your gut.
The problem leads to difficulties in digesting foods as well as an unpleasant sign like gas, bloating, diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal pain.
Also, food allergies can lead to gut health problems.
However, the above gut problems can be alleviated by using healthy practices to maintain good health to the gut.
Reduce Stress Levels.
Chronic levels of stress affect your general body health, including your gut.
It’s good to incorporate ways to reducing stress like meditation, walking, spending time with friends, getting a massage, diffusing essential oils, laughing, decreasing caffeine intake, yoga and having a pet.
Having Enough Sleep

Lack of Not enough or insufficient quality sleep may have severe effects on your gut, this, in turn, leads to complicated sleep issues.
Therefore, prioritize to getting some 7 to 8 hours of calm sleep each night.
Also, visit a doctor to help you in case you have sleep issues.
Eating Slowly
It’s good to chew your food well and eat your meals slowly to help in promoting full digestion as well as absorption of nutrients.
It helps you to reduce all digestive discomfort in order to have a healthy gut.
Stay Hydrated
Taking plenty of water is beneficial, especially to the mucosal lining in the intestines.
Hence, staying hydrated promotes a healthy gut.
Taking a Prebiotic and Probiotics.
Taking prebiotics and a probiotics supplement into the diet is a good way of improving your gut health.
The prebiotics provides nourishment for promoting proper growth of all beneficial bacteria in your gut, while the probiotics are right to live bacteria.
Individuals having bacterial overgrowth, like SIBO, are advised to exempt taking probiotics.
However, all probiotic supplements aren’t high quality.
Therefore, it’s best to visit your doctor when deciding on prebiotics and probiotic supplements to ensure good health benefits.
Food Intolerances Checking.
In case you have symptoms like cramping, bloating, diarrhea, abdominal pain, rashes, acid reflux, nausea, and fatigue, you might be having a food intolerance.
Therefore, you should try eliminating some common trigger foods to avoid the problem.
By identifying the food or foods leading to the symptoms, you will be sure of making a good change in the digestion process as well as your gut health.
This helps you to change your food habits.
Diet Changing.
It’s done by reducing the intake of processed foods, high-fat foods, and high-sugar to give a healthy gut.
Also, include in your eating routine a lot of plant-based foods.
The lean protein can impact positively in your gut if incorporated in your diet.
A high fiber diet is a good healthy gut.
Learn to maintain a healthy gut for a healthy general body.