A 10 Min Beginner Yoga for Back Pain
Back pain can be due to a variety of sources, but whatever the case, it can definitely be said that it is something that you would not like to have in your life. Back pain truly diminishes the quality of day to day life, so you should be happy that there is something that you can do in your own home that can help alleviate or even remove back pain from your life.
Here is our guide on how to do a 10 min beginner yoga for back pain.
What You Will Need
All you will need for this 10 min beginner yoga for back pain is a yoga mat placed on a hard flat surface as well as comfortable clothes that do not restrict movement. It would also be good to have a calming ambience, so light some candles and play some soothing music in the background if you like.
The Poses

These poses are designed to lengthen, loosen, and strengthen the muscles as well as those around it. Simply follow the poses described below for ten minutes and you will feel relief at the end of the session. You can do all five poses listed for two minutes each, four poses for two and a half minutes each, or in any other combination that you want, although it is recommended that you do at least three. It is also important to do relaxed and consistent breathing during the entire ten minutes, so that is something that you have to watch out for.
Safety First
Before beginning with the 10 min beginner yoga for back pain, here are some safety precautions as well. Ask your doctor first if these routines are safe for you, especially if you have issues like a herniated disc or if you are pregnant. In addition, stop immediately if you feel any pain from doing these poses. While some discomfort may be felt initially, pain that is intense in nature should not be taken lightly.
The Sphinx
Lay flat on the ground and place your elbows on the floor. Your hand, elbow, and shoulder should be at a right angle. Keep your feet together or at most about six inches apart while doing this pose. Do this for 2-3 minutes at a time, or for as long as you can.
The Sphinx helps get back the natural curve of the spine which gets bent out of shape when we slouch for long periods of time.
Downward Facing Dog
This pose helps not only your back but it also helps stretch and strengthen the hamstrings. Your hamstrings help carry the load of your back as you walk, and weak hamstrings tend to pull the lower back muscles downwards. As such, the back will try and compensate and that is what causes pain.
Imagine your body as the two sides of the rectangle when doing this pose. Your hands must be outstretched with palms flat on the ground and your arms parallel to your shoulders. Your heels must be as close to the ground as possible with your knees straight. Your feet must also be in line with your hips. Your tailbone, not your butt, must be the highest point of the triangle that you have formed with the ground, as your body must be as much as a right angle as possibly can.
Your shoulder will naturally roll outwards and upwards once the Downward Facing Dog is done properly, and you will feel the stretch in multiple areas particularly your lower back and hamstring muscles. Keep this position for at least a minute to fully feel its effects.
Viparita Karani
This is also known as the Legs Up the Wall Pose. This also helps the lower back muscles relax, and you can stay in this position for as long as you want. The Viparita Karani involves lying on the floor with your legs on a wall. All portions of your legs’ backs must be in contact with the wall with your knees straight. Visualize a clock with your head pointing at the nine and your feet pointing at the twelve position. Stretch your arms out and place them on the ground perpendicular to your body, palms pointed towards the sky.
Should this pose prove to be difficult, you can place a rolled up towel or any soft object on your tailbone to relieve the pressure.
Cat/Cow Pose

Unlike the other yoga poses mentioned above, the Cat/Cow Pose requires you to move rather than hold the position. Aim for 1 set of 8 reps, or you can also do this in between poses for a total of 3 sets.
Start the Cat/Cow Pose by getting on your hands and knees, Shoulders, elbows, knees, and feet must be on the same line on either side of the body with everything at right angles. Your body and the ground should be parallel with each other. Your arms and upper legs should be parallel as well. While inhaling, curve your spine downwards without bending your hips and raise your neck and head towards the sky. Exhale and bring your head down while trying to point your back upwards, again without bending.
Try to do each move deliberately and slowly, and time each movement with your breathing. Each inhale and exhale cycle counts as one rep.
The Cat/Cow Pose not only massages your spine, but it can also help improve organ function when done regularly.
The Snake (Sarpasana)
The Snake Pose is one of the best poses that you can do as it helps in toning and stretching the spine while also improving breathing and heart circulation. It can also help in toning the buttocks and legs. Like the Sphinx, you can hold this pose for as long as you are comfortable.
Lie flat on your back and place your hands as close to your butt as possible while keeping your elbows close to your body and your arms straight. Your legs should also be close together with the tops of your feet on the mat. Inhale and slowly lift your upper body from the ground. This includes the head, the shoulders, and chest, although with practice you can lift yourself much higher. Hold your breath and the pose for as long as you can and then exhale slowly while lowering yourself down. Perform the routine for as long as you want and or as long as you feel comfortable.