Yoga for Stiff Neck and Shoulders
Stiff necks are very common among different individuals regardless of their age and gender. In most cases, they result in pain which tend to extend to the shoulders if left unchecked. Well, there are numerous ways with which you can either prevent or get rid of these conditions, but none of them is more natural and effective than Yoga.
Practicing yoga has proved to be very beneficial in a number of ways. The kind of posture you make is very significant in determining what you will gain from it. Below are different postures that are meant for stiff neck and shoulders.
1. Child’s pose or Balasana.

Child’s pose popularly known as Balasana in Sanskrit is a very important yoga pose meant to relieve neck and back pains. The pose is easy to achieve, and it enables you to restore your inner strength. To assume that position, you will first have to kneel. You should then sit on your heels while making sure that your knees are comfortable. Go ahead and bend forward with your arms stretched to support your neck and your head as low as possible. Maintain the position for some time while breathing normally. This pose has a way of calming your body thus relieving stress. It can also be used in treating anxiety.
2. Thread and needle pose.
There is no doubt that thread and needle pose is the type of yoga to turn to when experiencing significant neck and shoulder pains. This is because unlike many yoga poses, it involves twisting the body muscles giving you the massage you need so much to loosen your neck.
To achieve it you will have to start by standing on your four limbs. This means your knees and elbows. You should then take your right arm and stretch it further towards your left arm. Make sure that palm is facing upwards. Once you are comfortable, take your left hand and walk it around your back as far as possible. Remain in the position for half a minute then switch to the other side doing the same thing.
While on thread and needle pose, ensure that you breathe normally and gently. Most people find it hard to balance the first time, but with practice, it won’t be a problem at all.
3. Cow and Cat stretch.
This is one of the simplest yoga postures and yet the most effective. The cow and cat stretch is very good at stretching your neck, shoulders and even your back. The first thing you will do to attain this pose is to stand on your four limbs. Your palms and knees should be on the ground. Make sure that your knees are directly aligned to your hips and your palms to your shoulders.
While in that pose, move your face gently towards the ceiling while maintaining the position of your arms. This way you will be assuming the cow pose or stretch. Maintain that position for some time then go back to your initial pose. Raise your back as high as possible while keeping your head low. By doing this, you will be assuming the cat posture. Maintain the position for some seconds. Keep in mind that while attaining each pose, you should keep breathing normally as a way of relaxing your muscles.
4. Hand to elbow.
Hand to elbow is a yoga pose that involves only the upper body. With this pose, you will be able to stretch your shoulders, triceps and also your neck. The first thing you will need to do is to stand completely upright. You should then lift your right hand with your palm facing your back.
Slowly bend your inner elbow until your palm rests on your spine. Go ahead and bend your left arm over your head until your fingers rest on your right arm’s elbow. You can use it to push your right hand’s elbow further thus expanding your triceps. Maintain the pose for 7 to 10 breaths then switch to your left arm. Once you are done you will feel some relief from your shoulders all the way to your neck.
5. Shoulder rolls.
So many people perform shoulder rolls without knowing that it is a type of yoga posture meant to loosen your shoulders and give you the much-needed relief. With shoulder rolls, you will not only make the pain disappear but also keep your shoulder joints active. All you have to do is start in a yoga sitting position. You should then stretch both your arms sideways with your palms facing upwards. Go ahead and bend both your arms until your fingers rest on your shoulders. While in that position, gently roll your shoulder joints concurrently and in the same direction. The idea is to ensure that you involve your whole shoulder if at all you want to get incredible relief.
6. Corpse pose or Shavasana.

Corpse yoga posture is meant to relax your body muscles incredibly. With it, you will feel at peace and much better than you were feeling before. To get into the posture, you will need to lie completely flat on your back. Make sure that your legs are straight and your arms are stretched out at a 45-degree angle.
The trick is to ensure that a large part of your body is in contact with the surface. Maintain your usual breathing and remain in that position for a while. This posture should be able to give you total peace, unlike any other yoga posture. It is usually meant for those people who are suffering from anxiety. You will also feel your neck pains subside and its mobility restore. Doing this a couple of times a week will ensure you have a relaxed core and your mental status will also be taken care of.
The above yoga postures are some of the few that will enable you to relieve your neck and shoulder pains. The poses are designed to increase the mobility of your stiff neck and shoulders by improving blood flow throughout. Ensure that you perform any of them a couple of times a week and you will be impressed by how effective they will prove to be.