10 Ways to Cut Down on Sugar

10 Ways to Cut Down on Sugar

Sugar can be habit forming, and reducing the amount you eat can be a challenge even if you have plenty of will-power.

A little sugar in your diet is OK, but too much can have negative health effects.

Too many sweetened drinks and food can increase your weight, lead to blood sugar problems (diabetes) and put you at increased risk of developing heart disease.

Irregular blood sugar levels can make you have mood swings, lead to headaches and make you tired.

In contrast, people who avoid sugar have fewer cravings and report feeling more balanced emotionally. 

Here are 10 ways to cut down on sugar:

1. Sauces and dressings.

Sauces such as tomato ketchup, HP sauce, pickle, and mayonnaise can be a whopping one-third sugar.

Many manufacturers are now producing low sugar / reduced sugar alternatives to these products.

These don’t taste very different and are a quick way to cut down on hidden sugar.

Another source of sugar is salad dressing.

This can easily be replaced with a good virgin olive oil flavored with a squeeze of lemon or some fresh herbs.

Pesto and harissa make good alternatives to pickle.

2. Halve the amount of sugar you add to hot drinks, cereals, etc.


Halve the amount of sugar you normally add to your cup of coffee or tea.

Do the same with the sugar you normally sprinkle on your breakfast cereal.

After a couple of days, you’ll hardly notice the difference in taste.

If you are tempted to replace sugar with an artificial sweetener, a natural product like stevia has zero calories and can also be used in baking.

As an alternative add fresh fruit such as raspberries or bananas or dried fruit to your cereal or porridge. 

3. Baking – reduce the amount of sugar in your recipes.

If you are baking cookies or cakes it is fine to reduce the sugar in your recipe by a third or even a half.

Many times you won’t notice any difference in taste.

Find extracts to use instead of sugar.

Orange, lemon, and vanilla are good options.

Many spices such as cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg make great replacements for sugar and will give your baking a wonderful taste and aroma.

4. Snacks – switch to low sugar snacks.

This needs a little pre-planning so that when a craving strikes you have a low sugar snack to hand.

Many of these can be stored in a small reusable container and kept in your handbag or car.

Nuts and dried fruit are nutritious and cashew nuts and almonds have a naturally sweet taste.

Oatcakes are a good snack, they are tasty as well as filling and 3 or 4 usually come wrapped in a handy small packet.

They can be made into sandwiches with sliced cheese or spread.

Rice cakes are equally tasty and come in a variety of flavors. Be careful to choose a low salt variety.

5. Breakfast – consider some low sugar options.

As well as low sugar cereals and fresh fruit there are a few other alternatives worth considering.

Plain porridge is more savory, being just oats and water/milk.

It can be made more palatable sprinkled with coconut flakes, sultanas or raisins.

Milk contains sugar, so to further reduce sugar consumption, try switching to an alternative like almond milk or a no added sugar coconut milk.

Wholemeal toast can be combined with low sugar baked beans, mushrooms, poached or scrambled egg.

Eggs are full of protein which will help stave off hunger cravings mid-morning.

6. Eat a healthy lunch.

It is hard sometimes to eat a healthy lunch.

Supermarkets are full of unhealthy meal deals, many of which contain high quantities of sugar and salt.

If you don’t have time to make your own packed lunch, look at the food labels and choose healthier options.

Salad is healthy and tasty and a great choice for lunch.

To make a salad more filling add some pasta.

If you want a sweeter taste, try adding some fruit such as apple or orange.

Sandwiches are OK as long as mayonnaise and sauces aren’t added.

Definitely avoid fizzy, sugary drinks if you can, water is much better.

7. Eat a healthier dinner.


Try not to add too much sugar and salt to your cooking.

Add flavor by using herbs and spices.

As well as avoiding sauces and dressings with high sugar content.

Remember that many cooking sauces contain high quantities of sugar.

If you like dessert try to eat fruit salad, instead of cakes and ice cream.

If you like canned fruit, buy fruit that is canned in fruit juice rather than syrup.

Again avoid fizzy drinks loaded with sugar and stick to drinking water. 

8. Smarter shopping.

All food products today are labeled.

Many supermarkets have adopted a traffic light system.

Sugar content is one of the items given its own indicator.

Wherever possible choose food with a green or orange light.

Beware of hidden sugars, these are found in the most unlikely places.

Pasta sauces have a lot of added sugar.

Many so-called healthy granola bars are full of sugar.

Yogurts have a lot of added sugar.

So check the packaging and look for low-sugar options.

9. Watch out for sugar in disguise.

Sugar comes in many different forms and may not be labelled as sugar.

It is common to add sugar to virtually all processed foods.

Manufacturers will often add several different sugars in order to hide the real amount.

Some common alternatives are corn syrup, fruit juice concentrates, honey and sucrose.

Any word ending in “-ose” will often be a sugar of some sort.

10. Watch what you drink.

Sugary, fizzy drinks we have already discussed.

However, these are not the only drinks with high sugar content.

Energy drinks, fruit smoothies, iced tea, and even some flavored water all contain several spoonfuls of sugar.

Blood sugar levels can be rapidly increased by sugary drinks, this, in turn, can lead to tiredness and increased hunger.


Sugar is present in many natural foods and there is no reason to avoid these.

Dairy products, fruit, and vegetables all contain small amounts of sugar.

Unlike processed foods, they also contain fiber, vitamins and other beneficial compounds.

The main health problems associated with the Western diet are all to do with the amount of added sugar we eat.

Therefore the easiest way to reduce your sugar intake is to eat more whole and unprocessed food.

If you do decide to buy packaged food check the labeling for sugar and its many aliases.

8 Best Home Workout Routines

8 Best Home Workout Routines

8 Best Home Workout Routines

When thinking of fitness, the first image that comes to mind is most often the gym. But you don’t always need to pay for a gym membership to stay active. If you can’t make the commitment of going to a gym or simply can’t afford one, home workouts are here to the rescue. 

With these 8 best home workout routines, you can build muscle, burn fat, and boost your metabolism from the comfort of your own home. 

1. Quick at-home workout 

Duration: 7 minutes

Equipment: Yoga mat

If you do not have much time on your hands and would like to get a quick energy boost, this quick workout is ideal for you. It targets your lower body and is a great cardiovascular exercise set.


• Bench jump x 10 reps

• Single leg lunge x 20 reps (10 each side)

• X Jumps x 20 reps (10 each side)

• Weighted sumo squat x 15 reps

How to do it:

Set your timer for 7 minutes and complete the entire circuit as many times as possible. Repeat the entire set for another 7 minutes if time and your body permits. Be sure to take a 60-second rest between sets.

2. Beginner at-home workout


Duration: 50 minutes

Equipment: A chair with a high back, a yoga mat

This full body workout strengthens muscles and improves posture simultaneously. It is also surprisingly relaxing and does not require professional equipment.


• Exaggerated respiration and shoulder rotations

• Single leg lunge x 10 reps (10 each side)

• Plie-releve x 20 reps

• Side leg lift x 10 reps (10 each side)

• Ballet marches x 20 reps

• Standing barre angels x 30 reps

• Wide position plie x 20 reps

• Full body stretching

How to do it: 

Take your time with this one. Make sure you feel the stretch (and occasional burn) in parts of your body under stress. 

This low impact cardio set is a great way to stay fit and moving without putting too much pressure on your body.

3. Boxing workout at home

Duration: 6 minutes

Equipment: Yoga mat

This workout takes a step away from the traditional boxing training and focuses on building arm strength.

This workout is ideal for supplementing more serious cardio sessions and is one of the quickest and efficient ones on the list.


• Tricep lean back x 10 reps

• Half body bridge x 10 reps

• Tricep crawl x 10 reps

• Push-ups x 20 reps

• The plank shimmy x 10 reps

How to do it:

This is a set of intense, concentrated movements that helps tone your arms and build strength. You can take short 30 second breaks between the sets if you need to, but make sure not to exceed this time limit. Shake out or stretch your arms if they feel tense or sore.

4. Best workout at home to build muscle

Duration: 30 minutes

Equipment: Dumbbells, yoga mat

This home workout is excellent for building muscles and building strength all over the body. You only need suitable dumbbells to get started and you can introduce variations to modify the difficulty too. 


• Stepping squats x 20 reps (10 each side)

• Curl x 20 reps

• Weighted lunges x 20 reps (10 each side)

• Plie squats x 10 reps

• Tricep curl x 10 reps

How to do it:

This workout is all about getting the joints moving, muscles warm, and blood flowing. All the exercises are high impact and stretch the entire body. 

Take quick sips of water if you feel tired. Remember to stop immediately if you feel any physical discomfort or if you start feeling faint/dizzy.

5. Crossfit workout at home


Duration: 10 minutes

Equipment: Box, kettlebell ,barbell, plate, and dumbbell.

This particular workout is the perfect introduction to CrossFit fundamentals and is a great method of strength training. 

It might seem quite intimidating at first but with practice, it can be one of the most rewarding routines.


• Burpees x 10 reps

• Deadlifts x 10 reps

• Box jumps x 10 reps

• Plate squat presses x 10 reps

• Kettlebell swing x 10 reps

How to do it:

Although quite intense, this is one of the most basic sets to start with when venturing into CrossFit. You will notice a clear increase in strength and confidence once you put in enough practice.

If you are missing some of the equipment needed, you can simply use any heavy objects as replacements.

6. Full body workout at home

Duration: 35 minutes

Equipment: Yoga mat

If you are looking for an efficient 30-minute fitness session to work out your glutes, arms, and abs, this workout is for you. Additionally, this drill will also help you develop a handstand!


• Single leg hop planks x 20 reps (10 each side)

• Side lying hip raise x 20 reps (10 each side)

• Downward dog jump x 10 reps

• Squats x 10 reps

• Lunge kicks x 20 reps (10 each side)

How to do it:

It is not advised to do this routine more than twice a week. Each exercise mentioned is supposed to be done for a total of 40 seconds, with 20 seconds of recovery time in between.

7. Best home workout for abs

Duration: 7 minutes

Equipment: Yoga mat

This workout is especially useful in strengthening your core and preparing you for more strenuous workouts. This routine is perfect if you are not very fit or are returning to training after a long break.


• Single leg swirl x 20 reps (10 each side)

• Arm raise planks x 10 reps

• Plank leg lifts x 20 reps (10 each side)

• Tabletop with the opposite arm and leg x 20 reps

• Side plank x 20 reps (10 each side)

How to do it:

Take breaks between each exercise make sure you do not keep your core engaged for too long. You might feel off-balance in several of the exercises, but that will only improve with practice. 

This routine will help you get better at practically every set you practice.

8. Best 15-minute workout at home

Duration: 15 minutes

Equipment: Yoga mat

These workouts don’t have to be long to get your heart pumping as demonstrated by this routine. All you need for this workout is a yoga mat and a lot of energy and enthusiasm.


Circuit One: 

• High Knees

• Star crunches

• Mountain climbers

• Squat Pulses

Circuit Two:

• Plank toe-taps

• Plank in & outs

• 180 jump squats

• Crossbody crab kicks

How to do it:

Each of the exercises is to be done for 30 seconds and there are no breaks within a circuit. You do, however, get a 30-second break between circuits. Set a timer for 15 minutes and repeat the two in succession.


Consistent and efficient home workouts have been proven to be every bit as effective as gym workouts. If you are keen on creating a balanced exercise program, it is recommended to engage in intensive workouts two to three times a week. If you happen to reach a plateau at any point during your training, try increasing the duration or intensity of your workout for improved results.

5 (Five) 30-Minute Hourglass Curve Workouts

5 (Five) 30-Minute Hourglass Curve Workouts

5 (Five) 30-Minute Hourglass Curve Workouts

Almost every woman’s goal is to have men’s necks breaking whenever she passes by a group of them. This has to come with a great and unique figure. Generally, men are blinded by a nice figure that passes by. Such figures like an hourglass figure are rare to find and they take a lot of working out to achieve.

So how do you know when you have that hourglass figure?

An hourglass figure is clearly visible when you have your shoulders and waist almost of the same size. When it comes to the waist, it has to be about 25% smaller compared to the hip, bust and shoulder measurements.

Most celebrities have an hourglass figure and I am 101% sure that if you asked them how that figure came about, the answer would be simple. Working out hard and consistently.

Here are 5 (five) 30-minute Hourglass curves workouts that will give you that sexy figure.

1. Side plank lift workout




It’s obvious you don’t want to spend the whole day working out. This is a simple but very intense workout. First thing first is you got to put on the right attire for not only this workout but for the other workouts I will outline for you. Get you some sneakers and light tights.

This workout is done in 3 sets each with about 15 reps which take approximately 30 minutes. It’s simple. Lie on the floor with your body positioned on one side. Put your elbow on the floor and at the same time the side on your foot on the floor. Slowly lift your hips upwards to make a line that appears straight between your ankles, shoulders, and hips.

The last step is to lower the hips with your weight still supported by the elbow and the foot’s side. Once you get back to the starting position, take a deep breath, relax and then continue to the next set.

If you don’t take breaks between the sets, the better it will get for you. To avoid injuries, support your elbows on a soft material like a pillow or yoga mat. Make sure that your hips don’t assume a sideways sway and instead, make sure the movement is up and down. It’s also important to put the elbow at a reasonable distance above the shoulder.

2. Plank with a continuous hip drop.


Assume a forearms plank posture and let your elbows be under the shoulders and your feet far apart (not so apart though). Make sure that your feet stand on their tips and that your back is almost in a straight line.

This workout engages the glutes, core and the quads while you form this straight line. Once you’re in this position, and keeping the upper trunk completely still, slowly drop your hips to the left until you almost touch the floor. Slowly raise your hips, with the upper trunk kept still, back to the starting position.

This time drop the hips to the opposite side and back to the straight starting position. That will be a complete rep. complete 15 reps to complete one set. For best results do sets. That will take about 30 minutes.

3. Side planks that involve leg lifting. 



This is another simple workout that you can do by yourself at the comfort of your home gym. It’s simple. Lie on one side and lift your body supporting it on your lower or rather bottom elbow and one side of your foot. Lift your hips slowly to make a straight line from the ankles to the shoulders. Stay calm and control your breathing.

With your trunk as stable as possible, raise the top foot into the air without twisting your knee. Make sure that your hips don’t drop and then slowly return to start position. Raise the foot again and repeat for about 15 times. Turn to the other side and repeat the same for about 15 times as well.

If possible, raise the foot for about 30 seconds for the best results. 
For this to work for your body, you have to be very stable. Don’t let your trunk perform sway as you do the leg lifts.

4. Plank with limb kick 


This is an intense workout that requires composure and confidence. Get a soft mat and assume a forearm or hands simple plank position. Your shoulders have to be over the elbows so as to engage the core, glutes, and quads. This should help you form a straight head to ankle line.

Once you assume a stable position, lift your left foot to about hip height and kick out to the left (just a few inches). Bring the foot towards the center and lower it back to the floor. Repeat the combination but this time with the right leg and kick to the right. That will form a complete rep and you need around 15 of them to form a set. 3 sets will be enough for a day.

5. Twisting v-ups 


This is a very underrated workout that will leave your abs cracking. With your arms to the sides, lie on the mat with your face up. Engage the torso core and lift your right leg as you lift the upper torso upwards from the mat. Twist by the waist and using your left leg, reach for your left toes. Once you touch them, return to the original position and repeat again this time alternating the leg and hand. Once you lift both legs, that will be one rep. 

Perform 14 more reps to form one set. Take a one-minute break and do some 2 or so sets. That will be a worth it 30-minute workout.

You don’t have to worry where to get that hourglass figure you’ve been dreaming of. There’s no secret other than working out. However, working out doesn’t really deliver alone. Make sure you eat healthy foods that don’t contribute to gaining weight. You won’t regret it. It may take a while to achieve but with patience, you’ll soon look like those celebrities you’ve been envying.

Yoga for Stiff Neck and Shoulders

Yoga for Stiff Neck and Shoulders

Yoga for Stiff Neck and Shoulders

Stiff necks are very common among different individuals regardless of their age and gender. In most cases, they result in pain which tend to extend to the shoulders if left unchecked. Well, there are numerous ways with which you can either prevent or get rid of these conditions, but none of them is more natural and effective than Yoga.

Practicing yoga has proved to be very beneficial in a number of ways. The kind of posture you make is very significant in determining what you will gain from it. Below are different postures that are meant for stiff neck and shoulders.

1. Child’s pose or Balasana.


Child’s pose popularly known as Balasana in Sanskrit is a very important yoga pose meant to relieve neck and back pains. The pose is easy to achieve, and it enables you to restore your inner strength. To assume that position, you will first have to kneel. You should then sit on your heels while making sure that your knees are comfortable. Go ahead and bend forward with your arms stretched to support your neck and your head as low as possible. Maintain the position for some time while breathing normally. This pose has a way of calming your body thus relieving stress. It can also be used in treating anxiety.

2. Thread and needle pose.

There is no doubt that thread and needle pose is the type of yoga to turn to when experiencing significant neck and shoulder pains. This is because unlike many yoga poses, it involves twisting the body muscles giving you the massage you need so much to loosen your neck.

To achieve it you will have to start by standing on your four limbs. This means your knees and elbows. You should then take your right arm and stretch it further towards your left arm. Make sure that palm is facing upwards. Once you are comfortable, take your left hand and walk it around your back as far as possible. Remain in the position for half a minute then switch to the other side doing the same thing.

While on thread and needle pose, ensure that you breathe normally and gently. Most people find it hard to balance the first time, but with practice, it won’t be a problem at all.

3. Cow and Cat stretch.

This is one of the simplest yoga postures and yet the most effective. The cow and cat stretch is very good at stretching your neck, shoulders and even your back. The first thing you will do to attain this pose is to stand on your four limbs. Your palms and knees should be on the ground. Make sure that your knees are directly aligned to your hips and your palms to your shoulders.

While in that pose, move your face gently towards the ceiling while maintaining the position of your arms. This way you will be assuming the cow pose or stretch. Maintain that position for some time then go back to your initial pose. Raise your back as high as possible while keeping your head low. By doing this, you will be assuming the cat posture. Maintain the position for some seconds. Keep in mind that while attaining each pose, you should keep breathing normally as a way of relaxing your muscles.

4. Hand to elbow.

Hand to elbow is a yoga pose that involves only the upper body. With this pose, you will be able to stretch your shoulders, triceps and also your neck. The first thing you will need to do is to stand completely upright. You should then lift your right hand with your palm facing your back.

Slowly bend your inner elbow until your palm rests on your spine. Go ahead and bend your left arm over your head until your fingers rest on your right arm’s elbow. You can use it to push your right hand’s elbow further thus expanding your triceps. Maintain the pose for 7 to 10 breaths then switch to your left arm. Once you are done you will feel some relief from your shoulders all the way to your neck.

5. Shoulder rolls.

So many people perform shoulder rolls without knowing that it is a type of yoga posture meant to loosen your shoulders and give you the much-needed relief. With shoulder rolls, you will not only make the pain disappear but also keep your shoulder joints active. All you have to do is start in a yoga sitting position. You should then stretch both your arms sideways with your palms facing upwards. Go ahead and bend both your arms until your fingers rest on your shoulders. While in that position, gently roll your shoulder joints concurrently and in the same direction. The idea is to ensure that you involve your whole shoulder if at all you want to get incredible relief.

6. Corpse pose or Shavasana.


Corpse yoga posture is meant to relax your body muscles incredibly. With it, you will feel at peace and much better than you were feeling before. To get into the posture, you will need to lie completely flat on your back. Make sure that your legs are straight and your arms are stretched out at a 45-degree angle.

The trick is to ensure that a large part of your body is in contact with the surface. Maintain your usual breathing and remain in that position for a while. This posture should be able to give you total peace, unlike any other yoga posture. It is usually meant for those people who are suffering from anxiety. You will also feel your neck pains subside and its mobility restore. Doing this a couple of times a week will ensure you have a relaxed core and your mental status will also be taken care of.

The above yoga postures are some of the few that will enable you to relieve your neck and shoulder pains. The poses are designed to increase the mobility of your stiff neck and shoulders by improving blood flow throughout. Ensure that you perform any of them a couple of times a week and you will be impressed by how effective they will prove to be.

12 Reasons Why You Can’t Lose Weight

12 Reasons Why You Can’t Lose Weight

Are you stuck in the dreaded weight-loss plateau?

In fact, you’ve probably done everything humanly possible.

But the scale just won’t budge.

However, don’t raise the white flag just yet.

Because there’re several hidden factors that could be messing with your weight-loss goals.

To help you out, here are the 12 reasons why you can’t lose weight.

1. Overeating healthy foods

We all know the benefits that come with eating healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables.

However, this shouldn’t be an excuse to overeat some of these foods.

Overeating nutritious foods like nuts, chocolate, and avocados can be a recipe for weight gain.

Some of these foods are rich in calories, therefore if overeaten the excess macro-nutrients can be stored as fats.

You can use a calorie calculator or calorie counters to help you keep track of your calorie consumption.

It’s recommended that you get 30% of your calorie consumption from proteins.

2. Hereditary genes

Hereditary genes passed down from parents can also play a major role in frustrating your weight-loss goals.

Thanks to something called epigenetic, negative lifestyle choices made by past generations can reflect in your DNA.

In short, it’s possible that your grandparent’s couch-potato ways or poor eating habits are taking a toll on you.

3. Getting little sleep


Recent scientific studies have proved that there’s a strong link between weight gain and lack of sleep.

A recent study conducted by Columbia University found out that you can increase your chances of being obese by an unimaginable 73% if you sleep for less than 4 hours every night.

Surprising, right?

Well, the study didn’t stop there because it also found out that you’re 23% more likely to be obese if you sleep for less than 6 hours a night.

In conclusion, lack of sleep can destabilize the regulation of hunger and fat hormones, leading to voracious appetite and increased fat cells.

4. Lack of enough whole-food diet

It’s an open secret that eating healthy foods can help regulate your appetite as well as improve your overall well-being.

That being said, make sure your diet is rich in whole foods instead of processed foods that can damage your weight loss success.

If you regularly eat whole foods, you’ll definitely feel more full compared to eating processed foods.

Don’t be fooled by the “healthy food” labels in most processed foods, because most of them aren’t really healthy.

5. Lack of enough protein diet


When it comes to losing weight, protein is actually one of the most important nutrients.

Eating proteins at 25% to 30% of calories can boost your metabolisms by at least 80-100 calories/day, hence greatly reducing your daily calorie intake.

Eating proteins can also reduce cravings and your snacking desires, thanks to its appetite-regulating hormones like ghrelin.

In fact, studies show that people who take high-protein breakfast have fewer cravings and feel less hungry throughout the day.

6. Not lifting weights

No doubt, exercising can play a major role in helping you achieve your weight loss goals.

However, resistance training like lifting weights can help you hit your targets much faster.

Strength training is known to prevent loss of muscle mass which is often associated with weight loss.

Lifting weights can also prevent metabolic slowdown, ensuring that you stay toned.

7. Not drinking enough water

In order to stay properly hydrated, drinking enough water is a must.

Although the 8×8 rule is somewhat dated, your body still needs enough water to carry out vital life processes.

That aside, drinking enough of this priceless commodity can also help with weight loss goals.

A recent study conducted by the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism found out that drinking more water can increase metabolism, with 500ml of water increasing metabolic rate by at least 30%.

8. Working a lot

Having an overwhelming schedule can lead to being stressed out.

And we all know that stress can have a negative effect on our weight loss objectives.

If you feel stressed, your body releases cortisol hormone, and this can directly affect fat storage leading to weight gain.

A study conducted by the University College London revealed that individuals with higher cortisol levels have a higher BMI and larger weight circumference.

9. Drinking too much alcohol


If you like alcohol but would like to lose weight, then we have some bad news for you.

Beer, wine, and other alcoholic beverages are known to be very high in calories.

In fact, alcohol itself has around 7 calories/gram, which is very high.

However, the good news is that moderate drinking is fine.

Also, mix your spirits such as vodka with zero-calorie beverages to be on the safe side.

All in all, heavy drinking can lead to weight gain.

10. Eating close to bedtime

Eating those late-night meals can impact negatively on your weight loss plans.

This may raise your overall body temperature, insulin, and blood sugar, making it difficult for your body to burn fat.

The best thing to do is to eat dinner at least three hours before bedtime.

Also, try to avoid snacking unhealthy foods such as potato chips and ice creams after supper.

This can greatly increase your calorie intake.

11. Problems with overall health

There’re several medical conditions that can make it tougher for you to slim down.

Medical conditions such as bulimia (eating disorder), heart disease, hormonal disorders, or sleep disorders such as sleep apnea can deal a big blow to your weight loss efforts.

Another thing that could be hindering your weight loss success is some medications you might be on.

For instance, drugs for the following conditions might prevent you from losing weight:

• Allergies

• Diabetes

• Epilepsy

• High blood pressure

• Schizophrenia

• Bipolar disorder

• Depression

So if you’re experiencing one of these conditions, it’s wise to talk to your doctor, because he/she might prescribe a different type of medication.

12. Having unrealistic expectations

Most people often have unrealistic expectations, especially with their weight loss goals.

During the first phase of your weight loss regimen, it’s possible that you’ll lose weight fast, but maintaining the same rate every week can become a problem.

The truth is that we all can’t be like professional bodybuilders and fitness models we see on those magazine covers.

In fact, most of these photos are enhanced, so it might be time for you to accept yourself the way you are if you’ve already lost some weight.

The summing up

All said and done, achieving your weight loss goals is no mean feat, with numerous factors bringing you to a standstill.

First forward, it’s important to be mindful of your calorie intake, by making sure that your intake is always less than your expenditure.

In the end, however, your dedication, resilience, self-discipline, and perseverance will determine the result.