How to Make Losing Weight A habit When You’re Always Busy and Have No Time

How to Make Losing Weight A habit When You’re Always Busy and Have No Time

Most people gain weight because of poor lifestyle and it is unfortunate that the same lifestyle can stop you from getting the time needed to hit the gym.

When we talk of lifestyle, it’s not only the foods we eat but lack of exercise is also a major contributing factor.

With a busy schedule, you will rarely find the time to do some simple exercises even at home, let alone going to the gym.

Neither do you get time to prepare a healthy meal and always end up at your favorite fast food restaurant.

If that has been your lifestyle, then today you can get some relief because you can still lose weight and stay healthy with your busy schedule.

Here are simple tips on how to make losing weight a habit when you’re always busy and have no time.

Get professional guidance

There are many professionals that can give you helpful information regarding your health and weight loss.

It can be a well-qualified dietitian or even if you do a regular visit to your doctor.

You can know if you’re overweight and under any risk of being obese.

The dietitian or nutritionist will give you appropriate advice on the best meal plan as well as how to maintain a healthy habit.

You can also get advice about the best exercises that suit you for faster weight loss. 


Many overweight people tend to eat alone.

They cook on their own, and they have no time to share a meal with friends or even relatives especially if they live alone.

It’s not bad to be a loner, but when it comes to losing weight, you need some motivation, and you can get this if you socialize.

This will encourage social meetings like hosting dinner with friends, attend different parties, and even doing exercises as a group.

This will regulate your eating habits and keep you away from stress which is a contributing factor to weight gain.

Adopt a habit of eating homemade meals


Many people have been surrounded by many affordable and convenient food options and find no time to cook a healthy meal at home.

Well, cooking can sometimes be time-consuming for those with a very busy schedule but did you know you can cook plenty of nutrient-dense meals and keep it in your freezer for more than a week?

It is important to make your own food because it is healthy.

You will be able to prepare the healthiest diet that will help you regulate your weight.

So, plan early and prepare your meals if you plan on losing weight.

Option for lighter lunch

Lunch is the only food which should give you a lot of energy since you’re going to stay active throughout the day.

This doesn’t mean you should consume foods with too many calories.

Too many calories than your body can burn in a day is the main cause of weight problems.

How about pack some home cooked lunch instead of rushing for unhealthy lunch in your favorite restaurant.

You will not only enable your body to stay healthy but also save some money.

Prepare a simple lunch which consists of green vegetable, salad, and some fruits.

Remember to include protein in every meal you take.

Make time for simple exercises

No matter how healthy your diet is, without exercise, you won’t get any good results.

It is, therefore important that you make time for regular exercises.

This will give you a positive impact on your body weight and keep you from diseases associated with too much body weight.

To do this, you can decide to walk home once in a while after work or in the morning.

Also, consider taking the stairs instead of an elevator.

If you get time, you can go for a morning jog or a group run.

Set a target that you want to meet to help you stay faithful to your fitness routine.

Limit alcohol intake


Alcohol is a big setback for anybody who’s trying to lose weight.

It contains too many calories than proteins, fats, or even carbohydrates.

These are empty calories because they come with no nutrients and no energy to help burn them.

Therefore, you need to limit your alcoholic intake to allow your body to burn calories without gaining unnecessary ones easily.

So, instead of passing by a bar to grab a bottle of beer, you can take the time to do some exercises at home.

Don’t be afraid to change

You should always be flexible in accepting several trials and changes in your weight loss journey.

If you don’t see any progress after several attempts, you should not give up.

You must accept the situation and try a different method.

Remember, every technique works differently for different people.

So, just because it worked for your friend doesn’t mean you must get the same results.

Try several techniques until you get to the one suitable for you.

Choose a diet that is appropriate for your body

Diet is a very important factor for your weight loss.

However, you must consider your health condition before adopting any diet changes.

If you’re not careful, the diet you choose may end up increasing your body weight instead of reducing it or even worse, interfere with your health.

Therefore, you need to figure out which diet is essential for your body health.

Talk to your doctor before commencing with any diet change or program.

Control your cravings for snacks

If you have a habit of eating snacks and desserts such as cakes and ice cream, you may find it hard to break away from such habits.

You need to remind yourself of your goal of weight loss whenever your taste buds demand these delicious treats.

They may be tasty in your mouth, but the effects they bring afterward are more than the fun you got while eating.

Keep snacks out of reach and always make sure you eat plenty or proteins because they’ll keep you full for longer and keep you from unnecessary snack cravings.


Weight loss is a long journey that involves a lot of sacrifices and lifestyle changes.

If you care about your health, you will not mind the challenges and stay true to healthy living habits.

So, try to adopt some of these tactics into your busy schedule so that you shave off the stubborn body fat.

Top 10 Beginner Kettlebell Exercises for Women

Top 10 Beginner Kettlebell Exercises for Women

Top 10 Beginner Kettlebell Exercises for Women

The best way to lose weight by working out is to start low and work your way to the top. In this case, cardio training, strength training and flexibility training are regarded to be the best workouts for someone trying to lose weight. Kettlebells are therefore the perfect choice to archive all these.

They are basically bells that take the shape of a small bowling ball but have been fitted with a handle. Most women will usually start with small weights of about 16kg which is okay for beginners.

For the different types of workouts, you can do, the following is a list of Top 10 Beginner Kettlebell Exercises for Women that will deliver:

1. The kettlebell swing (Russian)


This is a great beginner exercise that targets the legs, back, shoulders, glutes, and the hips. Doing a perfect swing is really easy. Stand straight, grab one kettlebell with your two hands and with the palms facing down and arms to the front of the trunk. Once in this position, perform slow hip drives to the back while bending your knees slightly.

However, you should not bend too low for this not a squat. In a slow swift motion, move your hips forward and at the same time swinging the kettlebell. In the whole time, keep you’re the gut and the core busy. Lower the kettlebell down between your legs to create a swing. Repeat this swing for about 15 cycles. You’re ready to rock the Russian way!

2. Single-arm swing

For a beginner woman, this would be perfect. The good thing about it is that you can still do it even after you advance to the intermediate level. The main targets of this workout are shoulders, glutes, hips, and the back. This is similar to the Russian swing. The only minor difference is that unlike in the two hand swing, in this workout you use a single hand to swing the weight.

For best results, make sure that the free hand is also kept in sway to help create more momentum. Switch the weight to the other hand once it gets behind your legs. This helps in a balanced workout. Repeat this for about 12 times for each arm. This workout delivers.

3. Two-arm kettlebell workout 

This is a quite intense workout that brings about a lot of flexibility. It aims at shoulders, the back, and arms. It works well for both beginners and intermediate trainers. In this case, each arm grabs a kettlebell (sounds like lots of fun, right?), place the kettlebells in front of your feet and bend your knees slightly.

Bend over and grab the two kettlebells and lift them towards the belly, with your elbows close to the trunk and the back upright. Lower the kettlebells slowly and repeat this for about 15 times. For a beginner, a maximum of 15 reps is enough. I bet you feel like a champ already. 

4. Chest-loaded kettlebell swing 

This is done for about 15 reps that will give you the flexibility that you never had. Stand with your feet slightly apart. About one foot apart. Hold the kettlebell and pull it towards your lower belly and draw your shoulders together.

Composure is important. You can take a deep breath and fix your eyes on a spot on the floor, far from your feet. Bend your hips slightly towards the back until you feel your hamstrings stretch. Extend the hips and squeeze the glutes as you tuck your tailbone locking out.

By the end of 15 reps, trust me you will feel much different. 

5. Shoulder halo kettlebell workout

Do 8 reps in both directions for this workout. With the kettlebell horns placed upside down, it should be able to face upwards. Stand with your feet slightly separated and fix your feet firmly on the floor. Draw the ribs downwards and slowly start moving the kettlebell in a round motion around the head.

You should be careful not to change your posture and avoid bending your trunk in any way. You don’t want to hit your head with the kettlebell so be very careful. Make complete circles around the head and after every rep, change the direction. 

6. The hip halo kettlebell workout 

For each direction, 8 reps of this workout will do. The body remains in the same posture just as in the shoulder halo above. However, in this case, the kettlebell is held by its handle. The best length to hold the kettlebell is around arm’s length. Make slow circles around the hips. Keep switching the kettlebell from arm to arm and perfume the eight reps in a single direction and afterward, switch and repeat in the other direction. Be careful with the kettlebell.

7. Around the legs kettlebell workout

For two directions, 5 reps should be enough for a beginner woman. It is similar to the hip halo just that for this case, the weight is moved around the knee. During this workout, hips are bent towards the back and the weight is moved around a knee at a time. Stay confident and pull down your ribs. Do the five complete reps and once you’re done, switch the limbs and repeat the same for five reps. 

8. Squat and press single arm kettlebell workout 

At shoulder level, hold the kettlebell using one hand. Tuck the elbow in such a way that the forearm remains in a vertical posture. This will stretch the biceps. For beginners, don’t pick a really heavy kettlebell. Slowly perform squats all the way down for around 8 reps. Switch the weight and repeat the reps.

9. Bent over kettlebell rows 

Hold two kettlebells firmly and stand in a straight position. Hinge towards the front till your trunk gets parallel or slightly above the trunk. Drive your elbows towards the back and at the same time restrain your blades from moving. Pull the weights towards your elbows until you feel like the shoulders are almost touching. Retract the weights and repeat the same for around 8 reps. This improves flexibility to very high levels. 

10. Goblet squats 


This mainly targets the hamstrings, quads, and glutes. You don’t need a professional to do these squats. With the elbows tucked in, hold the kettlebell against your chest. Stand with your two feet positioned slightly wider than your shoulder blades. Do slow squats for up to 12 reps. It would be better if the squats are done in sets, maybe 3 or 4. When you feel the biceps tire, don’t force yourself into it because after all, you’re a beginner.

Working out isn’t just something you wake up and start doing. It needs a strategy, proper planning and needs a lot of time to achieve results. For women beginners, the best way is to start with light workouts. The above Top 10 Beginner Kettlebell Exercises for Women is a comprehensive guide to you if you look forward to starting working out. Apart from working out, remember to stay healthy for the best results.

12 Killer Workouts That Burn More Fat Than Running

12 Killer Workouts That Burn More Fat Than Running

Regular workouts are the best way to help you burn extra calories, whether it is about reducing your body weight or promoting a healthier lifestyle.

Different workouts target different parts of the body and having proper information on them will definitely improve your workout experience.

Here are the twelve workouts that burn more calories than running.

1. Swimming

Swimming is an ideal workout for those looking for a full body workout without having to deal with sweat and joint pains.

Experts recommend swimming among adults and the elderly since the exercise puts less stress on joints and is a very good calorie burner.

Not talking about leisurely swimming, a swimming workout routine is highly intensive and, depending on the technique burns an average of four hundred calories in just thirty minutes.

There are plenty of techniques involved, which give you a wide range of alternatives and help in muscle recruitment and coordination.

Swimming affects areas such as the hands, legs and core muscles.

Resistance from ocean currents promotes more calories burned and is the best swimming workout.

A swimming instructor should always coordinate swimming activities regardless of your swimming ability.

2. Rope Jumping

Rope jumping is more of a workout than a playtime activity.

According to fitness trainers, you burn more calories on rope jumping as compared to running especially if you jump higher and faster.

A one fifty pound jumper burns an average of three hundred and fifty calories in thirty minutes on jumping alone.

Another advantage is that rope jumping requires minimal space and equipment since you only require a good rope, small room, and some jumping shoes.

Affected areas include the lower body muscles from the toes to the thighs and upper torso muscles such as the back, arm, and tummy.

Rope jumping ranks as the best value workout routine suitable for all ages.


HIIT stands for high-intensity interval training and includes different short but intense workout procedures to help burn more calories, promote muscle growth and promote a healthier lifestyle.

Trainers recommend different routines that suit your body shape, weight and targets.

For instance, cardiovascular exercises combined with body strength boosting routines ensure calories burned during and after the workouts.

HIIT exercises require minimum equipment and space making them easy to perform.

A typical workout can take between ten to forty minutes with breaks in between.

A good high-intensity interval training should include exercises that affect chest, limb and core muscles.

Depending on the frequency and intensity of your workout, you will end up burning more calories than running.

4. Rowing

This is an ideal calorie burner and a good alternative to running.

Rowing includes both the legs and the back, which are some of the biggest muscle locations in the body.

Rowing continuously uses up muscles from the quads, glutes, hamstrings, triceps, and biceps.

Intensive rowing guarantees more calories burned compared to running with an average person burning an average of three hundred and fifty calories in thirty minutes.

Rowing can be either indoor or outdoor.

Outdoor rowing is ideal for those looking for harder conditions such as weather and alternating currents that generate resistance.

5. Rock climbing

Another full body exercise that engages all the primary muscles in the body.

Normally viewed as a fun past time activity, rock climbing can take place in specifically designed indoor rock climbing facilities or you can pack up for an adventure and get to climb actual rocks!

Depending on the intensity of the climb, an average person can burn an average of four hundred calories in a thirty-minute workout.

The activity engages the back, core and limb muscles all the way to the tips of fingers and toes.

Rock climbing improves balance and improves body strength with good mental benefits as well.

Trainers recommend this to young adults who may require controlling their body weight.

6. Cycling


Cycling is an enjoyable workout routine suitable for all ages and genders.

It is remarkably easy to learn and requires good balance and patience.

As a workout routine, cycling is intensive and a good calories burner.

Average cycling burns approximately six hundred calories per hour, which can change depending on the distance and intensity.

Cycling affects the lower limbs, arms, back and shoulder muscles.

If you are low on space and time, you can try out indoor cycling as well with the exercise guaranteed to heighten metabolic activities to a period of up to forty-eight hours.

For best results, it is best to combine intensive cycling reps with resting intervals.

7. Kettlebells

You may probably be wondering what these are, Kettlebells are weights made from either iron or steel and carry a handle on the top side, much like a kettle.

You swing the kettlebells back and forth and the shape and weight affect the core muscles more effectively than the barbell.

These muscles simultaneously work with the back and arm muscles and limb muscles.

This workout is a full body exercise that burns an approximate of twenty to twenty-five calories per minute.

To work with kettlebells you only require the bells and assistance of a good trainer.

One of the best workouts for running.

8. Burpees

In this time and age, you probably know burpees.

A burpee is a set of workouts done repeatedly, it includes squats, kicks, jumps, and pushups.

This workout is simple and easy to learn, it is also one of the best workouts compared to running.

You burn about six hundred calories per hour, these exercises are as intense as they get.

They involve all your major muscles ranging from the limbs to the head muscles.

An intensive burpee workout includes all the aspects of a good workout session.

This workout improves resistance, body muscle recruitment and overall body strength.

9. Battle Ropes

These are weighted ropes set up on a wall like surface; they increase body strength and cardio as well.

Working out with these ropes is intense because they target the core and upper body.

They utilize major muscles in the upper torso.

Fitness experts recommend complementing battle ropes with cycling to achieve a well-balanced body workout.

A suitable alternative to running, battle ropes have long been fitted in martial arts and football gym lockers but are now available mainstream.

They include techniques such as the wave, slam, grappler, circles all that target different body areas.

This high-intensity workout burns more calories than running and is a good way of stretching after an equally intense workout.

10. Lifting Weights


Lifting different weights is an intensive workout routine best suited for adults looking to add a little body weight and improving body strength and resistance.

Different weights vary the intensity of the routines.

The weights range from heavy bars to armrests and work best when done in coordination with a fitness expert.

They target muscles from the leg to the core and upper torso muscles, which include neck and shoulder muscles.

A good workout session burns approximately three hundred calories per hour.

Weights are easily attainable and are available at the local gym.

11. Boxing

Boxing is one of the best ways to burn calories!

On estimate, an average boxer burns an impressive seven hundred calories per hour.

Boxing involves the leg and arm muscles, which include both the biceps and triceps.

Boxing improves stamina and posture; it is a great way to keep fit suitable for all types of people.

12. Dancing

Dancing sessions burn four hundred calories per hour.

A very fun workout dancing improves body muscle coordination and is ideal for different ages and classes of people.

A session can range from simple to very intense and includes all body muscles.

Dancing is one of the best ways to become fit since it only requires the services of a dance instructor.

Consistent dancing shapes the body and tone.


Running is a good form of workout that helps you in many ways to keep fit.

But it’s not the only form of exercise that helps you burn calories.

Combining running with the other twelve forms of exercises helps you burn calories fast and keeps your body healthy and strong.

11 Ways to Burn 500 Calories Without Weights

11 Ways to Burn 500 Calories Without Weights

Losing the suggested amount of calories can be tough.

Some people do not even want to go to the gym.

If you are one of them have no fear, we are here to help you.

With our 11 Ways to Burn 500 calories without weights, you are guaranteed success even without a gym or buying dumbbells or barbells.

1. Walking

Our basic and natural activity.

Walking is something our ancestors had to do all the time.

They couldn’t just walk up to a mall and buy something.

They had to either farm it themselves or hunt it down.

This means that they spent a large part of their day on their feet.

Unlike our ancestors, we, on average, spend our days mostly sedentary.

But walking can be a great way to burn off those extra, pesky 500 calories.

In just two hours of walking you can burn up to 500 calories.

Depending on your age and weight it can be even more than that.

Enjoy a stroll in nature.

Walks in nature can also have a mental benefit, apart from helping you lose weight

2. Running


If you like to be out in the open, but lack enough time to make it count, try switching from walking to running.

In just under an hour of running, you can double your calories burned from 200 when walking to 500 plus.

If you are really short on time, try doing sprints for half an hour.

Doing an intense workout without weights such as sprints is a great way to burn those pesky 500 calories, but also to improve your cardiovascular system.

3. Swimming

To burn as many calories as possible, you need to move as much as possible.

Swimming is a great way to move every inch of your body.

In just 50 minutes of swimming, you can burn 500 calories.

Further benefits of swimming are a stronger immune and cardiovascular system, improved flexibility and more muscle endurance.

4. Cycling

A great way to burn calories but also get enough fresh air and sunlight in just under an hour.

You can burn more than 500 calories while exploring nature all around you, or spending a delightful time with a friend or someone outside.

Cycling is also great for lung capacity, a decrease in stress, improved posture, and improved coordination.

Many of us, due to our jobs have problems with mobility and joint health, cycling can fix that issue as well.

5. Dancing

Losing 500 calories can be hard work.

Or at least that is the first thing that comes to mind to many of us.

But that does not need to be the case.

Losing a huge amount of calories can be very fun indeed.

Dancing is a great example of that and it is the most entertaining out of our 11 ways to burn 500 calories without weights.

You can enroll yourself in one of many dance classes.

Alone, if you are looking to meet new people, or with a few friends who share the same fitness goals as you do.

If you are still too shy to do it, just do it at home.

Play some of your favorite songs for an hour or so and enjoy yourself.

6. Volleyball

Sixth on our list is another sport that helps workout almost every muscle in your body.

To an untrained eye, volleyball can seem like a sport with much standing around.

But that isn’t true.

It is a very dynamic and intense sport, with many rapid and explosive movements.

The more strain you put on your body the more weight you will lose.

An hour of volleyball can be the difference between failing and attending your fitness goals.

It can also help with the flexibility of your arms and shoulders.

7. HIIT workout

According to many, HIIT workouts are the best way to burn fat, in the least amount of time.

A great thing about this type of exercise, along with the little time it takes, is how creative it can be.

You can do just one or combine many types of exercises.

The point of HIIT is doing high-intensity training with intervals.

During one interval you give it your all, during the next you rest.

In just half an hour of a 10-20 interval training, you can lose up to 500 calories.

HIIT is also great for the health of your lungs and heart.

8. Aerobics


Much like volleyball or swimming, aerobics can work your whole body.

Depending on the intensity of your aerobics class you can lose up to 500 calories per hour.

It is also a wonderful way to decrease blood pressure and control your blood sugar levels.

As with every exercise without weights that raises your heartbeat it is a great way to improve the health of your lungs and your cardiovascular system.

9. Using the stairs

One of the most practical, everyday way on our list of 11 ways to burn 500 calories without weights.

If you work at a place or live at a place that has many stairs you are in luck.

Walking on the stairs can triple your burned calories when compared to walking on a level surface.

Use them to your advantage.

Just half an hour to 40 minutes of walking on stairs, with the tempo of your choosing, can burn those annoying 500 calories.

10. Jumping rope

A staple on many exercise routines without weights, jumping rope is a fun way to lose more than 500 calories in an hour.

Depending on the intensity of your jumping you can burn up to 200 calories in 10 minutes!

That puts your hour total well over 500, more than doubling it to 1200 calories per hour of intense jumping rope.

It is also a great way to shape your calves, thighs and improve the health and flexibility of your joints.

11. Basketball

The final entry on our list is a fun, explosive sport.

Like swimming and volleyball, playing basketball can engage every muscle you have in your body.

It will not just engage them, it will probably help you push them to their limits.

In 50 minutes of playing basketball, you can lose up to 500 calories.

It is also a wonderful way to improve the flexibility and health of every joint in your body, from ankles and knees to elbows.

How to Reduce Belly Bloat for Good

How to Reduce Belly Bloat for Good

It is the natural law of human beings to have a flat stomach so as to appear attractive in their daily lives.

Nobody likes the idea of having a bloated belly when he or she is about to attend an important event.

It might be the fact that you are working out on a regular basis and also sticking to a healthy and balanced diet and yet not able to get the flat belly which you have always dreamt of.

There can be several reasons for this condition and there are likewise several authentic solutions that will help to get rid of this problem once and for all.

In the following paragraphs, we will talk about some important facts on how to reduce belly bloat for good.

1. Reduce your intake of alcohol


Although we usually associate the consumption of beer with belly bloating, the condition can likewise be caused by almost any alcoholic beverages out there.

In fact, alcohol can be responsible for getting rid of the beneficial bacteria within the digestive system which usually prevents the belly from bloating.

Alcohol can likewise result in extensive liver damage as well as gastritis.

Apart from this, it is quite high in calories as well.

However, there is no need to refrain from consuming alcohol absolutely and you can limit your consumption to not more than one drink every day.

2. Minimize the intake of caffeine

Being a well-known diuretic, we can expect caffeine to help your system get rid of water and salt.

In this way, caffeinated beverages can help to minimize bloating to a great extent.

However, intake of caffeine might result in dehydration which can make our digestive system quite sluggish and this can lead to blockages.

As a result, try to stay away from caffeine as much as possible.

3. Refrain from taking sports drinks

Try to avoid consuming sports drinks most of which are sold as an alternative to soda at present.

Avoid them unless you happen to be a professional athlete or sportsman.

These beverages are packed with artificial sweeteners, sodium, and other salts which can lead to bloating in the long run.

Moreover, most of these sports drinks are also loaded with calories.

Make it a point to quench your thirst with plain cold water or unflavored and unsweetened coconut water following a workout session.

4. Pay attention to the rhythms of your body

It is a fact that our system follows a particular cycle, and the same is true when it comes to our digestive system as well.

Similar to the brain, our stomach becomes more active during the day and quieter after sunset.

This implies that your digestive system is going to digest the big meal very slowly which you have consumed in the evening.

Moreover, in the later part of the day, you are likely to feel exhausted while moving more under the influence of gravity.

As a result, make it a point to cut down the number of your meals while the day goes on.

In case you like to go to a restaurant, go there for having your breakfast or lunch instead.

5. Reduce consumption of processed soy

Soy consists of compounds which are chemically identical to estrogen and also provides an effect similar to estrogen which includes weight gain as well as bloating.

It is important to minimize the quantity of processed and unfermented soy consumed by you in your daily life.

However, it is okay in case you ingest insignificant amounts of unprocessed and fermented soy including natto, miso, as well as tempeh.

In case you happen to be intolerant to lactose and instead, depend on soy milk as your day-to-day alternative, it will be a smart idea to replace it with coconut milk, rice milk or almond milk instead.

6. Consume fiber in the correct way


Perhaps you are already aware of the benefits of a high-fiber diet.

However, it is important for you to know the fact that significant servings of fiber might block the digestive system at times.

You are more prone to suffer from this condition in case your intestines and stomach are not familiar with such a diet or in case you are suffering from dehydration.

Make it a point to consume the fiber in the early part of the day to avoid these types of problems and also do not forget to drink a good quantity of water.

Your stomach is more active in the early part of the day and you should consume the fiber at this time only.

However, do not forget to space it out so that all the fiber is not consumed in one single meal and also go for a stroll after eating which will help to activate peristalsis which happens to be the natural motion of your gut muscles.

7. Consume measured quantities of meat

Your digestive system will take some time to break down the meat consumed by you and pass it through, and this can result in bloating as well.

Apart from this, in excess of 80% of the antibiotics which are marketed at present are provided to the animals which supply us with meat at lunch or dinner.

Eating an excess amount of meat will expose you to the unhealthy antibiotics which can cause your gut bacteria to become inactive and you might be filled with gas.

Therefore, it will be best to balance your diet in such a way that you do not consume in excess of 4 ounces of meat every single day.


Besides all these 7 guidelines on how to reduce belly bloat for good.

There are several other steps that you can take to alleviate this problem once and for all.

These include quitting smoking, avoiding ingestion of beans, avoiding the consumption of an excessive amount of fluids prior to working out, and so on.

A bloated stomach can also be prevented by sipping on lemon water.

Adding turmeric to your diet, drinking coconut water plus eating a couple of bananas every day as well.

Do not hesitate to experiment with any method you like and find out which works the best for you.

Hopefully, you will not find any problem to prevent your belly from getting bloated after following these guidelines mentioned above.