10 Things You Don’t Have to Do to Lose Weight

10 Things You Don’t Have to Do to Lose Weight

Gaining weight is a major problem nowadays.

Everybody with weight wants to get rid of this problem.

However, if you are trying hard and cannot see any changes in your body, you will probably be thinking that you cannot lose weight.

However, you can!

Here is a list of 10 things you don’t have to do to lose weight.

Diets can be overwhelming and exhausting.

Learn how you can lose weight by following these steps:

1. Don’t use the wrong diet

If you are willing to follow somebody else’s diet plan to lose weight, then chances are that you could be following the wrong plan.

However, the human body varies from person to person.

But when you are inspired by any individual or celebrity, it does not mean that their diet plan will fit yours.

You should choose your diet very carefully according to the requirements of your body.

Moreover, you should know the cost of your diet and how it will influence you.

Choose a diet that best fits your budget and the diet that best fits your body structure will be the best for you.

2. Don’t set unrealistic goals

Individuals who want to lose their weight are also over excited.

Because of this, they set some unrealistic goals that are almost impossible for them.

So, there can be many risks for your health in this regard.

However, learn to make small goals first for your weight loss journey.

Choose your goals according to the stamina and strength of your body.

3. Don’t do a lot of cardio


If you think that working out in the gym and running on the treadmill for hours can make you lose weight then you may be wrong.

According to researches, it is not an efficient way of losing weight.

A lot of working out is not good for your mental and physical health.

Experts believe that there should be a combination of high and low-intensity exercises.

Because high-intensity exercises consume more calories from the body and make new muscles and metabolisms.

Losing weight on such a high rate can be a disadvantage.

4. Don’t use supplements and pills

There are many companies providing services for supplements nowadays.

However, supplements are not very beneficial for your health.

Supplements and pills are available for losing weight.

But according to some experts, it is not the right approach to do so.

Usage of supplements will definitely affect your kidneys and heart.

Most of the doctors strictly ban supplements to use.

Supplements usually decrease the quantity of blood in your body.

5. Don’t skip meals

Did you know that skipping meals tend to make you gain more calories than those who eat consistently?

Skipping meals has never been a good option if you want to lose your weight.

However, your body will lose muscle and metabolism, which are not good signs.

There will be a weakness in your body.

Your diet should be regular.

6. Don’t sit down all day

Usually, we say that people who work get fat quickly.

But this logic is not true.

People who sit down all day with less movement get fat.

Professionals will advise you to increase your Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT).

According to some researches, NEAT can play a vital role in decreasing your body fats.

Non-exercise activity thermologists is a term representing the movement that you do is not energetic enough that it can be called as a workout.

The burning of calories can vary from person to person.

However, the average burn of calories by non-exercise activity thermologists (NEAT) is 2000 calories per day.

7. Don’t think healthy foods can help


People of 30-60 years old think that healthy foods can reduce weight.

They start treating organic food as their first priority.

However, this approach is wrong.

Organic foods can have more calories than other foods.

Furthermore, use a food tracker to help you in your daily life.

You will be able to know the number of calories that each food has.

It will be a very effective step to your health.

8. Don’t hesitate

You can contact professionals who have years of experience in the field of weight loss.

Do not feel too isolated.

They will help solve your problems without a doubt.

So, there is no need to worry about it.

You just need time to identify your problems and explain it to them.

Just keep the reasons and causes in mind and everything will be okay.

9. Don’t underestimate your environment

For example; Hotels are one of the reasons for obesity.

Nowadays, hotels are so popular that no one can underestimate them.

Chefs are making new foods day by day.

It is the human nature that food that smells good will be eaten more quickly.

If you are worried about your weight, you should not underestimate your environmental factors.

10. Don’t take too many steps at a time

Taking too many steps at a time will be bad for your health.

Remember that losing health does not mean you are losing weight.

Both are different cases.

Furthermore, when you try to take too many steps forward, you will actually gain more weight instead of taking it off.

11 Simple Steps to Make Fat Loss Faster and Easier

11 Simple Steps to Make Fat Loss Faster and Easier

The majority of us would like to slim down so as to get rid of the excess fat from our system; however, the process of slimming down is not as simple as it might seem to be.

Apart from exercise and diet, there are many other aspects which can influence fat loss and weight reduction.

Fortunately, many simple steps can be taken to achieve this target without much problem at all.

In the following paragraphs, we have the 11 simple steps to make fat loss faster and easier.

1. Get adequate slumber


It would be possible to burn your fat much quicker by going to bed earlier or setting the alarm clock a bit later.

According to several studies, it has been revealed that there is a relationship between weight reduction and getting adequate sleep.

In one particular study, it was shown that inadequate sleep might result in modifications in our hunger hormones which can enhance our appetite and encourage the deposition of fats in the abdominal area.

It is important to get a minimum of 7 hours of sleep every night, reduce your intake of caffeinated beverages and stay away from using electronic devices prior to going to bed.

2. Include vinegar in your diet

Vinegar is reputed for enhancing our health to a great extent.

Apart from its ability to control blood glucose levels and also enhance heart health, vinegar will also increase the burning of fat within our system.

In one particular study, it was revealed that ingesting a couple of tablespoons of vinegar on a regular basis helps to reduce the weight of individuals considerably.

Consumption of vinegar will also encourage the feeling of fullness and minimize our appetite at the same time.

3. Consume more healthy fats

Studies have proved that enhancing your consumption of healthy fats can actually aid in preventing weight gain to a significant extent.

It takes some time to digest the fat which can make our stomach take more time to become empty and thus we tend to feel full for an extended period of time.

According to one study, it was found that a Mediterranean diet full of healthy fats from nuts and olive oil was related to a lower threat of weight gain unlike a typical low-fat diet out there.

However, it is important to bear in mind that healthy fats are nevertheless high in calories and therefore we need to consume them in moderate amounts.

4. Drink healthy beverages

A simple way to burn fat will be to stay away from the consumption of sugary drinks out there.

For example, sweetened beverages like fruit juice and soda are full of calories and do not offer any nutritional value at all.

Alcoholic beverages are full of calories and they tend to make you overeat in the long run by lowering your inhibitions.

It has been found by research that consumption of both alcohol and sugary beverages can lead to the accumulation of unwanted fat in and around the abdominal region.

5. Consume fiber


Soluble fiber has the ability to absorb water and it likewise travels through the digestive tract rather slowly thus enabling you to feel full for a longer period of time.

Some studies have revealed the fact that enhancing our consumption of high-fiber food items can protect us against unwanted weight gain in the long run.

6. Avoid refined carbs

It will likewise be possible to shed pounds by decreasing our consumption of refined carbohydrates.

Refined carbs are known to have a high glycemic index that can result in crashes and spikes in our blood glucose levels, thus increasing our hunger over time.

It has been confirmed by some studies that a diet full of refined carbs can encourage the deposition of belly fats in the course of time.

7. Consume coffee


Almost every fat burning supplement on the market makes use of caffeine as one of its primary ingredients.

The caffeine which is present in coffee functions as an effective central nervous system stimulant which helps to enhance the metabolic rate as well as the breakdown of the fatty acids.

Consume coffee so as to burn your fat without adding any sugar or cream and this will help to prevent any extra calorie from entering your system.

8. Increase your intake of iron

Iron happens to be an important mineral which provides us with lots of benefits.

However, lack of adequate iron within our system can affect our thyroid gland adversely.

Interestingly, this small gland is responsible for secreting hormones which help to regulate our metabolic rates.

Studies have proved the fact that the deficit of iron within our system is related to impaired functioning of the thyroid as well as a disruption in the generation of the thyroid hormones.

By fixing the deficiency of iron within our system it will be possible to reduce our body weight as well as body mass index.

9. Try intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting happens to be a specific diet pattern which encompasses cycling between periods of fasting and eating.

It has been revealed by research that intermittent fasting can help to encourage fat loss to a significant extent.

You’ll come across different types of intermittent fasting at present including cases in which you consume food items only on some specific days of the week.

In some other cases, you are allowed to eat only at some particular point during the day.

10. Do not focus on fat reduction

Instead of emphasizing on fat loss at the fitness center, make it a point to enhance your performance as best as you can.

This will prove to be more enjoyable and positive and it will also enable you to get the best out of your workouts at the gym.

Emphasize on targets like dead-lifting 1 time your body weight, pulling and pressing heavier dumbbells progressively, and so forth.

Emphasize on what your body is able to do and make an endeavor to become stronger gradually.

Perform this and fat reduction becomes a side effect.

11. Be consistent

Be consistent while performing the previous steps and you will surely get the desired results.

And it should not be very difficult given that you’re going to stick to the guidelines which are customized to your personal lifestyle as well as preferences.


After going through the above-mentioned 11 simple steps to make fat loss faster and easier, it should be simple for you to achieve your target within a short span of time.

There are many options available to you so as to shed pounds effectively and enhance your health as well.

For this, you might be required to make some minor changes in your lifestyle so as to get the desired effects.

Ensure to combine these changes with a healthy and nutritious diet plus an active lifestyle which will help to encourage the breakdown of fat slowly but surely.

8 Restorative Yoga Poses for Restful Sleep

8 Restorative Yoga Poses for Restful Sleep

8 Restorative Yoga Poses for Restful Sleep

Insomnia or inability to sleep can be caused due to anxiety, stress, depression, poor sleep routine, and many other factors. We should not take insomnia lightly as prolonged sleep deprivation can cause serious health problems like heart disease, heart attack, heart failure, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes and many other major and minor problems in our life. One of the best ways to improve sleep quality is restorative yoga.

Restorative Yoga Poses help in improving blood flow, relaxation of muscle by passive stretching along with meditation. This type of yoga helps to calm our nervous system by slowing the mind and body – all which can aid in restful sleep. In restorative yoga, props like pillows, walls or blocks are often used to support our body so that we can rest, feel as relaxed as possible and hold the poses effectively and longer. Restorative yoga poses can be done on a mat, on the bed or on the floor. Each of these poses needs to be held for 3-5 minutes.

Before moving on to the 8 restorative yoga poses, we need to keep in mind that we must create an environment that promotes restful sleep. Turn off all electronic gadgets and turn down the lights 90 minutes before bedtime. A quiet environment in the bedroom is the first step. Now let’s move on to the 8 restorative yoga poses for restful sleep.

1. Uttanasana or Standing Forward Bend Pose

How it is done:

Start with a normal standing position. Bend forward at the hips and move your torso down. Bend until your fingers can touch the ground. Now bring your hands behind the heels. Inhale and lift the front torso slightly, then exhale and release it into the forward bend. Keep doing this and hold the pose for 3-5 minutes.

Why it is useful for restful sleep:

Gravity is an important factor in this yoga pose. Gravity helps us in stretching the spine, back, and hamstrings. Uttanasana or Standing Forward Bend Pose helps us to calm the nervous system, especially the forward bend pose helps in relieving anxiety and stress by relaxing the spine, which ultimately helps in promoting sleep.

2. Balasana – Child’s Pose or Child’s Resting Pose


How it is done:

Balasana is a resting pose which is performed with a full gravitational pull. The name of this yoga pose Balasana is derived from the Sanskrit words Bala meaning child and asana meaning pose. Balasana is performed by sitting up comfortably on your heels. Then move your torso forward and bring your head in a resting position on a mat or on the floor in front of you. Now lower your chest in a way that you can stretch your arms in front of you and your shoulders should feel relaxed. Focus on deep Inhalation and exhalation while holding this pose for 3-5 minutes.

Why is it useful for restful sleep:

This yoga pose helps in promoting relaxation and calmness by relieving tension in the neck, back, shoulders, and hips.

3. Marjaryasana – Cat/Cow Poses


How it is done:

Start on your hands and knees and position them like a tabletop. Your knees should be kept directly under your hips. Make sure your hips, your wrists, and shoulders are in a line in such a way that they make perpendicular to the floor. Your eyes should be looking at the floor. Begin with the Cow Pose – Inhale and drop your belly towards your mat or your floor.

Lift your head and chest and look up at the ceiling. Do not try to pinch your back, stretch it as you drop your belly towards the mat. Then draw your belly to your spine, round your back towards the ceiling Like a cat stretching its back, round the upper back and center your head back to the neutral position with your eyes looking at the floor. Inhale as you do the Cow Pose again and repeat this for 3-5 minutes.

Why is it useful for restful sleep:

Marjaryasana or Cat/Cow Poses relieves the spine and belly organs, providing mental relaxation required for restful sleep.

4. Viparita Karani — Legs Up the Wall Pose

How it is done:

Make sure that your stomach is empty before trying this asana. You need a wall as a guide for this pose. Begin in a seated position five to six inches away from the wall. With your shoulders and head in a resting position on a mat or on the floor, lift your legs up onto the wall. Lift your legs until your legs make perpendicular to the hips. Make sure to keep your chest long. Allow your feet to scoot against the wall. Keep your legs firm, but they should be relaxed. As you feel gravitational pull onto your legs towards the floor, inhale and exhale deeply. Hold this pose for 3-5 minutes.

Why is it useful for restful sleep:

It helps in improving blood circulation in the body and it also relieves tensions, stress, headaches, and anxiety. This restorative pose calms the mind before bed. When done for 10 minutes, this pose helps in easing tired feet.

5. Upavistha Konasana — Seated Wide-Angle Forward Fold Pose

How it is done:

Start with Dandasana or in a Staff Pose, with your legs in front of you and make sure that your spine is straight. Now spread your legs as wide as possible while using your hands as support to your torso. Ensure that your thighs are on the floor and your knees pointing up towards the ceiling. Now move your hands forward in a way that they are in front of you and between the legs. Keep your spine long and your forearms will support the body. Staying relaxed, continue to stretch as far as possible.

Why is it useful for restful sleep:

This forward folding restorative yoga pose helps in relieving anxiety by the stretching of the hips, lower back, hamstrings, and groin, thus promoting restful sleep.

6. Eka Pada Rajakapotasana — One-Legged King Pigeon Pose

How it is done:

Start with Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward-Facing Dog Pose. Raise your right leg up in a way that it extends away from you, then bring it forward and slide your knee towards the back of your right wrist. Now, gently slide your left leg behind you. Your left thigh should be flat on the floor.

Make sure that your right leg is at a comfortable angle, the knee should be on the inside of your right wrist. While relaxing, slowly fold forward with your arms reaching forward and your palms should be against the mat. Hold this pose for 3-5 minutes before alternating sides and repeat.

Why is it useful for restful sleep:

Pigeon Pose also plays an important role in relieving stress in the hips and lower back, it helps in relaxing and calming the mind, thus helping in improved sleep quality.

7. Uttana Shishosana – Extended Puppy Pose

How it is done:

Start on all fours. Your wrists should be square, under your shoulders and your knees underneath your hips. Exhale and make sure that your sit bones are halfway back and toward your heels. Your elbows should not touch the ground. Now, drop your forehead to the floor, letting your neck to relax. You will feel a long stretch in your spine and upper shoulders.

Why is it useful for restful sleep:

Extended Puppy Pose also relieves tension in the neck, shoulders, upper back, and back. This restorative yoga helps in lengthening the spine, releasing tension in the shoulders, and calming the mind before bed. Ultimately, it helps in achieving deep and restful sleep.

8. Savasana — Corpse Pose


How it is done:

Savasana is done by lying on your back with your legs straight. Your arm should be out at your sides while your palms facing upward. In this restorative pose, you should try to release tension from every part of our body, starting from your toes up to the head. Breathe naturally as you normally do. Hold this pose for 3-5 minutes.

Why is it useful for restful sleep:

This restorative, as well as, meditative yoga pose, helps in lowering blood pressure and heart rate. It relaxes your legs, arms, face, and chest and it also plays an important role in the alignment of the spine. It is used mainly to conclude a restorative yoga session. So, like all other yoga poses, Savasana is also important for better sleep quality.


Over the years, all the 8 restorative yoga poses accompanied by short breathing exercises or meditation show signs of relieving tension, anxiety, and stress. It relaxes our mind and body and calms our nervous system which ultimately helps us in achieving deep and restful sleep.

11 Simple Morning Habits for Ultimate Weight-Loss Success

11 Simple Morning Habits for Ultimate Weight-Loss Success

Most people consider losing weight as a big task for them.

However, this isn’t the case.

Losing a few pounds doesn’t mean you strain a lot.

It doesn’t mean you change all your diet or your daily workload.

The morning routine is the basement for your weight loss.

The following 11 Simple morning habits for ultimate weight-loss success will positively eliminate your weight loss worries and will lead you to a healthier life.

1. Practice eating high protein breakfast


Breakfast is an important meal to consider every day.

Whatever you consume in the mornings is set as a base for your day.

A morning meal will set your satisfactory level until lunch time or it will decide whether you will run to the vendor prior to your mid-morning snack.

High-protein breakfast aids in crave-cutting and weight loss.

Studies show that in most women, high-protein breakfast reduces cravings which occur after meals as compared to the normal breakfast.

It is continuous to suggest that, high protein breakfast reduces fat gain, hunger, and daily intake when compared to normal protein breakfast.

2. Weigh yourself every morning

Determining your weight each morning before breaking your daily activities effectively increases your motives and also improves your self-control.

Those who weigh themselves frequently in the morning have high chances of losing around 13 pounds more as compared to those who often weigh themselves less.

Studies continue to prove that adults who daily weigh themselves in the morning have a high potential of losing an average of 4.4 kg (9.7 pounds) in a two years period.

Those who weigh themselves once in every month gains 2.1 kg (4.6 pounds).

Frequent morning weighing improves restraint as compared to those who stopped weighing which is affected by increased calorie intake.

This also decreases self-discipline.

Try to weigh yourself every morning after your bath and prior to any meal intake.

This also helps in determining your weight fluctuations and taking the best measure.

3. Drink water


Consuming two glasses of water every morning increases weight loss.

Water increases your calories burnt and energy expenditure.

Taking fluids aids in high metabolic rates and a study shows that over-weighed women have higher chances of losing around an extra 4.4 pounds of weight per year when they take a lot of water in morning hours.

Drinking water reduces food intake and appetite in most individuals.

Older adults, on the other hand, reduce the number of calories intake during breakfast — this frequent drinking of water assists in weight loss.

Morning water intake makes you stay hydrated hence a great booster for weight loss under minimal effort.

4. Get Some Sun

You can practice opening curtains early in the morning to allow sunlight to enter your room.

You should also spend  a few minutes outside the room to access the sunlight each morning.

These kick-start your weight loss on a high note.

Exposure to moderate light or ultraviolet radiation aids in suppressing weight gain after a high-fat morning intake.

Morning sunlight exposure is a rich source of vitamin D.

This vitamin gain plays an important role in weight loss and reduces weight gain.

As per the study, overweight individuals who take vitamin D supplements every morning reduces a lot of weight yearly as compared to those with insufficient vitamin D in their blood.

Older women have high chances of weight loss under Vitamin D gain.

The time took under sunlight exposure mainly depends mostly on the place of your location and your skin type.

But being exposed to sunlight for 10 to 15 minutes is essential for your weight loss.

5. Involve yourself to some physical exercise


Frequent morning exercises boost weight loss.

Increased aerobic exercise in overweight women also assists in weight loss.

Study compared individuals who engage in morning physical activities to those who engage in the activity in afternoon hours and concluded that morning individuals lost a lot more weight.

Morning exercise helps to keep a steady blood sugar level in the body.

Low blood sugar may result in negative results in your body such as excessive hunger.

Individuals with diabetes control their blood sugar level through morning exercise.

6. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness practice involves focusing on present moments which brings awareness towards your feelings and thoughts.

Mindfulness practice assists in the enhancement of weight loss and healthy eating habits promotion.

Study shows that mindfulness practice reduces obesity and increases weight loss.

Mindfulness practice can be achieved through spending some few minutes in a space full of calmness and having a sensational connection.

7. Longer Sleep


Getting into your bed earlier and waking up a bit late helps to increase your weight loss.

Depressed sleep may lead to increased appetite.

This result in increased cravings and hunger especially for high-calorie and high-carb foods.

Sleep restriction increases calorie intake as per the study.

Apart from eating well, an established healthy sleep schedule plays an important role in weight loss.

8. Pack Your Lunch

Set aside time in the morning to prepare your lunchtime meals.

Rather than purchasing your lunch meals in cafes, morning meal preparation in our homes is better for our health.

As per the study, home-prepared meals are healthier.

It is of a high-quality diet and also reduces the risk of increased body fat.

Study shows that those who eat home prepared food frequently per week have high chances of reducing their body weight.

Hence, it is more advisable if you are working and you can’t find the time for preparing your lunchtime meals is to prepare them early in the morning.

9. Commute to Your Work Place

Daily driving to your workplace isn’t that healthy.

Though it seems to be a comfortable life but expensive to your health.

Study shows that walking, cycling or taking a public mean of transportation plays a bigger role in weight loss hence reducing the risk of weight gain.

Studies continue to prove that those people who commute by car gain more weight as compared to non-car commuters.

It also proves that individuals who cycle, walk or take public means of transport or any other active mean of transport have low body mass index as compared to those under private transport means. 

10. Track Your morning Intake

Have your morning food diary close to you for tracking your eating habits.

This keeps you accountable and assists in boosting your weight loss.

Study shows that those individuals who track or monitor their diets lost a lot more weight than those who did not.

It also shows that women who track their diets improve their long-term weight loss management.

Try to use various Apps to track your diet or even just take a paper and a pen to write what you consume in order to be well informed on your daily diet.

11. Avoid reading most news in the morning

Some breaking news in morning hours has a serious effect on our health.

They may cause stress and long-term stress has an impact on your health.

Long-term stress triggers the hormones that are in charge of calories saving.

This long-term effect cannot even be treated by eating less.

The only effective treatment is avoiding daily stress.


A few morning changes increase your weight loss.

Morning health behaviors make you start your day on the right foot and a successful day end.

A healthy lifestyle is determined with your daily practice and your diets.

Why Cold Weather Running Is the Best (Even When It Seems Like the Worst)

Why Cold Weather Running Is the Best (Even When It Seems Like the Worst)

Why Cold Weather Running Is the Best (Even When It Seems Like the Worst)

As the nights start to draw in and the temperatures plummet, it is hard to look forward to going out for our daily run. It seems so much easier just to put it off and curl up on the sofa in our warm living room with a good book and a cup of hot cocoa.

The only problem is that by doing this you are going to miss out on the multitude of health benefits that you get from running in cold weather. So, sit up, put away that cocoa and learn why you should be braving the elements to keep running through the winter.

Benefits of Cold Weather Running

The hardest part of cold weather running is starting. When you first leave the house, the cold is biting. Standing there in your training gear with a chill breeze cutting through you, making it easy to just turn around and return to the house, however, the key is resisting this temptation.

Once they get started, and their body begins to warm up, many runners say that they actually enjoy cold weather running and prefer it to running when it is hot.

According to research conducted at the University of Aberdeen, when you run in cold weather, your heart does not need to pump blood to the skin for cooling in the way it does in hot weather, so you are able to run with the same intensity but at a lower heart rate. This helps to reduce tiredness and means that you have more left in the tank for a final burst towards the end of the run. For this reason, cold weather running is a perfect opportunity to work on your stamina and endurance.

Advantages of cold weather running

Another distinct advantage of running in cold weather is that when you run in low temperatures, your body burns more calories. It doesn’t just do this while you are running but while you are cooling down too. Your body will try to keep you warm and to do this, it increases your metabolic rate to burn more fat.

The increase in your basal metabolic rate is maintained even after you have finished running as your body attempts to return to a normal temperature. This makes cold weather running a fantastic way to burn off the extra calories that are picked up over the festive period.

It helps build strength


If you are looking to build strength then winter running is the perfect way to do that. When you run in the winter you are often running in slippery conditions where your footing is not always certain. This is especially true when you are running in ice or snow. To compensate for this, your body starts using muscles that it doesn’t normally use in an attempt to help you maintain balance.

Think about how much your body tenses when you walk on snow. Muscles in your legs, back, shoulders and arms all tense up. That tensing that you can feel is thousands of muscles all contracting and working to keep you balanced. So when you run, these muscles are constantly tensing and relaxing in what really amounts to a strength session for muscles you don’t normally work on. 

One of the most rewarding benefits of cold weather running is the mental strength that it builds. By pushing yourself to go out each day to run and face the freezing weather, you realize that it is often beneficial and indeed enjoyable to do things that your body and mind may not initially want to. This can also lead to increased confidence and motivation in other parts of your life too. 

So as you can see there are a lot of great reasons why you should run in cold weather, however, it is important to remember that you need to make sure you are prepared and equipped to reap the benefits,

What You Should Remember

One of the most important things that you need to do before you start cold weather running is getting prepared. It is important that you are able to stay warm and safe when running in cold conditions. You need to dress in layers. This lets you take off unnecessary clothes as you begin to warm up. You can then put them in your backpack and keep running.

Winter running gives you an opportunity to splash out on top end running gear if you really want to, but you don’t have to, it is just a case of dressing appropriately. For example, gloves and an insulated hat are a definite must, as is a good quality windproof jacket. You should also make sure you have good running shoes with grips designed for winter use and winter running socks. 

When you run in low temperatures you need to drink a lot more water. Your body will use up water much faster as when you sweat, the water doesn’t stay on the skin but immediately evaporates causing your body to produce more sweat. Make sure you take enough water with you and drink it regularly while you are running. Also, take lots of fluids before and after your run to make sure that you don’t dehydrate. 

Safety first

The most important thing when running in cold weather is that you stay safe. Try to find some clear paths or roads to run on. The next time it snows, have a look to see what paths and roads are cleared first. You will often find that these include colleges, schools, office parks and other places with private maintenance employees.

Be careful when running near roads as it is just as slippery for cars as it is for you. Try to stay off the roads where you can, but where you can’t, make sure that you run against the traffic, so you can see what’s coming towards you. 

If you are running in windy weather, you should run into the wind on the way out and with it behind you on the way back. This will help you to stay warmer. It is also important to protect your face from the chill wind. A good pro-tip is to invest in some Vaseline to put on exposed parts of your face. It is waterproof and will help to keep your face from freezing up. 


So, don’t think about hibernating like a bear this winter and get out there and enjoy some rewarding cold weather running. It has some amazing benefits for your mind as well as your body, and as long as you prepare and remember some basic points, you will find that it is much more enjoyable than it seems before you set out.