12 Snacks for Type II Diabetics

12 Snacks for Type II Diabetics

12 Snacks for Type II Diabetics

There are in excess of 20 million people in the US who are suffering from Type II diabetes at present. If you happen to be one of them it is time to figure out the proper snack foods in between your meals that will help to control your blood glucose levels and keep it within range. In this post, we have talked about 12 snacks for Type II diabetics that you ought to incorporate in your daily diet regime.

1. Almond and Dried Cranberries

This mouth-watering and sweet diabetes Type II snack is a mix of dried fruits and nuts. As per a study published in 2013, almonds are accountable for restricting any increment of the blood sugar levels that usually happens after you consume anything and also help you to feel full for quite some time. However, portion control is essential with this snack given that both almond and cranberries are rich in calories as well as carbohydrates.

2. Raisins and Greek Yogurt


It will be feasible to prepare a delicious diabetes snack by topping off some quantity of plain Greek yogurt along with some raisins. In a particular study conducted in Greece in the year 2014, individuals suffering from type II diabetes were provided with raisins which happen to be a food dense in carbohydrates and packed with antioxidants. It was observed that raisins were responsible for lowering their blood pressure as well as blood sugar levels significantly. Nowadays, raisins are believed to be an effectual snack item when it comes to lowering blood sugar levels.

3. Hummus with Vegetables

Apart from being rich in calories, hummus likewise provides lots of essential nutrients and fiber. It may be used as a dip for celery, cucumber, carrot sticks, or peppers. In case you do not prefer the taste of hummus, it will be advisable for you to combine it with other vegetables like some low-fat salad dressing, a Greek yogurt made from garlic, cucumber, and spices, and so forth.

4. Chicken Noodle Soup

A bowl of scrumptious chicken noodle soup will prove to be a warm and relaxing snack item for type II diabetics. You can even try a delicious fish soup with some pieces of potato to satisfy your taste buds as well. Apart from being low in the content of sodium, these soups provide us with protein as well.

5. Jicama

Jicama is another snack item which is referred by the doctors to the patients suffering from diabetes. This happens to be a root veggie which tastes great irrespective of whether it is cooked or consumed raw. You need to cut it into sticks after peeling it and then place in the fridge till it becomes cold. Consume this veggie to your fill given that 1 ounce of jicama provides just 2 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of sodium, and 11 calories.

6. Hard-boiled Eggs

We all know that eggs are wonderful sources of protein, as well as a fantastic carb-free snack. One can easily have a couple of hard-boiled eggs in between their meals which won’t raise their blood sugar levels by any means. In case you don’t like the taste of boiled eggs, it will be a smart idea to sprinkle some salt and pepper on them to spice up the taste significantly.

7. Cheese Crisps

In case you are in a hurry and are fond of mouth-watering crunchy snack items, a crisp made from real cheese is not going to disappoint you. These snack items are not only low in carbs but will likewise supply calcium and protein too. On top of this, cheese crisps are available in different types of flavors so that you will never run out of choice.

8. Turkey Sandwich

For this particular diabetes-friendly snack item, top 1 whole-grain bread slice along with 2 to 3 ounces of roasted chicken or turkey sans the skin. Add some mustard or some amount of light mayonnaise, sliced tomatoes, and lettuce leaves to enhance the taste significantly. Stay away from any processed or prepackaged meat if possible given that they contain lots of salt. Instead, go for homemade or store-cooked roasted meat.

9. Banana-Berry Smoothie

Prepare this savory snack for type II diabetics by blending a small amount of yogurt or no-fat milk, a small banana, and a cup of frozen berries. While preparing the mix, add some ice which will help to make the smoothie thick without adding any carbs or calories whatsoever. It is essential for this snack to be less than 150 calories, and for this reason, make it a point to measure the ingredients meticulously prior to blending them. You might add some protein powder in the smoothie so as to make it protein-rich.

10. Olives

A lot of experts have recommended the consumption of olives of all types including Kalamata olives for all type II diabetics. In fact, olives prove to be a fantastic option when they are served in combination with vegetable sticks. The fatty acids present in the olives and the fiber present in the veggie sticks are ideal for all diabetes patients out there.

11. Shredded Coconut

It is possible to eat shredded coconuts by combining them with smoothies as well as fresh blueberries. Coconut has the ability to regulate the blood sugar levels and blueberries are packed with antioxidants that protect against free radical damage which can be triggered by enhanced blood sugar levels.

12. Whole Apple


Ingesting one small apple along with the skin is going to provide approximately 20 grams of carbohydrates. You may spread some peanut butter after slicing the apple which will help to enhance the taste to a considerable extent apart from offering 10 more grams of carbohydrates as well. In fact, it will be feasible to control hunger by adding peanut butter to your meals, and thus it will help to regulate our blood glucose levels too.


Type II diabetes isn’t a condition which one must just live with. It will be possible to safeguard our heart, eyes, limbs, and kidneys from any damage caused by the ailment by making some small changes in our daily routine including our diet. These above-mentioned 12 snacks for type II diabetics will allow you to control your blood glucose levels effectively and prevent any complication that might be triggered by the condition otherwise. 

7 Great Exercises to Combat Cellulite

7 Great Exercises to Combat Cellulite

Cellulite is what gives the skin on your legs a dimpled or lumpy appearance which some say resemble orange peels or cottage cheese.

It is quite common in the hips, thighs, butt and abdomen and more likely to affect women than men because women tend to store more fat in the lower body like hips and thighs.

In fact, 80-90% of women acquire cellulite at some point in their lives.

It also becomes more common with aging because the skin becomes less elastic as your body stores more fat.

What causes cellulite?

The primary cause of cellulite is fat, but, this doesn’t mean that slim people have a lower risk of cellulite.

Even if you have a slim frame, you may still have a high body fat percentage.

In fact, the formation of cellulite is largely dependent on your genetic makeup.

People store fat in different areas of the body in different quantities.

This fat distribution is largely dependent on your genes.

So, if you’re slim but you have a very uneven fat distribution, say most of your fat accumulating in the legs and minimal fat in your arms, you could develop cellulite.

There are individual fat cells in your body that have connective tissues or cord-like structures running across them.

As your body starts to store more fat, the fat cells become larger and larger which makes them bulge against the tight connective tissue.

The lumps you see are the enlarged fat cells, and the depressions you see are the tight connective tissue trying to hold it down.

There are several other reasons that can lead to cellulite or make it more visible:

• Foods rich in sodium can make your body retain water, giving it a bloated appearance and making the cellulite more visible.

• Your diet is low in Vitamin C which is a key nutrient in collagen production.

Collagen keeps your skin supple and elastic.

• Poor hydration, either drinking too little water or poor moisturizing of the skin.

Dry skin can make the skin less elastic and exaggerate the appearance of lumpy skin.

• Genetic makeup influences where and how much fat your body stores.

• Genetic makeup influences the way your hormones behave.

Hormones play a critical role in cellulite formation.

Falling estrogen levels can reduce circulation, reduce collagen production and enlarge fat cells.

Combating cellulite through exercise


So, the most logical ways to combat cellulite is to:

• Minimize fat through proper diet and exercise.

• Improving circulation through exercise.

• Improve muscle tone using exercise.

• Keep your skin as elastic and supple as possible through proper diet, hydration and skin care.

There are many cellulite treatments out there from massages, laser treatments to cellulite creams that claim to make your cellulite go away.

However, a lot of these treatments aren’t as effective as advertised because they tend to treat the symptoms rather than the root cause of the issue.

Though there have been some good results from laser treatments after six months, cellulite might reappear again after a while.

There are no shortcuts to combating cellulite.

Laser treatments are a temporary way to deal with the problem.

Long term maintenance of cellulite requires a long-term commitment to a healthy diet and exercise.

Combating cellulite through exercise means blasting away as much fat as possible in the problem areas.

However, you can’t spot treat fat, so you would need to do traditional cardio exercises to reduce fat overall in the body and to reduce your body fat percentage.

Here are 7 great exercises to combat cellulite:

1. Low-Intensity Cardio


The first step to fighting cellulite is to reduce fat around the body.

Cardio is the most efficient way to reduce body fat percentage.

Low-intensity cardio consists of things like running or walking for long duration’s.

Anything that uses between 50-75% of your maximum heart rate is considered low-intensity exercise.

You end up burning more calories with low-intensity exercise because you’re moving the largest muscles in your body, your leg muscle for a long duration.

Low-intensity cardio is also the best for people who are obese or overweight and are dealing with cellulite.

It burns calories gradually and doesn’t place much stress on your heart or joints.

Cardio also helps to improve circulation in the legs, which are problem areas with cellulite.

2. High- Intensity Cardio

If you don’t have the time to go running for 45 minutes or you can handle a reasonably difficult fitness program, high- intensity interval training (HIIT) might be a great way to reduce cellulite.

High- intensity interval training will have you performing intense short bursts of exercise, which utilize over 85% of your maximum heart rate for short periods of time.

You can do HIIT routines in 10 to 15 minutes. 

Some research has shown that it is more effective at burning fat because it increases your resting heart rate for up to 24 hours after the workout.

You also elevate growth hormone and reduce insulin which can help reduce fat and improve muscle tone.

It is also great because you can incorporate muscle toning exercises into the routine like squat jumps so you’re doing cardio and muscle building exercises at the same time. 

However, HIIT places a lot of stress on the joints so it’s not that ideal for people who are obese or overweight and just starting out with fitness.

3. Squat Jumps

Squat jumps are great because not only do they build your glutes and quads but also improves circulation and burns more fat than stationary squats.

Kill two birds with one stone!

Though, this is probably better for more experienced fitness enthusiasts as they are quite taxing on your joints.

4. Lunges

Lunges come in all variants, you can do stationary lunges, walking lunges and curtsy lunges.

Start by balancing on one bent leg.

Place the other leg behind you, also with the leg bent.

For a traditional lunge, your bent legs should form right angles.

Walking lunges or curtsy lunges are better than stationary ones because they have a greater range of motion so engage more leg muscles.

Walking lunges are normal lunges where you move forward using alternate legs and bending both legs like a normal lunge.

A curtsy lunge is a traditional lunge except you’re placing a leg behind you at a diagonal, instead of straight behind.

5. Deadlifts

Deadlifts also come in many variants, you can do traditional deadlifts, Romanian deadlifts, etc.

For a traditional one, stand with both feet shoulder-width apart.

Bend your upper body down to lift a weight.

Keep your spine straight and act like there’s a hinge at your hips and your legs and upper body are two separate parts connected at the hinge.

Deadlifts are great for building your glutes and muscle tone.

6. Alternating knee tucks

Assume a bird dog position on a yoga mat while balancing on one bent leg and one arm.

One leg and one arm should be kept straight and sticking out.

The arm and leg that’s sticking out should be alternate limbs.

So, if you’re sticking out your right arm, your left leg should be sticking out.

Bring the arm and leg towards your chest by bending your floating leg towards your chest.

Alternate your leg and arm for the next rep.

Use the ones that you were previously balancing on, this time.

These are great for improving muscle tone and building your glutes.

7. Hip Thrusts

Lie on your back (keeping it flat against the mat) on a mat.

Bring your hips up, so that you’re balancing on your shoulders and two legs.

Your thighs, hips, and chest should form a straight line.

Hip thrusts activate your glutes the most out of all leg exercises.

So, it is great for improving muscle tone in your hips, butt and upper thighs which are all problem areas for cellulite.

Top 11 Superfoods for Diabetics

Top 11 Superfoods for Diabetics

Top 11 Superfoods for Diabetics

Although we have become dependent to a great extent on different types of medications and drugs at present, more and more folks are starting to realize the fact that food is actually the most effective medicine whatsoever. In fact, poor diet is accountable for 90% of the chronic ailments that we suffer from nowadays, and the same is true in the case of diabetes as well.

It is imperative to make some smart dietary alterations so as to improve the condition of those suffering from the ailment at any stage of their lives. In the subsequent paragraphs, we have talked about the top 11 superfoods for diabetics right now.

1. Olive Oil


In a study conducted in Spain in 2015, it was revealed that the consumption of olive oil on a regular basis leads to a lower risk of diabetes. On the contrary, one ought to refrain from eating fatty salad dressing as well as butter in order to prevent this condition. Being an effective source of monosaturated fats, olive oil helps in promoting an antioxidant friendly setting as well as satiety for both diabetics and prediabetics.

2. Garlic

We all know garlic for its remarkable medicinal benefits plus vibrant flavor and it is used as a vital food item in many parts of the world since time immemorial. Being made from more than 400 phytochemicals, garlic can also be employed for minimizing and diminishing ailments related to diabetes.

3. Avocados

We usually come across this fruit on Pinterest boards and Tumblr blogs. However, avocados are known for one particular attribute which is that they happen to be a rich source of fat which ought to be incorporated along with one’s diet. In fact, these are abundant in polyunsaturated and monosaturated fats which help to maintain the proper blood glucose levels essential for managing diabetes as well as the overall weight.

4. Dark Chocolate

Being an outstanding source of antioxidants, consumption of dark chocolate helps to regulate glucose metabolism, insulin sensitivity, as well as sugar cravings. According to a clinical study conducted in 2015, it was found that individuals that consumed dark chocolate had enhanced insulin sensitivity as compared to those that did not. It was likewise unearthed that dark chocolate helps to reduce cravings for sugary food items which, in turn, aids in managing diabetes significantly.

5. Turmeric

This superfood for diabetes is a popular ingredient for combating lots of ailments and is grown on a wide scale in the Indian subcontinent. Apart from this, turmeric is likewise used in Indian cuisine which helps to provide amazing health benefits plus flavor. The most notable ingredient in turmeric happens to be curcumin which is capable of regulating blood glucose levels plus reversing insulin resistance effectively. In case you happen to be a prediabetic, make it a point to consume turmeric on a daily basis so as to reduce your chances of developing the condition in the long run.

6. Asparagus

Next, in this comprehensive list of the top 11 superfoods for diabetics, we are going to talk about asparagus. In fact, asparagus is high carb and low-calorie vegetable which is appropriate for diabetics of any age. Being rich in the content of antioxidant glutathione, asparagus helps to minimize any deficiency associated with diabetes. A diabetic can suffer from the deficiency of Glutathione and this can result in cell damage plus other conditions as well. However, asparagus has the potential of rejuvenating Glutathione, thus avoiding any oxidative effect which is prone to people struggling with diabetes.

7. Red Grapefruit

Red grapefruit is abundant in the contents of pectin which is a healthy fiber promoting healthy levels of cholesterol. A study conducted for 16 weeks at the University Of Florida College Of Medicine confirmed that the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) can be lowered significantly by pectin which likewise aids in enhancing the levels of good cholesterol (HDL) to a great extent. As a matter of fact, it is essential to regulate the cholesterol levels so as to prevent the onset of diabetes or even worsening it (in case the patient is already affected by the ailment).

8. Fish

Fish, which is rich in the contents of omega-3, has the ability to reduce any complication related to diabetes. A study conducted in Europe in the year 2008 depicted that individuals who consumed less than a couple of servings of fish every week were more prone to be affected with diabetes. It was also found by the study that those diabetics that ingested a minimum of 2 fish servings every week were less likely to be affected with any ailment related to the kidneys. Thus, we can rightly assert the fact the fish is capable of fighting diabetes in an effectual manner.

9. Greek Yogurt


Anyone out there will enjoy eating this creamy and delicious snack which happens to be low in carbohydrates as well. As a result, Greek yogurt is considered to be a superfood for the diabetics out there. Because of its extremely low glycemic index, one ought to consume it prior to anything else every morning. Ingestion of low glycemic food items will help to regulate the blood sugar levels to a great extent. Besides this, Greek yogurt is likewise rich in the content of probiotics which also enables it to control diabetes successfully.

10. Berries

All types of berries including strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and so forth are rich in vitamins, antioxidants, as well as fiber. Being extremely low on the glycemic index, these fruits help to stabilize the blood glucose levels to a great extent. Furthermore, due to their content of bulk fiber, berries likewise encourage weight reduction too.

11. Beans

All types of beans including white, navy, kidney or pinto beans come with multiple health benefits. Apart from being abundant in the content of protein, iron, and antioxidants, beans likewise aid in minimizing the blood pressure levels. However, it is fiber which makes them one of the most effective superfoods for diabetics at present. Approximately 12 grams of fiber can be obtained from one pot of cooked beans which allows us to feel full for an extended period of time. In this way, beans are great for all those who are making an effort to shed pounds within a short period of time.


Apart from all these top 11 superfoods for diabetics mentioned above, you will come across several more that we have not covered in this post. However, make it a point to consult with your medical practitioner prior to making any alteration in your diet or medicines. In fact, he will be the best person to provide you with valuable advice regarding what changes you ought to make in your diet regime so as to prevent diabetes altogether. 

Yoga for Older Women The 10 most Effective Asanas

Yoga for Older Women The 10 most Effective Asanas

Yoga for Older Women The 10 most Effective Asanas

Yoga is an amazing exercise for the stability of body and mind. Trying or joining a yoga class after the age of 50 can be a daunting task. It means putting yourself out there in a way a lot of people aren’t comfortable with. Body shaming is not a new thing in any culture or age group and its worse when you may be surrounded by younger more agile bodies.

Yoga at any age is a way to keep yourself limber and connected to your community. By adding yoga to your life you are adding balance and health benefits. It also means greater strength and stress reduction.
The health benefits of starting yoga are mental as well as physical and are as follows:

• Increased or maintained flexibility:


As we age, our muscles lose their natural elasticity and yoga can help the muscles lose and limber. It also increases blood flow to the muscles keeping them healthy and strong.

• Bone health:

Humans naturally start losing the strength and durability of their bones over time. Adding yoga to your routine means delaying brittle bones and, later osteoporosis for women. Yoga can help slow down the bone loss and muscle decay. It also reduces inflammation associated with aging bones.

• Your mind will stay sharp

Focusing on yoga poses and maintaining your balance keeps a person focused and in tune with their overall health. Keeping the mind active and helping to improve your memory and prevent age-related cognitive issues.

The Best Yoga Poses for Older Women- The 10 most Effective Asanas are as follows:

1. Tadasana – Mountain Pose:

This is one of the most basic asanas, it is good as a basic balancing pose which helps with posture. It also helps you focus on your breathing as you go through the movements. It is recommended it gets repeated five times without taking breaks.

2. Uttanasana – Standing Forward Bending Pose:

This a position that uses mild inversion. It is commonly used to combat osteoporosis as it gently stretches the hamstrings and hips. It also reduces your blood pressure levels. 

3. Vrksasana – Tree Pose

This asana is excellent for leg and abdominal strength. It is terrific for concentration and focus. It is also good for focusing on hip placement as there are numerous hip problems that occur as we age.

4. Paschimottanasana – Seated forward fold pose.

This asana helps calms you down and relieve stress. It stretches the spine, shoulders and hamstrings. It helps stimulate blood flow to the liver, kidneys, ovaries, and uterus and improves digestion. It also helps relieve symptoms of menopause and menstrual discomfort. This is also a good pose for burning belly fat.

5. Adho Mukha Svanasana – Downward Facing Dog


Downward facing dog is a strengthening and stretching asana. It provides balance for your body and for your mind. It targets both the upper and lower body at the same time to actively using a lot of your body at the same time. This is a pose you will be feeling in your hands, arms, shoulders, back, calves and hamstrings. It helps increase blood flow all over your body and relieves anxiety and stress

6. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana – Bridge Pose

Realigns the spine and helps to straighten out rounded shoulders. It also helps to relieve backache and strain. It strengthens the arms, shoulders, hip flexors. The blood increases to the pituitary, thyroid and adrenal glands and helps work more efficiently. It also stretches the abdominal muscles and organs which improves digestion. It opens your lungs and relieves respiratory conditions. 

7. Bhujangasana — Cobra Pose

Cobra poses is terrific for the back. It can ease the discomfort of an impacted spine and improve the flexibility to keep you feeling more limber. This invigorating backbend stretches the muscle sin your shoulders, chest and abdominals. It also decreases stiffness in your lower back while strengthening your arms and shoulders. It also has the added benefit of helping elevating mood while firming and toning the buttocks and stimulating blood flow to your organs and opening your lungs up. 

8. Marjaryasana — Cat/Cow Pose


Cat/cow poses are interconnected. Together they allow for more coordinated physical movement and improve the flexibility of the spine. It works all the muscles in your back to increase blood flow which helps improve your posture and your walk. It actively stretches all the muscles in your back, torso and neck and works to improve the flexibility and conditioning of all the muscles of your back and abdomen. It helps to regulate your breathing while stimulating your kidney and adrenal glands. This is great exercise for stress reduction and for relieving back pain. 

9. Ardha Matsyendrasana — Seated Twist Pose

This half seated spinal twist is effective for controlling diabetes, losing weight, and relieving back pain. This is a terrific pose for working with spinal troubles such as slipped discs. It also tones your abdomen muscles and organs, and increases the elasticity in your spine. It is also good for controlling high blood sugar and relieves back pain. The muscles of your waist and abdomen get good stretches and it help to burn fat around your waist and hips.

10. Savasana – Lying flat on floor pose

Savasana or corpse pose has you lay flat on your back on the floor. It has terrific mental benefits of helping your mind relax. It also helps to reduce high blood pressure, insomnia, anxiety, and pressure while increasing your energy levels, memory, focus and concentration. As with a lot of yoga poses, it helps stimulate blood circulation and exercises the internal organs by just allowing blood to flow in a neutral way around your body. It is a calming and rejuvenating way to end your yoga session. It can give the practitioner a deep meditative state which helps repair cellular damage while being a great reliever of stress. 

Yoga at any age is a great choice for anyone of any body or exercise type. It has mind/body balances which helps realigns your energies and control the functioning of your organs. It is also great for blood flow which in itself is good for your physical and mental health. Adding yoga to your routine as an older woman is a good choice to help you stay healthy and in top physical and mental form and maintain that as you age. It is never too late to add this to your life style. It is also a great way to reduce life stress and strain while finding a new joy and balance in your life. 

8 Effective Sure-Fire Tips To Get Rid Of Cellulite Fast

8 Effective Sure-Fire Tips To Get Rid Of Cellulite Fast

Cellulite is that unsightly fat around the hips and thighs.

It occurs when the fat distribution changes in the structure of the fat cells.

Hormonal imbalances.

Uneven distribution of fat.

Excess body fat.

A higher level of insulin as well as a prolonged period of inactivity and genetic issues can all contribute towards the development of cellulite.

As nagging as it may sound, there are actually great remedies for cellulite.

In this post, we will discuss 8 effective sure fire tips to get rid of cellulite fast.

1. Take a healthy diet

One of the easiest ways to keep a check on cellulite is by taking a healthy diet.

If at all possible, avoid consuming food that is high in salt since sodium causes your fat cell to swell.

Have a diet that is rich in protein, fibers, as well as one that contains low fat and non-fat dairy.

Also, include enough fruits and vegetables.

Such a diet will help you to eliminate waste and toxins from the intestinal tract.

2. Drink a lot of water


Water is a natural detoxifier, which helps your body to get rid of toxins.

When you are dehydrated Cellulite is more apparent.

It is recommended to drink 8-9 cups of water each day.

Though it may take some time but increasing the daily intake of water will push cellulite out of the body.

3. Start doing some best cellulite exercises

Exercise is the most natural way that will help you to get rid of cellulite.

Your focus should be in building the muscle as it would help in smoothing your skin’s appearance.

Cellulite is most common in the butt and the thighs thus you should concentrate on strengthening the lower part of your body.

The following exercises would be useful:


Put your weight on your heels and move your hips up and down with your back straight.

Hold for some seconds before returning to standing.

Squats is the most effective exercise to tighten your lower body and build your muscles.


Another great exercise to build up the muscles of your lower body.

Take two dumbbells in each hand and start with your left leg stepping forward and lower your knee under it is a 90-degree angle.

Keep your back straight.

Return to the standing position and repeat the same with the right leg.


Cardio exercises like jogging, swimming or cycling not only allows you to burn fat but also helps in improving circulation in the body, and increasing metabolism.

All this together assists in the disappearance of cellulite.

Hip bridge

This would be possible with a balance trainer.

It helps you to build muscle, hip and lower back.

This is an amazing way to elevate your blood circulation.

For this exercise, place your feet on the balance trainer after laying on your back and bending your knees.

Bring your hips, chest and knees in the same line by raising your hips.

Squeeze your glutes and hold for a few seconds.

After this lower slowly to the ground.

Repeat the same for some more times.

4. Dry Body Brushing and Cellulite Massage

Dry brushing is a very easy and effective way to throw out the cellulite from your body.

It improves blood circulation and lymphatic drainage along with eliminating harmful toxins from the body which are the major causes of the development of cellulite.

It just involves brushing the affected area with a dry brush with your skin dry too.

After a few minutes of brushing, wash the dry cells and impurities.

Continue this for a month to experience an improved body texture.

Applying a body scrub in the shower and massaging it for few minutes in slow circular motions will help to distribute the body fat and smooth the bumpy skin.

Using the Juniper oil can help to curtail fluid retentions and its detoxifying properties can prove to be beneficial in reducing cellulite.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar


Apple Cider Vinegar contains antioxidants and minerals that help in detoxifying the body.

It minimizes bloating hence reduces the appearance of cellulite.

Mix 2 tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar with 4 tablespoons of water and 1 tablespoon of honey.

Rub it on the affected area and rinse it off with warm water after half an hour.

6. Use Aloe Vera

Aloe vera gel can bring great results in the task of eradicating cellulite.

It consists of Aloesin which helps to make the skin tight and firmer which puts an end to the dimpled appearance caused by the cellulite.

Apply the gel, 2-3 times a week on the affected area and massage it for a few minutes.

After that rinse it off with lukewarm water.

This remedy will help you to remove the dimpled skin soon.

7. Cayenne pepper

Cayenne pepper because of its fat burning quality is one of the best methods to get rid of the cellulite.

It increases blood circulation, boosts metabolism and curbs fat.

The capsaicin in the Cayenne pepper helps in burning the fact because of which the fat gets easily digested.

Along with this it also helps in flushing out toxins and replacing bad cells with healthy skin cells.

Make a mixture by adding one teaspoon of Cayenne pepper, two of grated ginger and one whole squeezed lemon and consume the same daily to achieve better results.

8. Avoid smoking

Smoking can weaken the formulation of collagen which may multiply the formation of cellulite.

It reduces the blood vessel flow and because of the disruption caused in the formation of collagen, it causes the connective tissue to damage more easily paving way for the underlying fat to show through.

Thus try to avoid smoking as it can contribute significantly to the bumps and dimple skin.

At the same time, it can cause premature wrinkles and ageing and can leave your skin dry and discolored.

Cellulite happens in 90% of women.

A fit slim skin doesn’t always ensure that you are not facing the same.

Along with not allowing you to look good, the accumulation of excess fat can also be a serious health issue in the long term.

Taking proper care and implementing a few of the above tips can help you to get rid of cellulite and those pesky dimples to enjoy a healthier as well as a more beautiful body.

12 Proven Benefits of Fasting

12 Proven Benefits of Fasting

Fasting is a practice which has been in existence for over centuries, playing an essential role in various regions and cultures.

The method involves abstaining from some or all types of food or drinks for a given amount of time.

Most people go for about 24 to 72 hours without taking food.

The practice has a lot of health benefits associated with it including weight loss and increased brain functionality.

Here are 12 Proven Benefits of Fasting.

1. Blood sugar control.

For those who have diabetes, fasting has been proven to improve blood sugar control.

In a study carried out, one out of ten people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes had lower blood sugar levels after intermittent fasting.

Another study showed that fasting had a similar effect of reducing insulin resistance as lowering calorie intake.

With reduced insulin resistance your body is more sensitive to insulin allowing it to transport glucose from your bloodstream to your body cells effectively.

Fasting is therefore essential for controlling your blood sugar.

2. Fasting Reduces inflammation.

Acute inflammation is right for your body immune system as it assists in fighting infections.

Chronic inflammation, on the other hand, is dangerous as it has a severe health risk.

This includes heart diseases, rheumatoid arthritis and cancer.

Fasting has been proven to lower inflammation.

In a study done on 50 people, results showed that intermittent fasting for a month reduces inflammation levels.

On another study done on animals showed that low-calorie intake significantly decreased inflammation and this made it easy to treat chronic inflammatory conditions.

3. Healthy heart.


Heart-related conditions account for 31.5 % of deaths and are considered the leading causes of death worldwide.

Studies have shown that fasting does have some positive impact on the Health of your heart.

One particular study showed that fasting on alternate days for about eight days reduces LDL cholesterol levels by 25% and blood triglycerides by 32%.

Another study done on obese test subjects showed that fasting reduces blood pressure.

Other studies associate the practice with reduced risk of artery diseases and diabetes.

For those wishing to avoid heart problems, fasting is a recommended practice for you.

4. Boost brain function.

Some research done on animals prove that fasting has a positive effect on the health of the brain.

On a study done on mice showed that intermittent fasting about a year increased brain function and improved brain structure.

It does this by raising the generation of nerves which improve cognitive function.

The practice also reduces neurodegeneration as it lowers inflammation.

Fasting also aids against prevention of Alzheimer’s disease.

These tests, however, have only been done on animals and more research needs to be carried out on human subjects.

5. Weight loss.


Abstinence from specific food intake decreases calorie in the body which leads to weight loss.

Fasting also increases metabolism as it boosts levels of neurotransmitter norepinephrine which leads to weight loss.

A study showed that intermittent fasting for 3 to 12 weeks was effective in reducing weight by 16%.

The practice was found to be much more effective in weight loss than calorie restriction as it also preserved muscles.

6. Increases Growth Hormone Secretion.

The growth hormone is an essential protein hormone in your health.

It is responsible for growth, metabolism, muscle strength and weight loss.

Studies have shown that fasting increases the levels of the hormone.

On one particular study, nine women after fasting for two days had an increase in the growth hormone rate by 5-folds.

Since the practice reduces insulin levels, it, therefore, increases the growth hormone level.

This is because increased insulin reduces growth hormone level.

7. Reduce ageing.


Research done on animals show an increase in life expectancy.

On a study done on rats showed a reduction in ageing.

The rats that participated in fasting outlived those that did not by 83%.

Other studies also show similar results proving that fasting increases longevity.

The research, however, is only limited to animals and more research on humans still need to be done.

8. Cancer Prevention.

Test-tube and animal studies indicate that fasting reduces the risk of cancer.

One particular study on rats showed that the practice aided in preventing tumor formation.

A similar test-tube study proved that subjecting cancer cells to intermittent fasting reduced the growth of the tumor.

Further studies are being done to investigate the effect on humans as the current studies are limited to animals.

9. Increase in cellular repair.

When you fast, your body cells start a waste removal process which is called autophagy.

The process involves metabolizing broken proteins which build up in a cell.

This is very useful to your body as it protects you against diseases like cancer.

10. Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease.

This is a common neurodegenerative condition which has no known cure.

The only way to be safe from this disease is by preventing it.

Studies show that fasting reduces the risk of the disease.

In some case reports, some patients improved Alzheimer’s symptoms after fasting.

Other animal studies report that the practice does reduce neurodegenerative diseases like Huntington’s and Parkinson’s.

11. Improves hunger

You cannot experience hunger if you eat very often.

Fasting enables you to experience real hunger by adjusting hormones in your body.

Obese people are not able to know when they are hungry as they don’t receive correct signals.

The more you fast, the more your body learns to send the right hormone to inform you that you are hungry.

When your hormones are working correctly, you are also able to get full faster.

12. Fasting Helps clear the skin.

When you fast, your body is freed from digesting and can focus on other things like regeneration of energy.

Studies show that abstaining from food for a day helps the body clean the toxins and adjust organ functions like the kidney.


Fasting has a lot of health benefits associated with it.

The list gives 12 Proven Benefits of Fasting to show you its importance.

Some people only consider fasting to be just for religions or those with the intent to lose weight, but it is much more than that.