7 Powerful Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water.

7 Powerful Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water.

7 Powerful Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water.

Lemons are widely known to be one of the best fruits humans can consume, likewise it´s one of the most popular all around the globe. If we use a timeline, it goes back to ancient India and ancient China where this fruit was used as an ingredient of many home remedies. Even though nobody knows exactly where this tree came from; fortunately, we have preserved and spread this tree to the present days and we still have all
the benefits of this amazing fruit has to offer. However, we still have to learn some of its magical properties. Water is the universal solvent, it´s
capable of dissolving different substances and one of the most popular drinks throughout history has been lemon water. But why has this drink survived for centuries despite its sour flavor? Why people see it as a must in our daily diet? Why so many people suggest to drink it in different times of the day?

Well the truth is lemon water helps us to improve our health even just by drinking a single glass of it every day. If you do this, you will soon notice how your body´s functions improve. Here are some of the benefits you can get by drinking lemon water:

1. It boosts the immune system.

This is something you have probably heard about before. One of the most important vitamins that helps our immune system is vitamin C; lemons contain more than 41% of vitamin C. This is a gift from nature itself. Many nutritionists have claimed that 3 glasses of lemon water is
enough to provide the body with the daily amount of vitamin C it requires. In fact, one of the reasons people drink a glass of lemon water in the early morning it´s because of it; the body absorbs better vitamin C during the early morning, especially after 12 or more hours of fastening. According to Doctor Dolores Silvestre, it also helps to fight some kind of cancer and it helps to inhibit neuroinflammation. It´s also known to work against flues, colds and sore throats. 

2. It Burns Fat.


Lemons is one of the fruits that contains the highest amount of citric acid; an acid that is necessary for our body, but what does it work for? Well, citric acid is an antioxidant; it helps to burn fat. Some people drink lemon water while exercising in the morning as it helps to regulate and to get a high/fast metabolism; therefore, the fat burning process is considered to be a morning ritual for those who want to lose weight.

As citric acid works as an antioxidant, it helps to prevent aging, wrinkles and skin conditions and even to prevent Alzheimer or even Parkinson. 

3. It helps digestion.

One of the reasons we are able to process food it´s because our stomach is full of acid. Without the gastric acids, we wouldn´t be able to process all the delicious food we eat every day. 

The citric acid found in lemons is extremely useful for our body and it works just fine with the gastric acids, making the digestion process easier. Some studies have claimed that drinking lemon water after 7:00 pm may harm your stomach and cause gastric problems. As it is a diet complement the intake should be moderate

4. It helps blood pressure.

Another important element found in lemons is potassium. Without this mineral our body would work so well, because it helps the muscle tissue and transports nutrients and things we don´t need out of our body. In ancient China, warm water and lemon was used in the early mornings to treat blood pressure. It stimulates the Central Nervous System, 

5. It helps your kidneys and maintains pH balance 

Water lemon helps to prevent those painful kidney stones in those with deficit of urinary citrate. Citrate is one of the components of citric acid, and believe it or not, it makes urine less acidic. Drinking lemon water reduced the acidity in our body and make it alkaline, which is the kind of food and drinks our body needs to keep working properly. 

Water lemon also helps with dehydration, as lemon is too sour to drink it by itself, you must pour some water in it, and there you go really simple, isn´t it?

It is believed that lemon helps to improve the blood stream and it works as a depurative that means it helps to cleanse your body. 

As a natural diuretic, lemons can help you to urinate more so, it improves the renal function 

6. Improves Cardiovascular health


This one of the underrated aspects of this miraculous fruit. Heart diseases seem to be increasing every year in the United States due to our terrible diet and stressful way of life. This fruit is one of the possible answers to this terrible situation that has taken so many lives, if we just spend a little more on research and give it a chance we might find amazing results. 

Remember that his plant has antioxidants, right? Well, as antioxidants can take down the negative levels of toxins, potassium reduces mental stress and it helps to relax the heart muscles. That´s why it´s never a bad idea to drink a glass of water lemon every day.

7. It´s an antibacterial Agent.

One of the benefits you can obtain if you drink lemon water every day is that you will start healing faster over an influenza and fevers. It also helps against bacterial infections in the throat and it also promotes oral health. 

Many people don´t know this but, whenever you want your gum to stop bleeding or if you want to get rid of bad breath, drinking lemon water is the perfect solution.

So, we have used water lemon for centuries and we have given to it many uses. It seems to be that this fruit may also be considered an important medicine, despite the fact it is not as strong as what we may call a “real medicine”, it has an important role in our daily diet and
in our health. It keeps us hydrated, cleanses our body, contains important amounts of vitamin C, helps us to heal infections in our throat, help us to
improve our skin and our hair conditions, it is delicious, and hopefully, sooner or later, it might help us to fight heart diseases.

It doesn´t really matter if you drink it in the morning or in the afternoon; as long you as you drink it wisely every day, you will surely see the benefits and be thankful about it. 

7 Home Remedies for Weight Loss and Obesity

7 Home Remedies for Weight Loss and Obesity

7 Home Remedies for Weight Loss and Obesity

Nobody wants to be fat and it also diminishes your self-confidence. Not only that, but obesity is one of the leading causes of death all over the world. Complications due to excess weight can lead to cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and some forms of cancers. Of course, with the busy lives that we have today, going to the gym for two to three hours is not practical, especially after a demanding day at work. Still, there are some things that you can do to keep your weight down and, if ever, trim off excess fat one pound at a time.

With that, here are our 7 home remedies for weight loss and obesity.

Drinking Water


Water does not contain any calories, can help in removing toxins from the body, and it also helps in suppressing the appetite. Most of the time, hunger pangs that are help can be satisfied simply by drinking a glass of water. Plain water is also recommended as compared to sugary drinks like juices, sodas, or energy drinks as these contain lots of sugar or alternatives that are just as fattening.

You can spritz up your water intake by adding lemon for every liter, or you can drink it with green or black tea. Doing these will also double the benefits as they help in speeding up the metabolism.

Staying Active

You do not need to go to the gym in order to lose weight, but you do need to move around a bit. Doctors recommend at least 30 minutes of light activity a day, although extending it to 45 minutes to an hour will definitely help you shed more pounds. This can be done easily at home by walking the dog, cleaning up around the house, climbing up and down the stairs, or even moving furniture around.

Most smartphones now have built-in pedometers that can monitor your activity. Aim for 8,000 to 10,000 steps per day in order to see results.

Cook Your Own Meals

Opt to cook at home rather than to get take out or dine at fast food joints. Not only do restaurants and other food establishments serve large portions of food, but most of them are also filled with products that can hinder your weight loss goals. Cook meals that minimize the use of sugar, flour, salt, and unhealthy oils like butter and vegetable oil.

Instead, use olive or coconut oil, unprocessed meats, and other foods that are as close to the original source as possible. The less sodium, sugars, and additives in your food, the less toll it would have on your body. Cooking with cinnamon, chili peppers, fiber-rich foods like oats, and vegetables as they help in fat burning and digestion as well.

Watch What You Eat

Preparing healthy meals are all well and good, but watching just how much you eat is just as important.

Daily portions of carbs, proteins, and fats are necessary in order to control your weight. As a general rule, one cup of carbs such as rice and pasta, half a fist’s worth of proteins, and one tablespoon of fat is optimal along with a fist’s worth of fruits and vegetables.

Also, try to limit snacking by avoiding high-fat foods like fries and those with lots of sugars and additives like corn or potato chips. Carrot sticks, a handful of nuts, or yogurt can be great snack alternatives. Lastly, chew your food slowly before swallowing as this will better aid in digestion.

Try Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is a type of diet lifestyle that is fast gaining popularity. If done correctly, it can slash your calorie intake by about a third. Intermittent fasting means that a person will not eat for a specific amount period of time, either for 16 hours a day, or 2 full days a week. This type of fasting is easily sustainable as compared to other diets that restrict the type of foods that you eat, and it has been proven to increase your body’s fat burning abilities as well as other short and long term health benefits.

Do Yoga


Yoga and other similar activities such as Pilates are non-invasive, relaxing, and can burn tons of fat within a short amount of time. Yoga is great for those that are not yet in good physical shape, and it also requires very little equipment and room space. Thirty minutes of yoga three times a week can help in improving your general health by burning calories and improving your range of motion. Similarly important is its positive impact on your mental health.

Get Enough Sleep

Sometimes the best solutions are the simplest. Get enough sleep to help your body recuperate from the daily stresses of life. Six to eight hours are recommended to qualify for a good sleep, although excessive sleeping may also negatively affect the body. Having the right amount of sleep every day helps you regulate your body’s hormones which have effects on your appetite. And yes, this includes weekends and holidays, too, so try to make it a daily ritual to sleep and wake at the right times.

With these 7 home remedies for weight loss and obesity, you can be on your way to improve your physical fitness by slowly shedding away those excess pounds. Of course, you can speed up the pace of your weight loss by going to the gym and doing a combination of cardio and resistance training. However, it is important to check if your body is up to an immediate change of routine. Check with your doctor if he can provide you with a fitness program that you can do comfortably and safely.

Being in shape is a requirement in order to live a long and comfortable life. Being fit means that you are less susceptible to many life-threatening diseases, and you would feel and look much better, too. Make it a point to slowly change your lifestyle so that you will be able to reap the benefits of a fit and healthy body.