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8 Relaxing Yoga Poses

These 8 yoga poses will definitely make your body feel more relaxed.

Insomnia can be managed or cured with a doctor’s assistance. Some people receive prescription medications to help them sleep. In many cases, the first
approach to managing insomnia is based on changing behaviors to facilitate optimum sleeping patterns.

Good sleep hygiene includes:

• Going to bed at the same time
• Waking up at the same time
• Establishing a bedtime routine
• Turning off and disengaging from electronics at least an hour before bed (including the television)
• Keep the room as dark as possible (no bright LED lights)

Exercise in the morning before starting daily activities or at night at least six hours prior to bedtime helps people sleep. The exact reason exercise supports sleep
remains unclear. Several factors may contribute to this effect.

The accompanying rise and fall in body temperature may encourage better sleep. The endorphins released during exercise may alleviate stress and anxiety
induced insomnia. People meeting the guideline of 150 minutes or more of moderate to vigorous exercise as recommended in Physical Activity Guidelines for
Americans, a Department of Health and Human Services publication, see the most sleep benefits.

Yoga As A Sleep Aid

Using yoga poses as a sleep aid offers many positive benefits:

• It can be done at home and away from home.
• It does not require special equipment.
• A wide range of fitness levels can perform these exercises.
• A yoga practice effectively relieves insomnia, because it:

Stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system which activates the relaxation response, the opposite of the fight or flight response activated by stress. It encourages the mind to be still, ending racing thoughts and ruminating which can affect sleep

8 Relaxing Yoga Poses to Help You Fall Asleep

The following yoga poses assist with soothing away mental and physical tension. They should be done as part of your bedtime routine. They relax the hips and
lower back as well as the shoulders and upper back, areas which tend to accumulate tension during the day. Breathe slowly and deeply holding each pose for
five to seven breaths. A breath is one inhale and one exhale.

1. Sukhasana Easy Pose


Sit comfortably with the knees bent and the ankles resting on the floor in front of you. Rest the hands on the knees and bring your attention to your breath.

2. Forward Fold

Extend both legs in front of you and reach your feet. Your hands do not have to reach your feet.Only bend forward, from the hips, as far as you are able to do so without rounding the back.

3. Reclining Twists


Lay back and bend the knees with the soles of the feet remaining on the floor in line with the hips. Allow the knees to touch without moving your feet. Extend
the arms to either side of the body to form a T-shape.Drop the knees to one side while turning the head in the opposite direction.Bring the head and knees back
to center then twist to the opposite side. Alternate twisting from side to side for three to five rounds.Legs up a wall. Take a seat near an open wall. Place one of
your hips close to the wall then turn them up against the wall and lay back. Rest here for five to 10 breaths or up to 10 minutes.

4. Corpse Pose

Lay down on your yoga mat with legs extended and arms resting alongside the body palms facing up.Remain here for 10 minutes. The stress relief aspects of
exercise are amplified by the yoga poses approach to movement. Yoga provides an ideal means to experience the physical gains offered by moderate exercise as well as
the mental benefits of the breathing exercises and meditative quality of the practice. Each pose is performed mindfully with the breath aligned to each movement. It brings a meditative quality to the “exercise” and in turn meditation’s benefits: stress relief and a state of relaxation.

5. Climb the Wall


To perform this yoga exercise, you have to lye on to the floor with your thighs positioning against the wall. If you move as close to the wall with underneath,
the easier it is to do this stretch.After executing the wall structure exercise, you go into a wide open space, so that you can loosen up easily. This creates helpful
to getting rid of annoying kinks again. Lye directly on your back and slowly pull your legs in the up route toward your breasts, or even to the scope that you can
reach without getting prickly. Then hug your feet and move the body from still left to right without moving the head.

6. Reclined Tree Pose

To execute this yoga exercises poses lye on your rear, then loosen up legs out contentedly. Make your single of one ft . to congregate the inner side of the
contrary leg. You exclusive might rest on the inner thigh, leg or calf. It is a very calming pose.

7. Reclined Cobbler’s Present

This is one of the most soothing yoga poses out there which is perfect for individuals who experience hip problems. You should lay flat on your back in a comfortable position and soothingly expand your lower limbs out in front of you. Slowly get the bottoms of your ft along, allowing your keens to show up carefully to your factors. You should keep the hands by your sides.

8. Child’s Pose


The child’s pose is one of the very most calming yoga poses exercise since it imitates one of the natural poses which children often do. Kneel down on to
the floor, keeping some smooth cushion or any material underneath anyone to keep you laid back. Then sit get back in normal position again on your legs and
feet. Broaden your hips slowly to permit your torso to have the closed position to the ground as you bow with legs used to your chest. Breathe usually and
continue doing this one as often as is comfortable.

Different types of yoga poses provide different types of effects on the body. Some energize and invigorate while others calm and center the body. In order to
relieve insomnia, the selected poses need to focus on instilling a sense of calm and relaxation.

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