8 Yoga Mistakes Most Beginners Make- [That You Won’t Make Anymore]

8 Yoga Mistakes Most Beginners Make- [That You Won’t Make Anymore]

8 Yoga Mistakes Most Beginners Make

We would all like to be successful in our yoga exercises.
Every beginner would like to achieve his or her desired results. Some people
actually achieve their desired results while others fail to achieve them. This
can actually discourage you and make you feel frustrated. You need to know some
tips that can help you succeed in your yoga exercises. These ideas can help you
avoid making yoga mistakes. There is plenty of information on the internet
about yoga. However, this article will shed more light on the yoga mistakes
that you should avoid making.

Yoga can be done both at home and even in the workplace. However,
this requires you to create time for it. The following are some mistakes that
you should avoid when doing yoga:

1. Not Having a Clear Plan of What You Want to Achieve


Some people actually do yoga exercises due to peer pressure
and so on. This can be detrimental. You will note that your friends are doing
these exercises with a clear objective in mind. You should actually have a
clear plan of what you want to achieve before engaging in yoga exercises.
Starting yoga without any objective can make you waste a lot of time. You might
not even get the results that you would wish to get. You might even lose the motivation
to continue and so on. You should always have a clear goal that you want to achieve
so that you can remain motivated.

2. Forgetting to Breathe

It is advisable to keep on breathing in between these exercises
so that your body tissues can get the oxygen they need. This also reduces
fatigue and other problems. You should take deep breaths so that your brain and
body tissues can get maximum oxygen from time to time. Sometimes, you might lose
the focus of your breath. This can make you feel tired and eventual stop at the
middle of the session. Breathing helps prevent these problems.

3. Worrying What Others Will Say

Remember that we are all different. Some people will achieve
their results earlier than others. You should stick to your personal goals all
the time. You should give yourself more attention and achieve your set
objectives. Sometimes, you might be tempted to compare your weight results with
those of others. However, this can discourage you. You should be proud of
yourself and focus on achieving your personal goals.

4. Ignoring How You Feel

Your body matters a lot. You should not ignore how you feel.
Some people have ignored how they felt in the past and ended up having injuries.
You should pay more attention to your body during yoga exercises. If you feel tired,
you can take breaks and rest. Overworking your muscles can be detrimental. You
might not achieve the results that you want. You need to take breaks from time
to time so that your body can get revitalized. In addition, you should do exercises
that put a lot of strain on your muscles. If you are a beginner, you can start
with simple exercises and carry on with complex exercises with time.

5. Not Being Consistent


Yoga exercises usually require a lot of consistency in order
to achieve the desired goals. Some people usually do yoga for a few days and
then stop all of a sudden. This will not help you. You should have a program
that you will be following. You should stick to your schedule all the time. You
should ensure that you meet your set target all the time. Lack of consistency
can make you fail to meet your weight loss goals.

6. Viewing Yoga as Something to Be Mastered

There are people who have done yoga exercises in the past
and have become very successful. They lost weight successfully and even built
muscles. However, this might not be the case with everybody. You might see amazing
photos of these people on social media platforms. However, this does not mean
that you have to master yoga in order to achieve such goals. You just need to
enjoy doing it for your own benefit. You might not lose weight as those people but
you will definitely reduce some significant amount of body fat. Do not be a perfectionist.
Aim at meeting your targets and you will be a happy person.

7. Negative Self-Talk

You should be positive all the time. You should avoid
viewing yourself as a failure. You might have failed in the past but this does
not mean that your weight loss efforts will be futile. You should be optimistic
that you will lose weight successfully. You should not also accept negative comments
from our friends. You should be positive all the time. This can make yoga more enjoyable.
You should not allow your mind to have negative thoughts when doing yoga exercises.

8. Waiting to Be Flexible Enough in Order to Practice

Remember that some people actually start yoga when they are
above 100kgs.You should not wait until you are 70kgs so that you can start yoga.
You can actually start it at any time. At first, you might not be flexible
enough. However, with time, you might gain the flexibility that you want.
Waiting for your body to be flexible might not be a good idea. You might find yourself
adding more weight and eventually not being able to do simple exercises. You
should start yoga anytime soon. If your intention is to lose weight, you will
manage to reduce weight successfully.

It is advisable that you choose the right instructor so that
you can get the right guidance that you need. You should choose an instructor
that you are comfortable with. This instructor should be aware of the modern
yoga exercises. He should be patient with you so that you can lose weight successfully.
Doing these exercises on your own might be a good idea but you might not know
the right exercises to do. You need to have an instructor so that you can know
what needs to be done.

It is crucial that you have plenty of water with you so that
you can hydrate our body. Take yoga positively and be self-motivated to do
these exercises. Avoiding the above-mentioned yoga mistakes can help you achieve
your set goals.

8 Ways to Lose Weight Without Exercising- [Smart Weight Loss]

8 Ways to Lose Weight Without Exercising- [Smart Weight Loss]

8 Ways to Lose Weight Without Exercising

Losing weight and becoming a healthier person is always on the top of everybody’s New Year’s resolutions list. However, with busy schedules and expensive gym memberships, fitness quickly falls to the bottom of our list. But, there are some solutions to help you shed the pounds without going to the gym or exercising period. Here are 8 ways you can lose weight without exercising.

1. Drink Lots of Water

Drinking water is one of the easiest ways to help you lose weight without exercising. By drinking water, you are filling yourself up and when you go to eat,
your appetite won’t be as big, and you won’t eat as much because you’re already full off water. Drink 17 ounces (a regular-sized water bottle) when
you first wake up and then drink one an hour and a half before each meal. You can even push yourself to lose more weight by eliminating all sugar and calorie-filled drinks from your diet completely.

2. Sleep


If you are a super busy person then you know how hard a good night’s rest is to come by but, did you know that if you got more sleep, it could affect your
appetite? When you are sleeping, the proteins that help to regulate your appetite and stress levels come alive to help everything continue to flow the right way.
When you are not getting enough sleep, these proteins are being disturbed which can cause you to crave more of the unhealthy foods instead of the healthy
ones. So, try to catch up on some rest and watch the pounds shed without one lick of exercise.

3. Portion Control

We all know that when we are trying to eat healthier, portion control is something we have to watch. We are so used to eating larger sized meals that when it’s
time to eat better, it’s hard not to crave more. But, portion control is one of the ways you can lose weight without exercise. You can still eat the things that you
love, just cut back on how much you eat. If you normally eat 2 tacos on taco night, cut back to just 1 and incorporate a healthy snack and water to help keep you
full. Simple as that.

4. Eat Foods High in Fiber


When you eat foods that are high in fiber, it can help you to feel fuller for a longer period of time. It can also help reduce your food intake. You can find fiber in foods such as beans, oats, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, oranges, and flax seeds. These are all easy finds at the grocery store so, no need to worry about trying to find some complicated ingredients so you can get started on your weight loss journey. Fiber can also help you have more bowel movements if you normally get
constipated or just don’t go a lot. By having more bowel movements, you can easily shed pounds, too!

5. Hide Unhealthy Snacks

When you have your unhealthy snacks in a place that is easily accessible, it makes you want to eat more of it. So, if you hide them somewhere out of sight, you
are less likely to think about it and in turn, less likely to eat that particular snack. When you have these snacks where you can see them, you will most likely
have increased hunger and cravings which would cause you to eat more and more of that particular snack. However, if you keep healthy snacks out on your
countertop, you will be more inclined to eat them instead of the candy you have hidden. This is another easy way to lose weight without exercising.

6. Slow Down

Chewing slowly has been proven to help you lose weight without exercising. When you chew fast, your brain doesn’t have enough time to process that you are
full. However, when you chew slowly and thoroughly, your brain will be able to tell you when your stomach has had enough. If you eat fast, you have a very
high chance of becoming obese because you will be inclined to eat more. A habit to help you slow down while chewing is to count how many times you chew.
This gives your brain plenty of time to process everything that’s going on in your body.

7. Plating

The way you plate your food can be a super helpful way if you are trying to lose weight without actually exercising. Using smaller plates can help you eat less
because it will make your portions look bigger than what they are. Today, dinner plates are way bigger than what they used to be which makes people want to
eat more and more. You could also serve your healthy meals on larger plates so, you can eat more of the healthy food and then plate your unhealthy food on a
smaller plate so you only eat a small amount of the unhealthy food.

8. No Distractions

The last, but not least, a method to help you lose weight without exercising is to eat without any electronic distractions. Often, if we eat while looking at our
phones or watching TV, we will come across food advertisements or our friends will post pictures of their food while they’re out to eat. This can cause you to
want to eat more just because you are already eating and their food looks good, too.

Also, if you are distracted, you are more likely to get distracted or lose count of how much you have actually eaten. If you eliminate all distractions while you eat, it allows you to focus more on your bodily intake and your brain can actually tell you when your stomach is full. If you don’t pay attention, you are more likely to consume way more calories which will later affect your overall weight gain. So, make sure that you pay attention to how much you’re eating because it is another way to lose weight without exercising.

All of these methods are tried and true and will help you to lose weight without going to the gym or try to squeeze in a workout session when we know we do n’t have the time. Hopefully, you try it and it will work for you!

7 Best Healthy Low Carb Snacks to- [Shred Stomach Fat]

7 Best Healthy Low Carb Snacks to- [Shred Stomach Fat]

Best Low Carb Snacks

Would you like to shred stomach fat today? You can try these healthy low carb snacks. There are many options that
you can consider. You will note that your lifestyle greatly contributes to
weight gain. You need to change your lifestyle in order to lose weight and gain
muscles. Exercises are highly recommended since they can help you shred stomach
fat. A balanced diet can also play a major role in enabling you to achieve this objective.

You will note that if you reduce the intake of the carbohydrates and maximize the intake of proteins, you are likely to lose more weight and even gain lean muscle. If you are used to taking a lot of carbohydrates, you might find it difficult to do without them. You just need to take low carb snacks from time to time. This can play a major role in enabling you to lose weight.

There are many low carb snacks that you can consider. However,
you will note that everyone is unique. Some snacks might not work well for
everyone. However, there are some popular low carb snacks that you can take.

Some of these include the following:


1. Nuts


Most people usually like taking nuts. You will note that
most of them usually buy them whenever they are traveling and so on. One can
also buy them and take them when watching a movie. This snack is usually low in
carbohydrates. Nuts have several advantages. You will note that they are
usually full of fiber and can help to keep you full.

This means that your appetite will be reduced. They also contain healthy fats that are important in your body.
You will note that these nuts do not contain cholesterol. They are also very
rich in vitamins and minerals. If you normally experience digestion problems,
you should take these nuts. They are usually easier to digest. Your body will
be able to absorb the nutrients quite fast.

2. Greek Yogurt

Who does not like yogurt? This is a snack that most people
take when they are traveling and so on. It usually has several nutrients. This
kind of yogurt is usually high in proteins. The good news is that it does not
contain a lot of sugar and fat. This means that you do not have to worry about
gaining weight. In addition, this yogurt can help to keep you full for several
hours. It is advisable that you add some cinnamon to it. You can also
consider adding some chia seeds. This can help prevent constipation.

3. Hard-Boiled Eggs


Eggs are known to be rich in proteins. You can readily buy
these eggs from hotels and so on. You will note that your body will get several
nutrients. A typical egg normally has 13 essential vitamins and minerals. These
can help your body fight infections. The good news is that eggs also contain naturally
occurring vitamin D.A boiled egg can actually last for several days without
going bad. It can be a good source of proteins and other essential nutrients.

4. Avocado Crisps

Most people usually lie taking avocados. It has several
health benefits. You will note that these avocado crisps require little or no
time to prepare. You just need to mix avocado with salt, cheese and so on. Once
you are done, you need to flatten the fruit into discs. This can be a good
snack to take early in the morning.

5. Dark Chocolates


Most people usually like taking chocolates. You will note that
most women usually receive dark chocolates as gifts during Valentines and so on.
These chocolates usually have several health benefits. You will note that these
chocolates are usually rich in antioxidants. They can actually help improve
brain functions and even lower your blood pressure. When buying these chocolates,
you should go for those chocolates that are rich in cocoa.

6. Forest Fruits

There are many fruits that grow in the forest. Some of these
include blueberries, raspberries an even strawberries. These fruits usually
have several nutrients. You can add them to your protein shakes. You can also
blend them and drink their juice. This juice usually has several nutrients.
The good news is that they are not rich in carbohydrates.

7. Broccoli


You can easily get this vegetable in the market or even in supermarkets.
You will note that they are used to add flavor to food. It usually contains a
lot of proteins. Once you take them, you are likely to feel full. You might
take a while before taking another meal. In addition, they also contain a lot
of fibre. This can help prevent constipation.

Why should you take these snacks? There are many advantages
of taking these snacks. These include:

A. Reduced Body Fat

Carbohydrates can make you gain a lot of weight within a
short period of time. However, if you opt to take snacks that are low in carbs,
you can manage to reduce your body fat. The above-mentioned snacks do not have
high carbohydrate content. They can help you reduce your weight by a large

B. More Proteins

We need proteins in your bodies so as to repair the worn out
body tissues. If you want to gain muscles and lower your weight, you need to
take these snacks. Eggs can help you get the proteins that you need. You can
actually gain lean muscle while taking these snacks. The good news is that you
will be able to reduce your weight. In addition, your body will not have excess
fat since these snacks do not have a lot of carbohydrates. This means that your
body will use fat in order to generate energy.

C. Low Appetite

It is normal to feel hungry and to have cravings or a
particular food. However, once you start taking these snacks, you are likely to
feel full and thereby reduce your food intake. This can help you reduce your
stomach fat and eventually manage to save more money on meals. You can actually
take these snacks between meals.

Your dream of shredding stomach fat can become a reality if
you take these snacks. You can readily buy these snacks in the market and even
in retail shops. Minimize your carbohydrate intake and take these snacks today.
They have proved to be very helpful in weight loss.

How to Lose Weight Really Fast- [8 Important & Effective Tips]

How to Lose Weight Really Fast- [8 Important & Effective Tips]

8 Tips to Lose Weight Really Fast

Various methods can be used to lose weight. However, if you`re on a tight deadline, say preparing for a wedding, you need methods that can work really fast. In this article below, we’ll look at 8 effective tips you can use to lose weight really fast.

Our tips entail diet selection, lifestyle changes, and exercises.

1. Choose a Low-Carb Diet


The first step towards losing weight really fast is curbing the triggers or rather the major causes for weight gain. One of the major causes is carbohydrates and

While it’s obvious that eating less on any diet will translate to fewer calories you burn hence rapid weight loss; dieting is not an effective weight loss method.
Ultimately one will be tempted into taking an excess of the sugars.

With a low-carb diet, however, even without factoring the calories you take, a low carb diet naturally causes you to want to eat less. Additionally, it has been
proven that sugars and starch tend to increase the appetite levels.

Therefore, a low carb diet is a sure-fire way of cutting weigh fast. With this diet, even though the calories count, you will not need counting them.

2. Only Eat when Hungry

Stunningly, you will be surprised by the number of people who eat because of habit, boredom, frustration or stress. This behavior is so ingrained in our minds that some of us have forgotten the feeling of physical hunger. In any case, if you`re hankering for a specific type of food/dish, then probably that is not hunger
but probably a desire or craving. Craving is contrary to real hunger where you do not discriminate anything that falls on your plate.

However, if you`re looking to lose weight really fast, we`re not recommending that you starve yourself to near-death; no, what we`re commending is that you
should learn to recognize signs of food cravings and desires. In a nutshell, only eat you’re your body needs foods but not wants food.

3. Do Not Skip Meals

There`s a weight loss misconception that advocates for skipping meals to lose weight. Regrettably, many individuals under DIY weight loss regime have
subscribed to this fallacy.

Allow us to debunk this myth to you; skipping your meals will not lead to rapid weight loss. See, skipping your meal or going for long without eating does
double-harm to your body. First, it slows down the rate of metabolism.

Secondly, it naturally prims your body for a binge eating for your next meal.

Therefore, you find yourself subconsciously eating more food than your regular portion to “compensate” for the skipped meal, which will naturally lead to
weight gain.

4. Eat Real Foods and Avoid Sugary Snacks


With our busy work schedule, it`s common to find people substituting “real food” for sugary snacks such as burgers and fries for their main meal.

In this sense, the real food we mean food that humans have traditionally been eating for thousands of years such as fish, veggies, fruits, butter and olive oils, as
opposed to cookies, chocolate bars, ice cream.

If you`re looking to lose weight fast, focus on quality foods and avoid most of the processed foods.

5. Avoid Beer

Have you wondered why beer is commonly referred to as “beer belly” or “liquid bread.”

Beer has diuretic properties, meaning that it is rapidly absorbed into the body. Being a by-product of starchy grains, it contains large quantities of carbs, which
when rapidly digested, they shut down the fat burning process. With the process shut, it naturally leads to weight gain.

If you can`t keep your hands off the bottle, other safer alternative that does not contain carbs or sugar includes; wine, hard liquor, and dry champagne.

6. Sleep More

Funnily, lack of adequate sleep has been associated with weight gain- and not because of the late-night munchies, but numerous studies have indicated that
having less than the stipulated 7 hours of sleep slows down your metabolism rate.

Aside from medical conditions, most cases of sleep deprivation are often stress-related. With increased stress level, your body releases cortisol-This hormone is
responsible for weight gain as it results in increased hunger feelings.

Therefore, if you`re looking for effective ways to lose your weight fast, you should consider ways to relieve or handle your stress levels and increase the number of sleeping hours.

7. Drink Plenty of Water

If you`re looking to cut your weight expeditiously, you should then consider drinking plenty of water and avoid any other fluids. Yes, fluids such as cola, fruit
smoothie or energy drinks contain large quantities of calories-some contain as high as 100% calories and only fill you up with nothing to show.
Additionally, other fluids might be rich in sodium and carb, tricking your body into retaining water, thus puffing you out.

See, water is natural and calorie-free, zero-sodium and zero-carbs, making it the perfect slim-fluid. Moreover, water is vital for removing the excess sodium in
the body. Strangely enough, water is also responsible for removing excess water and reduce bloating, which actually helps in jumpstarting your metabolism.

If drinking plain water feels bland and boring, you can source it from fruits such as cucumber, melons, and cranberries- all which have diuretic properties and
are rich in fiber content to keep you full always.

8. Exercise Wisely

I know you`re wondering why exercising came at the bottom of the list. This is because exercises are overrated, and nor all exercises are sure to have you lose
weight fast. In fact, you do not really need exercises to cut weight, but they are still recommended to keep your weight in check. Nonetheless, any exercise is
better than no exercise.

However, for the exercises to work, they need to be in conjunction with the rest of the tips. Ideally, ensure that you visit the gym at least thrice or four times a
week, and perform some light to moderate exercises.

By doing so, you will burn lots of calories and reduce slowing of your metabolism.

From the above tips, it`s evident that to lose weight really fast is not such a challenge as it seems. However, for the tips to work, you need to exercise
persistence. You should follow all the tips of the word to achieve your desired result.

Best Essential Vitamins for Women- [Live Healthier]

Best Essential Vitamins for Women- [Live Healthier]

Vitamins for Women

Women often do not get enough vitamins. Vitamins for women usually include those with extra iron as women tend to develop anemia more so than men as
well as relief for menstrual symptoms as well as osteoporosis. All human beings need vitamins to live and vitamins are found in just about every food we eat.
However, many of us do not consume the right types of foods and cheat our bodies out of the vitamins needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle.


This is absolutely essential for growing children as well as women. It promotes strong bones and teeth as well as reduces the risk for osteoporosis.
Many physicians advise women to take calcium supplements to prevent this crippling disease.

Vitamin D


Vitamin D, which is found in calcium, also reduces the risk of getting hypertension and aids in blood clotting. Women who are pregnant should also be taking calcium supplements or getting enough calcium in their diets.

Folic Acid


Vitamins for women include folic acid which is recommended for women who are thinking about becoming pregnant. Folic Acid is found in Vitamin B-12 and
is proven to reduce the risk of birth defects as well as premature births.

B Vitamins

Most of the B vitamins, including B-12, have proven to be effective in combating depression and high blood pressure and can usually be found in green vegetables. Broccoli is one that is high in this vitamin, although women who are pregnant will usually be advised to take a supplement.


Vitamins for women who are pregnant usually include a multivitamin that contains nutrients that will replace those given to the growing baby. In addition to
multivitamin supplements, women who are pregnant often experience anaemia and are given Iron supplements as well to try to combat the fatigue.



Many women experience morning sickness when carrying a child. This is often part of the pregnancy process and drugs given in the past have proven disastrous
when it comes to preventing morning sickness. Ginger, however, is known to combat nausea and is a natural and effective way for a pregnant woman to
alleviate nausea that often accompanies pregnancy.

Vitamin A

This is also proven to reduce birth defects when taken by pregnant women. It is a valuable vitamin for women as it also boosts the immune
system and maintains healthy skin. Vitamin A can be found in dark orange produce such as carrots as well as in dark green vegetables such as broccoli. Vitamin
A has also been found to boost bone health.

Women who are pregnant or are thinking of becoming pregnant should consult with their doctor before taking any vitamins for women supplement. Taking too
much of some vitamins can result in toxicity and may have adverse effects on pregnancy

Vitamin E

Women who want to keep their skin looking good will benefit from Vitamin E. Vitamin E is also useful during pregnancy and is known to reduce the
possibility of birth defects. It also helps with anaemia and depression, two common side effects of pregnancy. In addition to the amazing benefits for skin health
, Vitamin E is also proven to prevent high blood pressure and improves memory. Some in the medical field are suggesting that Vitamin E can stave off
Alzheimer’s disease, an illness that affects both men and women.


Vitamins for women who are pregnant may also include Chromium which is used to regulate blood sugar. Many women develop gestational diabetes when
pregnant and this vitamin can help with this condition, although your doctor will also most likely prescribe insulin shots. Gestational diabetes is a serious
condition but can be avoided by keeping your weight down and consuming Chromium prior to getting pregnant. Chromium is found in whole grains, orange
juice, oysters, and chicken.

Black Cohosh


Vitamins for women who are experiencing menopause are many. Black Cohosh is one of the most popular as it is said to control hot flashes that accompany
menopause. There are side effects to this vitamin supplement, however, that include headaches and stomach problems. It is also not recommended for women
who may be pregnant or who have a history of breast disease. If you are experiencing symptoms of menopause, speak to your doctor about natural vitamins for
women that can alleviate your symptoms. While many doctors will prefer to prescribe hormone replacement therapy, remember that you are in charge of your
own health. Menopause is a natural condition and can be treated naturally with the proper vitamins for women.

Places You Can Buy Them

Vitamins for women are clearly available as multivitamins as well as supplements. You can purchase vitamins for women in most drug stores, health food
stores and online. While multivitamin supplements will do no harm, consult your physician prior to taking an extra supplement, particularly if you are pregnant,
thinking about becoming pregnant or are in the stages of menopause.

As you age, you still need vitamins to help live a full life. Women who are older tend to have issues with their bones and muscles. To keep their
metabolism up and to keep the bones strong, you have to have vitamins. So how do you get vitamins? One way is by eating healthy foods. Make sure that you
are eating right and that you keep your body active by walking or doing some light exercises. The other way is by taking supplements.


Most women will call supplements vitamins, but the truth is, that they don’t have as many vitamins in them as you think. When it comes to supplements, you
will find that the benefits sound great, but some have so many fillers that you may not be getting the nutrients that you think.

Supplements are to help encourage health awareness, but they are not medication. Before you begin to take supplements, you should consult your doctor. Make
sure that your doctor knows that you are thinking about taking supplements and ask them if there would be a problem if you did. There are certain medical
conditions and medications that cannot be mixed with certain supplements.

They say right on the bottle that they cannot treat, diagnose, or even help any medical condition that you have or may think that you have. They cannot cure a
disease they only promote health awareness. You will find that vitamin supplements have serious unwanted effects on people. You cannot take them before
surgery and these supplements contain vitamins that you would not normally get from your food. They have a higher rate of the vitamin in them and have
vitamin levels higher than found in food.

7 Exercises to Crush Belly Fat- [Absolutely Destroy It]

7 Exercises to Crush Belly Fat- [Absolutely Destroy It]

Exercises to Crush Belly Fat

You might have heard of an idiom that says, as stubborn as a mule.’ But, from experience, you have to agree that belly fat is more stubborn than a mule. For
decades, people of all races struggled with belly fat, but in recent years fitness experts have come up with exercises to crush belly fat.

Fat around the abdominal area is caused by the consumption of sugary beverages and food, menopause, low protein diet, alcohol, genetics or low fiber diet. In the
guide below we cover the danger of belly fat, 7 exercises that crush belly fat, and more.

Dangers of Belly Fat


Fact: everybody, even the ones with toned stomachs, has some fat around their abdominal area. It’s normal. But, the amount of fat is what affects someone’s
well-being. So, before you “accept” your gut, you need to understand the dangers it posses

Too much belly fat can lead to:


Joint pain


Breathing issues

Stroke and heart disease

Death: each year more than 300,000 people die from obesity-related diseases

Stubborn stomach fat should cause you sleepless nights. However, here is the kicker:

There are actual workouts that have been used successfully by thousands of people. Here is what you need to do to shed off that belly fat

Start with High-intensity Interval Training (HIIT) routines.

There has been a common misconception that long hours of workout lead to a faster fat loss. This couldn’t be further from the truth. To crush belly fat, you need
to incorporate fast-paced cardio into your routine.

HIIT involves various intense workouts that leave you exhausted but continue burning stomach fat even when you are resting. Interval training exercises
include sit-ups and jumps, jog and sprint, and burpees.

What to Do

Start with 15-minute Warm-Up Exercises.

Do interval training exercises for 5 minutes. Do each task for 45 seconds before switching to the next.

Tip: Choose exercises that act on different muscles so that specific muscles can relax as you work on others.

Russian Twist

Russian twists are abdominal exercises that are designed to help you lose belly fat, strengthen your back, and tone your waistline.

What to Do

Lie on the ground and bend your feet at the knees. Have someone or something hold your feet so that you don’t move them during exercise.

Raise your upper torso to make a V-shape with the thighs.

Clutch a weight in front of you; make sure your elbows are bent.

Gently twist your upper torso to the left side, exhale. Hold the position for a minute and return your body to the starting position and inhale. Do the same for the
right side.


Walking is one of the most effective ways to crush belly fat. A 1-hour brisk walk every day will help boost your metabolism and slow down the production of
cortisol; a hormone that contributes storage of ugly belly fat significantly.

For faster results, exercise early in the morning before breakfast. When on an empty stomach, your body burns stored fats fast. Drink plenty of water to stay

Tip: a 1-hour brisk walk can help you reduce up to 1 pound per week.


Planks are bodyweight exercises that not only tone your belly but also reduce back pain, improve balance and posture, and flexibility. There are various types of
planks which include standard planks, jumping planks, side planks, and knee planks.

What to do

For a standard plank: Start by lying on your tummy. Put your hands on the floor and lift your body off the ground. Support your weight on your hands and toes.

For a side plank; lie on your right side and lift your body using the left hand. Place your right foot on top of your left foot. Hold the position for a few minutes
then switch to the other side.

Lift Weights

Want to flatten your belly and strengthen your core? Well, lifting heavy weights can help you crush belly fat and improve your core. Lifting heavy weights
leaves your body with an afterburn effect. This means that your body continues to shed off weight even after leaving the gym.

You can start with dumbbells, kettlebells, or barbells. As your body becomes accustomed to these weights, you can introduce heavier weights.

Use a Rowing Machine

To row a boat, one does not need a canoe nor open water. Rowing exercises help burn fat, blast calories and are done using a rowing machine. This machine
raises the heart rate and works muscles on the abdomen, arms, shoulders, and legs.

What to Do

Sit on the rowing machine and strap in your feet.

As you lean back, use your foot your foot muscles to push the footplate

Bend your knees to go back to the start position. Do this exercise rapidly for 30 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds. Pay attention to the time you have traveled.

Tip: To burn more belly fat, strive to beat your previous rowing record.


Crunches have been found to crush belly fat faster than most exercises. There are various ways you can do crunches. You can start with regular crunches, and
then do twist crunches, reverse crunches, vertical leg crunches, and side crunches.

What to Do

Start by lying on the floor with hands at the back of your head.

For regular crunches: Lift the legs to a 90-degree angle. Gently lift your upper body from the ground and exhale. Hold the position for some seconds. Gently get
the upper body back to the ground and inhale. Repeat this exercises 10 times.

For twist crunches: hold your legs as in regular crunches. Then move the left shoulder towards the right, while keeping your right side on the floor. Alternate
with the left shoulder and repeat the exercise 10 times.

Side Crunches

This exercise is the same with twist crunches. The only difference is you need to move each leg with simultaneously with the shoulder.

Tip: Ensure your movements are slow and steady. Your midsection can be hurt if you do these exercises in a hurry.

Everyone desires a toned belly. A flabby belly isn’t attractive. The guide above has 7 exercises that crush belly fat. All have been tried and tested and have
proved to be effective. Start your journey to a flat belly today and use the above tips to see fast results.

10 Tasty Foods that Help You to- [Lose Weight Faster]

10 Tasty Foods that Help You to- [Lose Weight Faster]

10 Tasty Foods for Faster Weight Loss

Losing weight isn’t about committing yourself to eating boring foods. Research shows that it’s the people who stick to eating tasty but healthy foods who stand a
better chance of managing their weight. While not every food that’s tasty is healthy, there’s a good number of delicious foods that help to keep weight under
control. These foods are always available, yet you may have been overlooking them all the time you have been dieting. Here is a list of 10 tasty foods that help
you lose weight.

1. Eggs

Eggs, being rich in proteins, help to increase the bulk of your body muscles instead of stacking up on fat. The result is that your weight is kept under control,
and your body shape improves. The minerals contained in eggs such as zinc and the amino acids also help you lose weight by helping to increase the
metabolism rate. Eggs are also rich in calcium, a mineral that helps to quicken the rate of metabolism.

Eggs are not only delicious but easy to obtain. They can also stay for long without going bad, making them worth having in the house. You can eat them boiled,
scrambled or fried. However, avoid taking too many eggs on a regular basis and combine them with other foods.

2. Sweet Potatoes


Sweet potatoes satiate you on less and make you remain feeling full for long. After a meal containing these tasty tubers, you won’t be needing to stack on
calories until many hours later. The yellow variety of sweet potatoes contains adequate amounts of beta-carotene, a form of vitamin A that further betters your health.

You can eat sweet potatoes as fries, boiled or baked. Mashed sweet potatoes added to soup also make for a tasty meal. Eating them in the morning as part of
your breakfast keeps you full for the most of the day preventing you from engaging in unhealthy snacking.

3. Avocado


Although avocado contains oil, it’s the healthy monounsaturated type of fat. Research shows that the fat in avocado helps to make you full on fewer calories
helping you to fight cravings for unhealthy snacks. This tasty fruit has been shown to reduce belly fat in particular. The fiber contained in this fruit also brings
about satiation for long periods of time and prevents cravings that could cause you to eat in between meals.

You can eat avocado sliced, or you can make it a substitute for butter and margarine in your meals especially breakfasts. It makes for healthy eating.

4. Chicken


Chicken contains quality protein that helps your body to become leaner by enhancing the growth of muscles. It also contains minerals like zinc which help to
increase the rate at which stored fat is broken down to release energy. Another mineral present in chicken is calcium which helps to increase the rate at which
stored fat is broken down by the body to give energy.

Eating a serving or two of child chicken every week keeps a check on your weight while ensuring you treat yourself to a delicious meal.

5. Peanut Butter

Peanut butter makes you feel satiated on less food, prompting you to stop eating and risking to increase your weight. The butter is rich in healthy
monounsaturated fats ensuring that you healthily lose weight. Peanut butter also contains proteins that help you to lose weight by promoting muscle growth.

6. Chia Seeds

These seeds are one of the tasty foods for weight loss. They are rich in fiber and healthy fats that help to bring satiation without having to eat too much. The
satiation prevents cravings and results in better weight management.

One good thing about chia seeds is that you can them to almost any food to give you a delicious meal.

7. Salmon


Fish, and especially salmon, are a great food to alternate with chicken for weight loss. Salmon is not only rich in proteins that promote muscle growth and
shedding of fat, but they also contain Omega 3 fatty acids that make fat cells to shrink.

Experts recommend one or two serving of salmon every week. You can have it at any time of the day and alongside almost any meal.

8. Bananas

Bananas are a healthy food with many health benefits. Among them is the satiating fiber that helps you to feel full on less, and for long. In terms of calories,
bananas are safe to eat since they contain fewer calories compared to other starch-containing foods. This wonder fruit and vegetable also contains a whole lot of
minerals that aid weight loss. Of notable amount is potassium, a mineral that helps your body to recover after a workout.

9. Yogurt


Yogurt is another tasty food that helps your body in many ways. It contains proteins that help to bulk out muscles and prevent a buildup of fat. The protein in
yogurt also helps to provide satiation from a small meal. With a full stomach, you’re unlikely to overeat. Yogurt also contains probiotics that help to improve
gut health for better digestion and increased metabolism. Being a dairy product, this tasty food contains high levels of calcium. Calcium helps with speeding up
metabolism in your body, burning body fat.

You can take plain yogurt or have it mixed with other foods. For yogurt to help you lose weight, you would need to avoid the sweetened type that contains
many calories.

10. Wholegrain Bread

Compared to white bread, wholegrain bread helps keep your weight in check. It contains fibre that keeps you satiated for less and for longer. It prevents you
from having sugar cravings that may cause you to snack before main meals. Wholegrain bread also contains fewer calories and is unlikely to lead to weight gain
if eaten in moderation.

Have whole bread alongside fruit for a breakfast that’s not only delicious but for weight control. Avoid too much of it though, and it could cause the opposite.

With these tasty foods for weight loss, you will shed weight in addition to enjoying your meals. You won’t lack the motivation to a diet that comes with meals
that don’t give you appetite. And, because dieting should not be a form of punishment, incorporating these foods into your meals would make following your
weight loss plan easier.

When buying these tasty foods, ensure you buy the ones that are organically grown. For meat and eggs always go for organic. You don’t want to achieve on one
front only to lose in another. Consuming foods from safely grown crops and safely reared animals helps you manage weight the healthy way.

Walking to Lose Weight- [Burn 10 Pounds by Walking]

Walking to Lose Weight- [Burn 10 Pounds by Walking]

Walking to Lose Weight

Walking to lose weight is basically moving your body using your legs. It is a convenient workout that can enable you to get rid of unwanted weight and it will conveniently assist you in reaching your targets of losing weight. It is an enjoyable and safe kind of workout, and a lot of people actually stick to a walking as a way of losing weight in the long term – and this is very important for healthy weight maintenance.

Walking to lose weight helps in the maintenance and development of muscles while burning calories. And since muscle has a higher metabolic rate compared to
fat, it follows that the more muscles the less fat in you, meaning more calories are burnt even when you are at rest.

Set Realistic Goals


Setting realistic goals and understanding the basics of weight loss is really the key to losing weight. People who are considered obese or overweight can also
walk to lose weight because these people exert more effort and energy to walk than those individuals of much lower weight. Even if your goal is not to lose
weight, walking provides healthful benefits to the body by improving the lungs and heart.

For those who are just beginning to lose weight by walking, can start by walking for at least 15 to 20 minutes 3 times a week and slowly adding the
duration and frequency until they are walking from 30 to 60 minutes each day.

Add Some Resistance

Adding resistance training to your walking routines, such as walking with ankle or arm weights, can help you stay toned and at the same time lose weight.
Walking builds and tones leg muscles, hips, and buttocks. Walking also improves the endurance and strength of these muscles, allowing you to accomplish
more without getting tired easily. Keep in mind though that stretching your muscles before and after walking is important to prevent injury and improve the
body’s flexibility.

Walking also builds aerobic ability and strengthens another muscle: your heart. With higher aerobic capability, more oxygen is brought to the body enabling
you to maintain longer exercises strengthening your muscles. Walking at least 30 minutes three times a week is required for aerobic conditioning to be


The following are some guidelines to walking for weight loss, including important steps that you should take to lose weight safely, effectively, and steadily:
Keep a record of what you eat and drink to be conscious of what, how much, and the frequency of your eating and drinking throughout the day and keeping a
track of them.

Measure the distance you have walked. This allows you to make comparisons of different routes to take and which one will help you increase the distance gradually. You can use a pedometer to make it easier for you to know the speed and distance of your walks.

Keep Track of Things


Keep a log that records your progress as you add more to the distance and speed of walking. The usual items you can put in your log book are Date, Time,
Distance, Speed (distance divided by time in minutes multiplied by 60), Amount of calories burned, and Weight.

Set a realistic goal to be able to keep motivated in achieving your desired results.

Let your family and friends know that you are walking to lose weight and share with them your goal, progress, and achievements. Having their support is
another way to get the motivation to keep going until you reach your weight loss goal.

When is The Best Time to Start?

So how do you when is the best time to start walking for weight loss? This is a common question to a lot of individuals and the most popular answer is that
walking should be done in the morning to be effective. There are many different suggestions and opinions, but the bottom line is that the best time to start is
when you are ready and you know that it is right for you. Check out the list below to help you get more effective results on your walking exercise especially if
you are just a beginner:

Get Good Quality Shoes

Shop for good quality walking shoes that will support your feet, knees, hips, and spine. Walking shoes can provide you the needed support and offers
flexibility than other types of shoes. Investing in good quality walking shoes will make sure that you are comfortable and free from pain or blisters or both.
For this reason, you will be able to walk easier and allow you to increase the duration of your walks. Make sure to buy shoes with a proper fit and allow
sufficient room for the toes to wiggle. And always wear athletic socks for added protection.

Try walking down a driveway or path walk for 10 minutes when you begin walking. Increase the duration of your walk gradually by 5 minutes as soon as you
know you can do it. The amount of time you give for walking and the frequency of your walking really depends on you.
Stand up straight by keeping your hips aligned with the upper body. Bending at your hips and hunching over will develop a bad posture. Good posture helps to
make breathing easy and doesn’t put stress on the neck, shoulders, and back. It is recommended to look straight ahead of you than looking at your feet or the

Relax Your Arms

Your arms should be relaxed when you walk. However, if you do swing your arms, keep your elbows at 90? at your sides and countering it with your legs,
meaning if you move your right leg, you then have to move your left arm. Swing your arms naturally back and forth to add intensity to your walking.
If you are just starting out, avoid using hand weights for walking for these are reserved for more experienced walkers. These weights can increase your heart
rate and develop muscles, but for the beginners, they might cause injury and pain to the wrists and arms. Concentrate on walking faster or longer instead during
the first stages of your walking rather than on putting additional weight load on your body.

Buying a pedometer is essential for keeping track of your speed and progress while walking.

Pace Yourself

If you are ready, try walking briskly or a little faster than you normally do at the beginning of your walking routine. This helps lessen the stress on your joints
especially if you are overweight. Speeding up to an established pace can help in raising the metabolism and burning fat.

Increase your walking time gradually until you can do 30 to 60 minutes each day.

Have A Backup Plan


Always have a backup plan like walking around the mall just in case the weather gets bad and prevent you from doing your usual walking routine.
It doesn’t matter if you just want to walk towards the end of the street or plan a 30-minute walk, these tips can be handy so you can do it right. They are very
simple and easy to follow for an effective walking to lose weight routine.

Losing weight requires burning more calories than you eat each day. In walking for weight loss, the number of calories burned will be determined by the
distance that you walk and your weight. To get the most effective results your walking routine must start from moderate and gradually increasing it to a more
intense level. The more vigorous the exercise and the longer you do it, the more calories burned which result in weight loss.

7 Basic Yoga Poses For Any Beginner- [Easy Yoga]

7 Basic Yoga Poses For Any Beginner- [Easy Yoga]

7 Basic Yoga Poses For Any Beginner

Yoga is a wonderful and very beneficial activity that anyone can do. Basic yoga is extremely enjoyable and easy to learn. Learning basic yoga can
be a way to live a much healthier lifestyle, trim down your weight and end up feeling amazing on a daily basis! Who doesn’t want that, right? Here
are seven basic yoga poses for any beginner. These are highly recommended and will definitely get you into basic yoga without muscle strain or
complicated and more advanced poses.

1. Cat-cow stretches


Starting with some cat-cow stretches is a great way to start doing basic yoga while also stretching to prepare yourself for even more poses. To do
cat-cow stretches start on all fours with your back straightened out. Slowly let your spine and back become rounded as you breathe out. Allow your
head to lower down towards the floor as your back rounds and hold it for a few seconds. Next, moving into the cow stretch, begin inhaling as you
arch your back and allow your abs to become lower to the ground. Ensure that your neck stays in a line with your spine as you look up and pay
attention to breathing. Like in all of yoga, breathing is key. It’s recommended to do ten cat-cow stretches to really get you in the mood for our next

2. Downward Dog


Even if you haven’t done yoga before you’ve probably heard the term “downward dog” mentioned in popular culture or movies where someone
does yoga. It’s one of the easiest and most beneficial poses in basic yoga – and any beginner can learn it in no time. You do this pose in various
kinds of yoga, especially the vinyasa yoga form. In many cases, going into downward dog can be a bit of a “break” from harder poses. To do this
pose you just start on your hands and knees with your arms out in front of you and then breathe out while lifting your knees off the floor. Continue
pressing away from the floor while lifting the pelvis until you have basically formed a giant letter “V” with your body. Keep hands shoulder-width
apart and allow heels to rock down towards the floor. Breathe steadily and hold. Congratulations, you just did downward dog pose!

3. The Warrior

This pose is excellent for your leg muscles and mental clarity. Think of yourself as a yoga warrior, learning the ancient art of mastering your mind
and body. To do this basic yoga pose you stand with your feet set wide apart. Next, turn your right foot so that it’s at a square angle with the heel of
your left foot (offset by 90 degrees). Then bend your left knee 90 degrees and raise your hands to your shoulder height, one hand in front, one
behind. Look out over your fingers in the front and hold this for five consistent, long breaths in and out. Then switch the feet and which knee is
bent and do it on the other side. When you do this pose right you will look a lot like martial arts master Jet Li in a movie when he’s about to
fight someone. You should be calm, serene and firmly in place.

4. The Triangle


The triangle is a wonderful pose that will improve your balance, stretch out your legs and really stretch and provide amazing benefits to your back.
It’s also quite simple to do. All you do to complete this basic yoga pose is to stand with your feet set wide apart and turn your right foot 90 degrees
offset from the heel of your left foot, like the warrior pose. Reach out your arms at shoulder level then slowly reach down to your front leg as far as
you can without pain. Hold your top arm up vertically and follow it with your gaze. Hold the triangle for five long breaths in and out.

5. Tree

Just like how trees are healthy for our environment, the tree pose is healthy for your body. This is another iconic basic yoga pose you may have
seen in movies or heard about even if you haven’t done yoga before. To do it requires some skill, but once you master the tree you will feel an
increasing sense of balance and inner calm and focus. To do it you stand on one leg and bend your knee to then place your other foot on your inner
thigh just around the knee. Put your hands together in front like you are praying, with the palms facing one another. Look out in front of you
steadily while holding this pose for 10 deep breaths, then do it for the other side.

6. Bound Angle


Bound angle is a basic yoga pose that is great for your mental clarity and calm as well as a comprehensive workout and stretches for your inner
thighs, groin and legs. In order to do it just sit on the floor with your knees bent and your feet touching each other at the soles. Next, allow your
knees to splay to the sides, grasp under your feet with your hands, forming a hammock for them and hold the pose. If your upper thighs are tighter
and less pliable it may be hard to lower your legs all the way to the sides and they may form more of a quadrangle in front of you, which is also
OK. As you continue doing the bound angle pose you will improve on a regular basis.

7. Pigeon Pose


In addition to being those cute birds you see old men feeding at the park, pigeons form the basic idea of this pose. In order to do pigeon pose, start
by doing a plan with your hands right under your shoulders and straight, extended legs. Next, move your left knee as close as you can behind your
left arm and move your left foot back behind your right arm. Then, lower your hips to the floor. Put pressure into your hands and sit back, then
lower down to stretch out into a child’s pose. Do it again with the right leg. This is an amazing pose for opening up your chest and breathing and it
will teach you the value and benefits of sticking to something despite some initial challenge and seeing its many benefits.

As you do these seven basic yoga poses you’re sure to start noticing the health
benefits as well as increased mental clarity and improved moods. Wishing you
the best of success in your endeavors as you embark on your yoga journey!

10 Essential Vitamins Your Body Needs- [Healthy Living]

10 Essential Vitamins Your Body Needs- [Healthy Living]

Essential Vitamins Your Body Needs

Probably you are wondering about getting the essential vitamins for your healthy living. Well, there are
different types of vitamins that we know but not all of them are necessary for
our bodies. As we all know, vitamins are required in our bodies for different
purposes that ensure our bodies are functioning normally. Lack of correct
amount of vitamins, therefore, may lead to some diseases or abnormal functioning
of our body. Everyone who is looking to maintain his or her health should keep
in mind a balanced diet containing these important vitamins. The list below
contains ten essential vitamins your body needs for optimal health.

1. Vitamin A


Vitamin A has a lot of health benefit in our bodies. It is antioxidant, which is responsible
for maintaining normal eyesight, facilitate the growth of cells and boost our immunity.
To obtain vitamin A it is necessary to have a regular diet rich in vegetables
and fruits. Some of these vegetables include; spinach, squash, carrot and other
leafy vegetables. Remember, we can also obtain it from animal products such as
eggs, liver, and milk. Deficiency of Vitamins in our bodies would lead to
health complications such as poor eyesight, infections, and skin damage.

2. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is antioxidant, also referred to ascorbic acid. It facilitates the regeneration of tissues,
the formation of blood vessels, bones and skin. Vitamin C also helps in reducing LDL
cholesterol. You do not need to worry about the sources as you can easily find
in most fruits and vegetables. Some of these fruits include; berries, lemons, oranges,
and apple. The vegetables that contain vitamin C include; kale, spinach,
tomatoes and potatoes. Deficiency of Vitamin C causes a disease condition known
as scurvy.

3. Vitamin D


You may be surprised that most people lack vitamin D in their bodies. The main reason is that,
they take for granted the fact that we can obtain it through the sunshine.
Normally, nutritionalist recommends at least ten minutes of sunshine, each day
in order to obtain vitamin D. Sunshine converts chemicals in our skin to a
Vitamin D. Alternatively, you can get it through food sources such as milk and
cod liver oil. This vitamin is essential in our bodies in fighting diseases
such as high blood pressure and heart disease.

4. Vitamin E

Many processes take place in our bodies. This include; neurological, enzymatic and activities
of different organs. In order to attain optimal functionality, our bodies
require vitamin E to facilitate these processes. The nutrient is responsible
for preventing the blocking of arteries, heart diseases, and high blood pressure.
You can find vitamin E in fruits, grains, nut oil and wheat.

5. Vitamin K


Vitamin K is useful in causing blood to clot whenever there is a cut or exposure of blood.
This normally helps to prevent excessive bleeding. It is also useful in
facilitating bone metabolism and regulating the calcium level in our bodies.
Unlike other vitamins, vitamin K is not obtained directly from plants. When we
take food from plants, it is acted upon by bacteria in the intestine, which
convert them to vitamin K. It is then absorbed through the intestine and stored
in the body fat. Lack of Vitamin K would result in prolonging bleeding which
would lead to the loss of excess blood.

6. Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is crucial in our bodies for the production of red blood cells, healthy nerves and improves
brain functionality. Red blood cells contain hemoglobin useful in the circulation
of oxygen in the body. Lack of Vitamin B12 would, therefore, result in a
condition known as Anemia. If you are a lover of meat, you probably have enough
vitamin B12 in your body. The sources of vitamin B12 include; beef, poultry,
pork, milk, and egg. However, you can also obtain it from a food supplement.

7. Vitamin B1

Our bodies need Vitamin B1 in order to metabolize carbohydrate to generate energy. There is no denying that we
require enough energy in our bodies. It also helps to improve the nerve system. You
probably have seen some pregnant mothers with unusual nerves inflammation. Well,
this is because of the lower level of vitamin B1 in their bodies. Vitamin B1 is
therefore required to prevent the condition. Vitamin B1 also helps to boost the immune
system and improve brain functionality. You can obtain it from beans, yeast, and
liver. Deficiency of this important nutrient would lead to weight loss, lack of
appetite and nerve inflammation.

8. Vitamin B2


For you to have healthy blood cells, you must have sufficient vitamin B2. It is also required to improve energy level
and activities of the organs. Vitamin B2 helps in converting energy after
digestion into ATP for the purpose of storage. We should make sure that vitamin
B2 is sufficient for our organs to function effectively. Deficiency
results in anemia and damage of nerves.

9. Vitamin B3

It is another water-soluble vitamin, which is essential for improving body metabolism by regulating the level of cholesterol.
It helps boost the brain, maintenance of healthy skin and prevent diabetes. You
can obtain it from fish, meat, mushrooms and seeds. We should purposely ensure
that we keep ourselves healthy by having a balance diet including the above

10. Vitamin B5

This type of vitamin is found in all living cells in our bodies. It is the most useful nutrient to have because of
the roles it plays. These include; regulating the level of cholesterol in the body,
regulating blood pressure and facilitating production of energy. It also helps
in improving body immunity and aid indigestion. The source of vitamin B5
include; meat, raw milk, legumes, nuts and eggs. One can easily suspect
deficiency of vitamin B5 through symptoms such as fatigue, muscle cramp and insomnia.
Of course, you may not like to be in these conditions when you can actually
prevent it.

There is no denying that essential
vitamins play big roles in preventing diseases in our bodies. It is better to
prevent than to cure. We can actually keep ourselves healthy by adhering to the
balanced diet, which includes the above essential vitamins.